Friday, September 25, 2020



Hudson: Is this gonna be stand-up fight, sir, or another bug-hunt?
Gorman: All that we know is that there's still no contact with the colony and that... a Xenomorph may be involved.
Frost: Excuse me, sir...a what?
Gorman: A Xenomorph.
Frost: It's a bug-hunt.

~From the film Aliens.

At work last night, a friend of mine told me that during his vacation last week, his family more or less forced him to attend a "Trump party" that he didn't want to go to. He's not just not a Trump Supporter, he hates Trump. He constantly complains about all the nutty Republicans in his family...and this really was just an extension of that.

A "Trump party."

Hold on, let's back the truck up here.

Now, personally, I'll be 47 years old in November. I've been going to parties of one sort or another my whole life. Birthday parties, Barbecues, Christmas parties, other holiday parties, etc. Halloween is at this point in a category all it's own. Thanksgiving, New Years, all the traditional food-and-festivities holidays I've dealt with both as a cook or other food service person, and as a partygoer. I even have worked catering and event staff for formal balls, including the Marine Corps League ball in Petoskey, MI two years in a row. Add in beer parties, dance parties, drug parties, pool parties, sex parties. Hell, I think I've been to or around most kinds of festivities known to man, both religious and secular, and some from other cultures; including Buddhist celebrations, multiple Christian gatherings in different denominations, a Muslim Eid feast and a Passover Seder, hell I even went to a Powwow a few times, and worked to do the catering for one when I worked at the college up north. In 2001 I went to a Jamaican Independence Day party put on for all the foreign workers in the area by Boyne resorts and that...that was a trip.

And there ain't nothing on this earth like the Reggae festivals I've been to, including one in Jamaica, which seemed to draw people from all over the world.

But I've never heard of a party dedicated to one specific non-mythological individual, let alone a President, especially a supposedly-conservative Republican president.

I can't imagine a Reagan party, or a Bush party, or a Clinton party, or even an Obama party. It seems to me, in fact, like none of those people would care for the idea, or would have.

My reaction on being told such a thing existed was literally "Excuse me, sir...a what?" 

Such a thing as a "Trump Party" is incomprehensible to me, it's like finding out that the Xenomorph from Aliens lived next door, or Dragons being real, or Zombies rising from the dead.

I'm going to level with everybody here, and it's time for some real talk.

This Trump bullshit is turning into a cult, period. The Republican Party is not a political party anymore, it's a cult, and it thinks it wants to be some kind of state-sponsored quasi-religion like Juche in North Korea. It'll have Trump as its Godhead, Conspiracy Theories as his bastard Son, and a Holy Spirit composed of ever-increasing racism...and as I wrote yesterday there's no aspect of life that they'll consider private or unfit for visitation by their shitty judgmental attitudes. Other people's desires, lives or needs mean nothing to people who will measure everything based on how it makes them feel or whether it gives them power or not.

And these fucking people have an endless, insatiable desire to feel powerful.

Like, give these motherfuckers another four years and the only kind of parties they'll want to allow are "Trump parties."

And why? 

It's the same shitty unreasoning fear that leads some doofus in Iowa to carry four weapons just to go to the store, strapped up like he thinks he's going to get into a firefight with Daesh or SPETSNAZ in the line at the goddamned ice cream counter. I mean, come on, dude. This shit is ridiculous and I say that as a gun owner. I have literally never in my life felt a need to take a weapon into the store with me.

ALL IS TRUMP because these cowardly, useless shits...many of whom, mind you, don't or can't work and depend on "liberal" programs and liberal people so that they can have electricity to power their computers and TV's and keep eating and have a roof over their heads...hate and fear liberalism, centrism, and even moderate, pragmatic conservatism on the level of Richard Nixon or Ronald Reagan simply because those guys expected something of people, had beliefs other than nihilism and racism and didn't offer the easy, dopamine-fixing answers that these goddamned fucking morons crave.

Even lots of these fucking people know it's all bullshit. The sad fact is that they prefer the bullshit to reality. They'd rather feel good about themselves and their incurious, shitty attitudes and lives for a couple minutes than face the change they know is coming, and that they know they can't stop short of killing children, short of plunging America into civil war and ripping the country down the seam like an old T-shirt, and short of casting themselves off from the United States and into the dangerous waters of being a new state in international politics....and even that would only net them part of the country.

And probably a lot smaller of a part than they think, too.

Georgia is a swing state now. Iowa is a swing state. Texas is a swing state. These fucking people are having to play defense on their own home turf...because of Trump, and they still can't quit him.

And they hate us for it.

They hate us for their own bad decisions, because the thing that must be protected above all else isn't actually Donald's their own fragile egos.

Conservatism isn't actually morphing into fascism. They've tried that, and it failed. They have a force of fascists, that's massively outnumbered by the rest of us. Fascism collapses when its internal logic no longer holds up. Conservatism is imploding, not changing. The problem is, it's imploding the way a star does after shedding most of its bulk in a supernova, condensing down to a supermassive dwarf star and its gravity is deforming spacetime in such a way as to accelerate the process for creating a Black Hole.

And this is, fundamentally, because conservatives tried to please a narcissist, tried to be like him, tried to give him the adulation they thought would make him happy. The trouble with that, is that Trump has a personality disorder.

So does my ex-wife. I've lived this already.

You could pour the entire country, every single aspect of it, down that empty hole where Trump's soul is supposed to have been and it still would never fill it.

And the only thing we can do is show up, in great enough numbers that they're afraid to try anything funny, and be prepared to fight them off after that, because that's where this mess is going.

And no matter how badly it goes for them, no matter how many of them and the rest of us die, in 20 years the ones that are left will still be posting #MAGA shit and while Confederate statues will certainly still be coming down, Trump statues will be going up to replace some of them.

Because some people might as well be goddamned Xenomorphs, for all the humanity they possess.

[after Burke is revealed as the one who set the facehuggers loose on Ripley and Newt]
Hudson[aiming his rifle at Burke] I say we grease this rat fuck-son-of-a-bitch right now!
Hicks: It just doesn't make any goddamn sense.
Ripley: He figured he could get the alien past the quarantine if one of us was... impregnated - whatever you call it - and frozen for the way home. Nobody would know about the embryos we're carrying. Me and Newt.
Hicks: Wait a minute. We would all know.
Ripley: Yes, the only way he could do it is if he sabotaged certain freezers on the way home. Namely, yours. Then he could jettison the bodies and make up any story he would like to.
Hudson: Fuck! He's dead! [aims his rifle at Burke again] You're dogmeat, pal!
Burke: This is so nuts. I mean listen... listen to what you're saying. It's all paranoid delusion. It's really sad. It's pathetic.
Ripley: You know, Burke, I don't know which species is worse. You don't see them fucking each other over a goddamn percentage.

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