Saturday, March 28, 2020

COVID-19 does not care who you are. It's a Virus..

“You step outside, you risk your life. You take a drink of water, you risk your life. And nowadays you breathe, you risk your life. Every moment now you don’t have a choice. The only thing you can choose is what you’re risking it for.” ~Hershel Greene, The Walking Dead

I live in Michigan, a state now being put at risk because our governor, Gretchen Whitmer, told the truth and (rightly) refuses to kiss Donald Trump's ass. So the Trump administration instructed suppliers not to send medical supplies to my state. I'm serious, how in the fuck is this being anybody? How in the hell is this narcissistic dickbag not being run our of the country on a rail after a nice tar-and-feathering on the National Mall? I'm serious, is this America, or what?!

I support my governor, 100% not just because I don't like Trump, but because I don't like the fact that Republicans aren't standing up to this dude. Somebody's gotta fuckin' do it!

I mean, fuck, if you think about it, I've also found common ground with some pretty hard-right Never Trump people, and for the same reason.

I'm not kidding here, I spent a majority of my life as a Republican...and seriously...I wonder how in the fuck Republicans are tolerating this bullshit, simply because any one of them could be next, and really, you don't even have to actively do anything to get Trump to turn on you and start treating you like yesterday's dog shit. I mean, come on, did every goddamn Republican man who stayed in the Party after January of 2017 or so have to have their balls surgically removed? I mean, come on!

Might as well replace the sign above the door that says "Republican Party" with one that says "Donald Trump's Bitches." You can't rationalize that away. Y'all gave up everything you ever stood for to bow down and worship Donald Trump, or follow behind him like a bunch of cowardly little lackeys.

Honestly, to me the worst part of all this bullshit isn't so much what Republicans have turned into, or maybe they always were these cowardly shits under the surface, I don't know. But the worst part is that this motherfucker expects that everybody else will be the same way, and then he gets mad like a goddamned teenager when they don't.

A teenager in the body of a man in his 70's, that has way the fuck too much power, and way the fuck too many enablers. Just sayin' maybe voting for some asshole with a personality disorder was a bad idea. I hope you're proud of yourselves, Michigan Republican voters and Third Party voters and people that were too good to vote for Hillary Clinton. And I hope the fuck you don't get sick.


Because it's a virus. It doesn't care about you. It is incapable of caring about you. It's not going to target your political enemies, or mine. It's not going to target only people of color or the poor or the sick. This thing targets everybody, with a higher mortality rate in certain age groups.

And oddly enough, a lot of those older people tend to vote Republican.

So, really, if anybody is being targeted by your careless stupidity and apocalyptic fantasies, in effect it's you.

But ya know, hospitals being overwhelmed and people dying isn't really good for anybody, and the possibility of our mortuary systems being overwhelmed by a couple of million deaths only brings the possibility of more deaths by equally ghoulish means.

I'm just sayin' maybe it's better to put aside the politics and listen to the medical professionals on this one. All that the modern "Conservative" M.O. of making everything a partisan issue will do is get people killed. No, this will absolutely not benefit you, because yet again, this is a virus. It doesn't give a fuck about you or what you want or what you think you're going to get.

Reality is what it is, and you and your beliefs are not the center of the universe.

I mean, I suppose we could ask Boris Johnson how ignoring social distancing guidelines to "Own the Libs" or whatever worked for him. Oh, wait now he's got the virus, Listen, if Trump's Limey Mini-Me getting this shit doesn't prove my point that this virus doesn't give a fuck who you are or what your political ideology is, I'm really not sure anything is going to.

And it's not just me, or yourself, that you're putting at risk by playing games with this thing, it's everybody. The virus doesn't care who you are, what you think, or how much money you have. If you're a warm body, you're a target.

I know there's a lot of people out there who think expertise or knowledge are somehow "liberal" or something. That's bullshit and it basically comes down to people figuring out that if they don't know anything, they can believe whatever they want.

That doesn't work out well against a virus that is incapable of having beliefs or being reasoned with and you can't bullshit it either.

The only thing that's going to get us out of this is reason and science.

If you think reason and science have some kind of liberal bias...well, maybe the problem is you and your beliefs, because reason and science and caring about other people, not to mention self-preservation are the same as they always have been.

If you want a better country, you have to be a better citizen. If we want things to get better, we can't vote for or support assholes like Donald Trump who would write off whole states if they could get away with it. Trump is just one fucking guy, who is given power only because other people give it to him. Seriously, if you turn on this motherfucker, he's a cowardly schmuck, all he's going to do is say mean things about you on social media. He probably doesn't even have the guts to say them to your face.

At this point, if you want the United States of America to come through this as one country, instead of one that divided itself and split up according to preference for or against ONE FUCKING GUY, you'd best pull your head out of your ass and stop voting Republican, or open your eyes and start paying attention and participating.

Whistling past all the graveyards as you go along on your merry willfully ignorant way ain't cutting it.

The virus doesn't give a fuck about you. Internalize that.

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