Sunday, September 6, 2020

Allah Q Akbar! (American Revelation, Are You Fucking Kidding Me, Part Two.)

Akeem: Ohar, it is my 21st birthday. Do you think perhaps just this once I might use the bathroom by myself?
Ohar: Most amusing, Sir. *Claps Hands* WIPERS!
~From Coming To America.

Yesterday, I flew off the handle over Noor Bin Laden's endorsement of Trump, and Trump's disrespect (yet again) of American war dead, POW's and veterans.

I said that, before this Trump bullshit is over, the old white turkey-neck establishment Republicans would be forced to lick the runny burger shit out of Trump's ass crack for a campaign ad.

Today, I find out that Noor Bin Laden is a Q-Nut. (Hat Tip to my friend Jay for this one.)

I'd like to apologize and say I was wrong. There is no "Before this is over." These fucking people will collectively be licking Trump's ass by the end of next week.

The same people who demanded we turn the Middle East into a giant glowing parking lot after 9/11 and who crowed about it for weeks when the Navy SEAL's whacked Osama (while refusing to credit Obama for the op or even making the call to do it, which had to have been his decision) and who still say they advocate violence against all Muslims (or at least the ones who actually give a shit about democracy, human rights, other people or their own religion) will now wholeheartedly embrace Noor Bin Laden. Allah Q Akbar! Where We Go One, We Go All!

Or some such bullshit, anyway.

It's almost like all these fucking freaks at home and abroad will do or say anything at all to undermine the rest of us and try to flimflam their way into a position of power so they can take our freedom and human rights, while showering gifts upon themselves at our expense.

No, wait, it IS that. It is exactly that, and don't you forget it.

This kind of horse shit is the fruit of 50 years of Creationism and conspiracy theories. This is the end result of 70 years of "It's All About Me" from the Boomer generation.

This is the end result of generations of secretive Republican connections to...and through them, US government involvement with...various shady religious fanatics and woo woo cult motherfuckers from Sun Myung Moon to the Saudi Royal Family to various Evangelical Dominionist Christians.
But it's worse than that, when Sun Myung Moon crowned himself "King of Kings" with Bush 43 administration dignitaries present, Evangelicals didn't say shit.

And they never do.

It's almost like all this extremism is nothing more than a giant circle-jerk and none of these fucking people believe a word of what they're saying.

But their malice toward literally everyone else is real enough,

Believe in that. The time is going to come when these fucking people with these dumb-shit beliefs are going to rise up and try to kill other people. Q-Anon is mostly centered in the United States, but there are small nodes of this crap...some of them significant...around the world.

And yes, they are absolutely preparing for the QHOWA, this is an idea we'd best get used to and be prepared to defend ourselves against.

And too many people in government and the media, not to mention the general population...even people who are against it...will see this mess not as a potentially existential threat but as some kind of big adventure or opportunity for profit. They see conflicts and wars as opportunities for profit. The idea of Abrams tanks and old Soviet-era T-55's shooting it out in the Kentucky horse country or swarms of jets launching clouds of missiles at each other in the skies over Baltimore and Washington D.C. or of Boghammer boats shooting it out with Arleigh Burke destroyers in the Gulf Of Mexico fills them with excitement rather than dread, until they start getting shot at personally, that is.

They don't see the threat of this one massive lie. They don't see that all they have to do is attract the notice of the conspiracy theorists and they might just get denounced as part of some "Deep State" cabal or something, based on no good reason, and have no recourse against it but having to travel everywhere with bodyguards or carry a weapon for self-defense for the rest of their life.

No thought is being given to the fact that lots of us don't want to live like that.

Instead, you can imagine how many people, from governments and corporations on down to individual bad actors, are scheming to use these fools for their own personal profits.

We got ourselves into this mess. We'd best figure a way out of it, and fast.

Part One.

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