Behold, I have told you before.
Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. ~Matthew 24:24-27
I kept seeing this picture making the rounds a few days ago.
During this press conference in which Trump was seated at a kiddie-sized version of the Resolute Desk, he told a reporter "You can't talk to me that way, I'm the President of the United States!"
Here's a pro-tip from a guy who learned most of what he knows about leadership either from veterans or during his own time in the United States Air Force: Respect is earned, by every action, every day. It's literally a 24-7-365 proposition and it takes only one fuck-up to lose it all. Yeah, that's a hard road. If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the fucking kitchen.
But there's one thing time and tide have taught me, that I'd hasten to add here; If you have to bellow about how "You can't talk to me that way!" Oh hell yes they can because you're not That Guy.
You're not the guy that people would charge into battle and die for, you're not the person who commands respect simply by bearing or competence or leadership skills. You might inspire sycophancy, but in all honesty most of the people drawn to you are that way not because they want to do something for you, but because they want to get something from you.
And with Trump, if he ever understood the difference he certainly no longer seems to care.
In fact, with Trump, that seems to be the draw, the total lack of leadership skills, of ability to face another person and tell them "No, this is the way it has to be done." To a 13-year-old, Trump would perhaps be thought of as the cool adult who lets them get away with a bunch of shit.
And it's true, as long as they give proper glory to the Giant Orange Butthole the Republicans and Trump Supporters have largely been left to do whatever they damn well please, which is why aside from tax cuts, routine stuff that absolutely has to be done and one insufficient COVID-19 relief package, the Trump Era, such as it was, is mostly going to be known for executive branch malfeasance, hot air, and political masturbation. Which, in all honesty, works fine if you're a wealthy Republican and your entire brand is built around doing nothing while things get worse and the common person's life gets harder.
Except that, in the end, it didn't really work because the farrago of bullshit that's required to actually sustain this paradigm has begun to boomerang on the Republicans, and the right-wing media bullshit machine that does the work pledged loyalty to Trump Over Party years ago.
And they know all this, or at least the smarter ones do, but these fucking people have pushed the idea that Trump is some kind of go-getter and hard working pious Very Serious Person as much as anything because they think other people are blind or deaf or stupid and well, mostly to cover their own bullshit.
So now that they've smacked hard into the wall of realty a lot of these people don't even know which direction is "Up."Trump Supporters are threatening to boycott the Georgia runoff elections in January, and even accusing people like Brian Kemp and Ronna McDaniel of conspiring with Bernie Sanders, dead foreign dictators and the Democrats to deny Trump reelection, or something something gazpacho. Essentially, accepting basic reality now marks one as a detestable Republican In Name Only or something, and even now these fucking people are swarming some fake hearing in an Arizona Hyatt hotel ballroom trying to "gather evidence" to prove their conspiracy theories.As multiple people have said on Twitter, this thing in Arizona has all the actual legal effect of a Furry convention, and they're apologizing to Furry conventions for the comparison. It's not just a safe bet at this point, but it's a proven fact that Furries are generally better people than Republicans are, and Republicans have absolutely no one to blame for that more than themselves. In the last five years they've taken every single thing they ever said they believed in before and set it on fire, leaving it in the middle of the road to burn.
They've replaced all that with an unholy trinity of fascism, racism and wanton desire to "Own the Libs" whatever the fuck that even means. Understand, too, that tracks well with the fact that a large percentage of the Trump Supporters that I've ever talked to either can't or won't say why they support him.But it's usually something along these kind of lines, that These Fucking People always seem to think that this or that Republican will be the one to just kill the people that they don't like, as if such a thing were possible in a top-down, organized way in a country whose Constitution says that no one shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. No, we don't always perfectly well abide by all that, but when we don't, it's as often as not bad actors within the system (and those who try to shield them from accountability) rather than the system as a whole. An organized effort to kill off whole sectors of society because some chucklefuck on an internet-based TV channel doesn't like them seems unlikely to even leave the studio as a coherent idea, not least because every single one of these dipshits has differing ideas of who "The Enemy" even is.
How many Republicans would these assholes kill for not being Republican enough, or shitty enough?
I'm going to guess that number is pretty high these days.
Pro tip here: Murderous assholes really don't care who gets murdered as long as the total includes maybe a few high profile people they don't like. It's the murder that's the point.
And seriously, whatever happened to "Thou Shalt Not Kill?"
The cold, hard truth here is that Republicans don't give a damn about America, unless it's theirs and only theirs and they get to determine who lives or dies based on their feelings of the moment and for no other reason, with no accountability or ever even having to think about why.It should be evident that the sober, serious conservatism and Republicanism of the past is deader than Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. Most of what these fucking people believe today is nothing but a bunch of tribal Unga Bunga bullshit with no basis in reality, it's the Scopes Monkey Trial fundamentalists meets Joe McCarthy and the John Birch Society in the dirty restroom of a gay bathhouse in Moscow, and then these fucking idiots wonder why they lost the election?
I think Stonekettle sums it up pretty well: It's not heaven if everybody gets to go.
It's not America if everybody gets to have some.
Be glad we voted Trump out, and to a great extent held the line otherwise, but Y'all in Georgia better show up.
We're going to have to keep voting these motherfuckers out until there aren't any left.
If you want a better country, you have to be better citizens.