Friday, March 20, 2020

In the name of God, Go!

You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately. Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!
~Oliver Cromwell, dismissal of the Rump Parliament, April 20th, 1653.

I had to go run my usual payday errands today, and get a tire fixed.

While I was somewhat surprised at how much and what was still open, and cautious because of the virus, I'm going to be honest. I'm just glad I was able to get almost everything I needed and help a couple friends of mine get their own groceries and stuff.

Except...I decided to check my social media feeds right before I headed home, and I saw this. When asked if he had anything to say to Americans who are scared, Trump decided to attack the reporter for asking. In other words, when asked to care...when even the most half-assed positive response would have been preferable (See Also: Mike Pence) and given people something to hang on to...when asked to be human...Trump declined.

In the middle of a crisis, Trump as much as told the rest of the country "Fuck off and die."

When even a simple "We got this" would have calmed at least some people's fears and slathered him in praise from his red-capped hordes, Trump basically told Americans to kiss their ass goodbye.

And yet, and YET, that somehow managed not to be the worst thing that I've seen from Republicans today. Thus far, as of right now, Jim Inhofe, Kelly Loeffler, Richard Burr and Ron Johnson are all embroiled in an Insider Trading scandal since they dumped stocks apparently based on information from Senate intelligence briefings that the public was not privy to.

In other words, they knew this was coming, they knew how serious it was and instead of taking their duty to their country and the public seriously, they chose to enrich themselves and leave the rest of us to flap in the wind.

Note: I am specifically saying, here, for those in the back who aren't paying attention, Basic Republicanism has effectively shown itself to be as bad as or worse than Trump. See, Trump would just as soon tell us all to fuck off and die. Republican Senators on the other hand, want to actively make just exactly that a possibility while earning a tidy profit on the side.

Remind me again, just why in the hell we allow these absolute motherfucking bastards anywhere near government or public policy?!

They sold every American...all of us, conservative or liberal, rich or poor, of all colors and creeds, their donors as well as their critics...out for personal profit, and since then have done their level best as a group to prevent an effective response to the goddamned virus. Are you fucking kidding me with this ridiculous bullshit?!

This goddamned fucking cunt right here, Senator Loeffler, is worth half a billion dollars. Somehow, it's never enough, is it?

So much for the old bullshit conservative argument that the wealthy somehow can't be bought, eh?!

Listen, yo, I don't give a damn if you don't like the harsh language, there simply is not one better thing that can be said about this person. She's a fucking traitor who sold us out, not to a foreign power, but to a goddamn virus, for her own personal profit.

As far as I'm concerned her goddamned fortune and all of her holdings should be nationalized and the funds used to fight the fucking virus and she should be put on trial before a special tribunal and end her life posing for rifle shots in a dusty courtyard.

If you or I did this, or any Democratic Senator or Congress-person, did this shit and it got out we'd be lucky if our epitaph wasn't "Skinned alive by an angry mob." But ya know, Republicans and all too many of their voters will just be like "MAGA, bitches" while Senator Kelly laughs all the way to the goddamned bank.

Fuck these motherfuckers.

ALL of them.

While people are dying and millions of other lives are disrupted, while our economy grinds to a halt and Asian Americans have to worry about racist attacks, I (who am at least off with pay for awhile) worry about groceries and pet food...not to mention not getting the damn virus, because I have critters and people that depend on me.
Yes, there's incompetence, as often is demonstrated by Trump, his appointees, and his right-wing enablers.

This isn't that, this is just plain evil, malicious, monstrous greed...and for once, it didn't come from Donald Trump.

As far as I'm concerned this puts us in the territory of Nuremburg Trials, special tribunals and firing squads, people will die because of what these assholes did. They need to be held accountable, just as much as Trump does. In the end, it should be noted that the core problem was not Trump's dumb, amoral wannabe-fascism, but rather the same old greedy corporate zombie-capitalist bullshit that's been an increasing threat for going on 50 years. Trump is simply the end result, the public face of a party full of amoral, corrupt sons of bitches and the decline of education and public participation in the United States.

Happy now, Bern It All Down progressives?!

If you want this to stop, if you want a better country, you have to be better citizens. We have to vote these sons of bitches out in November.

All of them.

Vote like your life depends on it, because it probably does.

We can't afford "I don't feel like it today" or protest votes or being mad because Joe got the nomination and not Bernie. If you want to stay alive, vote Democrat.

Because Republicans won't even bother with the usual crocodile tears anymore, before they start trying to figure out how to profit from your death.

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