Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Eternal Boundary (American Revelation V: Prequel Two)

Dillon: This is a leadworks, isn't it? All we got to do is lure the fucking beast into the mold. Drown it in hot lead.
Morse: Oh right... and how do we do that?
Gregor: Yeah. What are we gonna use for bait...?
Kevin[realizes] Aw, fuck!
Dillon: We're all gonna die. The only question is when. This is as good a place as any to take your first steps to heaven. The only question is how you check out. Do you want it on your feet, or on your fucking knees... begging?! I ain't much for begging! Nobody ever gave me nothing! So I say fuck that thing! Let's fight it!
Morse: Fuck it! Let's go for it!
~From Alien 3.

 The first Presidential debate of the 2020 Campaign was last night.

Biden did alright and held his own. Trump went off the fucking deep end. Nobody who was paying attention was expecting anything else.

It's what the rest of us do about this crap that matters. All the more so after last night.

When he was called upon to denounce the Proud Boys and White Supremacists Trump instead said they should "Stand back and stand by" as if he were not the President of a country, but some shitty insurgent General giving some kind of American Viet Cong, and planning some kind of American Tet Offensive to try and keep himself in power when he loses. I rather suspect it will be more along the lines of an American Sendero Luminoso, in the end. But the thing to remember about that is lots of people still died in all those Latin American insurgencies, and lots of those rebel armies became political parties, like the Communist Party of Peru...AKA Shining Path, or in Spanish, Sendero Luminoso.

Are you willing to live with the idea that, even after losing a civil war, these people gain legitimacy and recognition as part of the peace process and go on holding some equivalent of Trump rallies and wearing their red hats basically forever? A system where it's the Democrats, what's left of the Republicans and the Trump People's Party?

I'd kind of like to see this bullshit stopped, but the truth on a pretty major level is, that's what happens.

I keep saying that this is an act in two parts for a reason; First we're going to have to vote them out. Then we're going to have to fight them off, and in all likelihood they will succeed in breaking off some piece of this country to use for their shitty little Banana Republic or becoming a legitimized political faction separate from those that formed them after achieving some success in an armed insurgency and gaining the political clout that this entails.

There is no other choice unless we all stand up. There is no better option. This is what conservatives have become. Republicans now...are the people who apparently think we were in the wrong to fight the Nazis, or wrong when we went into Bosnia in 1995 and kicked hell out of Republika Srpska and forced an end to the killing in Bosnia. These are people who think Radovan Karadzic and Slobodan Milosevic and all the shitty little nationalist murderers under their commands did nothing wrong.

Hell, these fucking people think Augusto Pinochet and Efrain Rios-Montt didn't do a goddamned thing wrong, other than not be American.

Lest you think the "mainstream" Religious Right and Republican Party are blameless in this kind of shit, Efrain Rios-Montt preached at Tim LaHaye's church in California when he was exiled from Guatemala for awhile in the 1980's before the full extent of his crimes were known, and the Reagan administration was perfectly fine with that shit, with a genocidal dictator who spent most of his life being unable to leave the country he'd once nearly destroyed not only because no one else would have him, but because if he did he'd get arrested and face United Nations war crimes prosecution.

And Republicans gave shelter to that motherfucker.

And some of these people are running our government.

This is going to end badly.

The only question is, what are you going to do about it.

This is not just about an election. This is about the fact that some of us will in fact be staring down that Eternal Boundary between life and death somewhere in this mess. People will die, people are dying, and they have been dying, now by the hundreds of thousands and that's just from how these fucking people fucked up the pandemic response. It will get worse.

But we still have to stand up and do the right thing, not just once, but every step of the way.

The Russians...aided by the party that was once their natural enemy at all levels...are trying to do to us what we did to countries like Chile and Guatemala during the Cold War. The American people as a whole have mostly caught on to this fact, just about a quarter to a third of them are fine with this shit.

Up to and including armies fighting it out in the hinterlands, apparently.

Except it won't stay there, it already hasn't. 

A hell of a lot of Americans are hoping that when this election is over, Trump will be gone and they can go back to sleep and back to ignoring all of America's problems in favor of pet issues and pop culture dumb shit. It's not going to work that way.

Even if this mess stopped tomorrow we'll be years in digging out from it. 

Just as we already have with the tax returns, we're going to eventually find out that this whole mess was a lot worse than even those of us who knew it was pretty fucking bad at the time ever suspected.

And as it is, we have one third of us imagining that they're about to get some kind of "clearance" to kill the other two thirds. As if the laws of God and Man are somehow held in abeyance for their political and racist whack-off fantasies and shitty desires.

If we don't stop this mess now, the next step is armed conflict and quite possibly a peace imposed from powers like the Chinese, the European Union and the United Nations...and handing world leadership over to the Chinese because there is functionally no more America to stop them. Is that something we want? Is that the kind of world you want to live in?

This is life and death not just for each of us, but for our country, and for our ideals.

This is a choice every last one of us is going to have to make, to stand up or not to stand up.

Make your choice.

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