Saturday, September 19, 2020

This Present Darkness...Part Three (American Revelation, One Shots, RIP RBG)

Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you. ~Ruth Bader Ginsburg 

Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away last night.

Republicans wasted no time in being, well, Republicans and plotting to reach into every uterus in the country in their never-ending, relentless search for absolute, unaccountable power. Let me just say that I'd like to add "Fuck these motherfuckers."

The outrage...and epic-level fundraising...from Democrats was immediate and predictable.

And I found out that there literally is a PAC called "Get Mitch Or Die Trying" so there's that.

But of course we live in an age where literally everything has to be an election issue.

Well, RBG just underlined and added a bunch of exclamation points to the question of "Who do we want to be?!?!?!?"

Well, let me tell you who they want to be.

Delaware GOP candidate Lauren Witzke is a Q-Anon nut who pushes anti-Semitism, Flat Earth bullshit and various and assorted conspiracy theories, who, when asked about him, said that Donald Trump should be President for life.

Personally, I never thought the Delaware GOP could top Christine O'Donnell, I was wrong.

So, basically, for starters; Republicans want to not be citizens of a free, democratic nation, but instead to be subjects to a dictator or a king. Tell me again how these fucking people ever became known as "Conservatives?"

Even as recently as 2010, in the midst of the Tea Party craziness, somebody like Lauren Witzke would have been beyond the pale. But since then, in the face of cultural, political and social change, Republicans have developed what I'd call basically an Anti-Freedom Caucus. This is a problem.

The essence of conservatism is supposed to be "Things as they are" and the United States of America was founded as a democratic nation in opposition to dictators and kings, which were at the time of our founding the norm for how power and politics functioned in the world.

Conservatives, my fucking ass. I'm tired of these fucking people and they need to be driven from power and never allowed to have it again. It's really that damned simple. The fact that it's taken people until relatively recently to start understanding this is...problematic.

"Things as they are" means freedom and democracy. How people like Marsha Blackburn square statements like "We will never rewrite the Constitution of the United States" with the "Let Trump Be King" mentality of many of their own voters is something I'll never understand. But then, as even many Republicans have admitted since 2016, these fucking people have an amazing capacity for incomprehension and ignoring whatever the fuck is happening right in front of them if it doesn't fit whatever their narrative is at the time.

During the George Floyd protests in Washington D.C. the Republicans were scheming to turn weapons of war against peaceful protesters. The only reason they didn't was that enough military people said no, and a lot of the shit they wanted to use simply wasn't available...generally because when the military finds something to be inhumane, which is naturally from that perspective a pretty high bar, they tend not to keep it around. So there tend not to be things like LRAD's (Long Range Acoustic Devices) and directed-energy heat rays laying around for any old wannabe-despot to use. It's one thing to use an LRAD against Somali pirates on the open ocean where they're the targets are by nature the only people in the area of effect. It's completely another to use such a thing in a crowded city where a substantial number of the people who might be affected aren't even involved s in whatever is going on, and where your own people are certainly going to be present as well. But then we already know that Republicans seem to view simply being present whenever something is happening to be a reason for people to be targeted.

The party of "Freedom" wants you to have to ask their permission before you leave the house, apparently, but they can come in yours and shoot you if they want.

How anybody thinks this entire mentality won't result in even more hatred and resentment, ultimately leading to bloody revolution and their own deaths is something I'll never understand.

But then it's also a documented fact that Republicans aren't really trying to win here, they're trying to immanentize some sort right-wing eschaton. Which decades of a conservative supermajority on the high court would nicely accomplish, as it would make it harder for anybody else to get anything done, and literally everything becomes possibly subject to ridiculous lawsuits. 

Also, you ever notice that Democrats always have to always be on point, while all Republicans have to do is show up and not shit themselves in public and the media and lots of other people will wax eloquently about how great they are.

That's starting to change in the general population, but only because of Trump. Meanwhile, specifically because of Trump in some areas it's only gotten worse. For example there's a certain percentage of Republicans for whom Trump can do no wrong. This is detrimental to the basic functioning of democracy. America was not designed to have political cults, period.

Make no mistake about it, America 
is on the ballot here, certainly now if it wasn't before. How we treat each other as a people and how our government treats us absolutely is up for grabs. This is not time to fuck around or have some kind of hang ups about purity.

We have to defeat these motherfuckers, and again, make no goddamned mistake about it, amoral, power-hungry, selfish motherfuckers obsessed with forcing their angry, small, shitty god down everybody else's throat is exactly what the fuck these people are.

If you're not willing to fight for it, take the word 'Freedom' out of your mouth. ~Malcolm X.

If we don't drive Republicans from power, and decisively so, we're not going to have a Republic.

Do you understand me?

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