Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Ravening Wolves

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. ~Matthew 7:15

Yesterday, Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick suggested that old people should be willing to die off to save the stock market, and thus reduce the impact of Coronavirus on moneyed "Conservatives."

The next person that tells me Republicans are the "Pro-family" party is going to get asked the question "Did somebody order a knuckle sandwich" and very shortly after that be picking their teeth up off the deck.
Seriously, fuck these motherfuckers.

Let me tell you why these people are full of shit. In any legitimately conservative or traditional society (much of Africa, and throughout the Islamic world, and central and south Asia for example) the aged, moneyed and otherwise, are effectively one of the top tiers of society. It doesn't matter if they can't work anymore...or aren't "productive" in American capitalist vernacular...they are taken care of, even, perhaps especially in societies that don't have much of a social welfare system. Families take care of them, they do things like provide child care and informal or religious education, and they are respected for their experience and wisdom...and in many cases religious piety as well.

People from those countries are often appalled, when they come here, at America's treatment of its elderly. In countries from Morocco to China...it is not uncommon for three generations or more of a family to live under the same roof.

Just sayin' though, I'm pretty sure there's not many billionaires in Afghanistan.

Hell, as of today it's not even just the elderly that "Conservatives" want to throw under the bus.

It's literally everybody, they want to kill us all to try to save their stock portfolios, even though it probably won't work.

They see people working together and stepping up to fill the gaps left by Trump's incompetence, and the various fixes proposed by Democrats and even some Republicans and they're horrified.

Because all of it means that they might have to do with just a little less, and that their ideological woo woo spell-casting won't have a hold over more than a small percentage of the population.

My state went to "Shelter in place" yesterday and you know what? I'm going to be honest, I haven't heard a single person bitch about measures being taken to protect them and I haven't seen a single MAGA hat since this crisis hit. Oh sure, those people...what of them are people rather than Bots...are all over the news and social media...but I sure don't know any.

So yeah, on a certain level I can kinda see why "Conservatives," Republicans and wealthy people are terrified.

That rather gamble on surviving an Apocalypse with some of their money and power intact (and in the hope that the Apocalypse kills all the people they don't like) than just hang on and try to adapt like the rest of us have to doesn't seem like a particularly acceptable response.

Mire baffling, way the hell too many of these fucking people don't seem to understand that COVID-19 is a virus, it doesn't care about your politics, about how much money you have, or know, let alone care, who you are. It is utterly incapable of caring about any of that kind of stuff. It's like these motherfuckers don't understand that it doesn't matter how much money you have if you're dead. Ideology and wealth won't get you out of this, only science and listening to people who know how diseases work, how to manage crises, and if all else fails those who know what to do when the situation inevitably goes sideways, who know how to do more with less and survive.

Just sayin' that last is absolutely where immigrants and people of color are going to come in real damn handy. I have a lot of useful survival skills myself, but I'm not really in any kind of physical shape for this shit. But ya know, I have knowledge that I can give those people so they might help me survive.

How about you, tech bro? How about you?

Of course, from what I have personally observed there's a lot of people out there who don't even know how to cook rice, of all things. I'm not sure it would be anything more than an exercise in particularly dark humor to attempt to quantify the survival rates of people who can't even boil water, drop the rice in and add butter and salt. Some of these people seem to be the kind of people who think meat comes from the grocery store. How are they going to figure out how to build a fire and cook the rice when the power goes out?

I can guarantee you most of those people...not least of all many of the Gun Nuts themselves...have never fired a weapon under field conditions, or with distractions, or without adequate ear protection. How many of these fools would survive the steep learning curve of civil disorder, much less civilization collapsing?

And these are the people who think they're going to throw any percentage of the population under the bus to try and save their stock portfolios? I'm here to tell ya, bro, that's the kind of thinking that gets rich people guillotined or strung up from lampposts and if there's one thing even a cursory examination of 20th century history tells us, it's that the fastest way to bring about socialism is to make sure that the vast majority of people don't have any money. Of course, you're vastly more likely to end up with a bigger equivalent of Castro's Cuba than socially democratic Sweden after that...along with years of conflict and terrorism.

And honestly, that right there probably is the worst of it. These fucking people are basically basing their ideas for a response on their own woo woo bullshit beliefs that bear no relation to the reality on the ground. It's a safe bet that the unexpected consequences would kill at least as many people as the virus.

Like I said yesterday, the possibilities here range from eight MILLION on up to thirty-some MILLION deaths...and even ONE MILLION would probably massively over-strain our national capacity for dealing with death. But some people think the bodies stacked up like cordwood waiting to be buried will only be their political enemies or people of color or...I don't know. I don't know what the fuck they're thinking, because the truth is they're not.

Imagine having a new government department, Graves Registration, and a Secretary for Mortuary Affairs, or maybe a Coroner General?

Fuck, I don't even know. Screw Coronavirus, if we have eight to thirty million deaths, we'll have epidemics of typhus and shit because of lots of bodies laying around if people keep handling stuff this badly. You think I'm joking? If these people keep screwing this shit up this bad, mass graves that are nothing but lime and dirt are in our future. People will spend decades, or maybe even centuries digging up bones and trying to figure out what happened and to whom.

I saw a Tweet earlier posted by a very stressed out nurse who pointed out that her hospital morgue has a capacity of three bodies, and she got yelled at for suggesting they stack them on top of each other. Hell, I've been reading posts from stressed out medical workers all day. And that's not even counting Corrections, or education, or mass transit or any of the thousands upon thousands of other ways people have to function in close quarters while stressed. That said I hear Riker's Island prison in NYC is a disaster waiting to happen, but Liberty University is set to reopen like nothing is happening, so there's that.

How many people do you think Jerry Falwell Jr. is going to kill with that decision?

These yahoos think they're going to reopen America, especially without any preparation...when we're still spinning up to deal with directives generated by the professionals last week and reacting to the developing needs of a stressed out population under siege from a goddamned virus?

And these fucking people are making fun of doctors?!

Listen, yo, "Conservatives" are basically turning into a cult of death and wealth and hoping that their worship of the latter somehow prevents the former.

All too many of these people apparently never bothered to pay attention in science class, much less gain any actual knowledge of how stuff works.

I'm hardly a professional, but I know that mixing drugs and taking fish tank cleaner is a good way to end up dead, and these are things that have happened. Trump and his ignorance are things that are not helping, and people have died as a result of things that he has said in his press briefings. Making fun of the people who are struggling to save lives, who are furthest forward on the front lines of this mess, is only going to get more people killed.

All the pro-life talk, all the religion, and all the values were never anything but a put-on and a scam. If you didn't know this before, you damn well should know it now.

That said, expect right-wingers to go a little loony in the head, especially as this thing escalates...because as I've said before a lot of these fucking people are fanatics who crave some sort of Apocalypse and I wouldn't be one damned bit surprised if eugenics, racism, and religion are all contributing factors besides greed and stupidity. Cult-like behavior, fear and superstition also have the potential to kill millions.

'Cause I'll guarantee you, one of the first casualties of this thing is going to be Jesus, or rather one hell of a lot of these people's belief in Him...and let's not forget that a lot of these fools basically think that their belief in God is the only thing stopping them from going out and killing people.

The religion is bullshit. However, the penchant for tribal religiosity is not.

And these fucking people have somebody who wants to be their "God."

And that person apparently doesn't like doctors and experts.

Think about that for a second.

Not one goddamned one of these motherfuckers deserves to be anywhere near a position of power.

Remember that, come November.

Addendum: And this is what the rest of the world is doing. Go ahead and tell me we're not the fools of the goddamn world, right now. Go right ahead, I fucking dare you.

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