Monday, March 23, 2020

Is America great yet, MAGA's? (Part One.)

Thou Shalt Not Kill.
~Exodus 20:13

Make America Great Again.

You know, Trump's infamous slogan, hell, his entire unarticulated, unplanned non-plan of a campaign promise.

I have to ask, are we there yet?

Because so far, multiple times just today I've seen various Republican talking heads effectively saying we should just let 2.5% of the population (or more, i.e. whoever is vulnerable to Coronavirus) just die.

First, let's clear something up; That's something like eight and a half million people. Do you think American mortuary services could reasonable or even unreasonably cope with that many deaths, much less do so in any kind of proper fashion and according to the law and standard medical procedures?

The truth is, it'd probably be a lot closer to 7% to 10% of people, and there's no real way to manage who the two and a half-percent (on the low end) to ten percent (on the high end) might be. A rich old white Republican Senator is just as likely to be vulnerable, or get the disease and die, as is some African-American spring break kid on a beach in Florida. Thinking "It won't happen to me" sure didn't work out for Rand Paul, did it? What makes you think you're immune?

Do you think any of the funerary or medical professions could deal with 33 million deaths? Because that's what ten percent of our population is. We'd be burying people in mass graves and then spend a hundred years trying to identify bodies and patch things up properly just for the most basic things like identifying who the fuck they were in the first place. We'd make the killing fields of Khmer Rouge Cambodia look downright civilized, not because of Communist revolution, or war, or zombie apocalypse or somehow magically only killing off all the people conservatives don't like, but because of simple, downright sociopathic carelessness.

Do you want that on your conscience? I sure don't.

Second, the virus has not peaked and is not trending down. If anything, it's hitting its upswing and we can expect more infections in about three weeks or so, plus a steady stream until then.

Third "European social problems?" What the fuck? Like, my dude, the fuck did I just read?

This is a virus, it literally does not give a fuck about your politics or shitty ideology. It is, in fact, incapable of doing so.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm REAL damn tired of the whole "This virus is just a scam to take down Trump" line of bullshit from "Conservatives." Again, it's a virus, it doesn't know and doesn't care who Donald Trump even is. But you know what I'm even more tired of? The same goddamned people who say that, all being the first ones to line up when it comes to trying to find some way to profit from this goddamned thing.

It's real enough when ya'll think you can make a buck off it, ain't it?

Fuck you, Republicans.

Not only that, but Republicans and Trump are perfectly well content to mock anybody who's even remotely trying to do any kind of decent goddamned thing in this mess. I mean, Comcast, for fuck's sake?

Under normal circumstances dealing with Comcast, especially anything to do with tech support is like being transported to the uppermost of the Nine Hells of Baator, and suddenly they're going very far out of their way to help home-bound people, seniors and veterans stay connected?

Fuck yeah, I'll take it, and not least because a decent number of my people are home-bound seniors, some of whom happen to also be veterans, and all of whom are dependent on human connections that may not be forthcoming otherwise in these troubled times. For fuck's sake I've met people whose daily human connection was the Meals On Wheels delivery guy, back when my Mom was doing her internship in Saginaw. If some of those people, today, can use the internet to deal with the issue of loneliness in these troubled times, hell yes, absolutely. Good on Comcast for making it so.

But of course these are the same goddamned dirt-bags making fun of Mitt Romney for self-quarantining, even though Mitt is old, and so is his wife and on top of that his wife has a medical condition that means this virus could easily kill her. Feel proud yet, MAGA's?

I'm curious, if Trump has so little regard for a rich Republican senator like Mitt Romney, what do you think Trump thinks of you?

Just a reminder, Mitt Romney is Ronna Romney-McDaniel's uncle.

You know, you'd think she'd care. Family values, right?

Oh, pardon me, I'm sorry. That's SO 1990's.

SO, I have to ask, MAGA's, now that we've sacrificed the family and are actively plotting to sacrifice anywhere from eight to thirty-three million people, many of them being old white conservative Senior Citizens that voted for this America great yet?

Go ahead, I'll wait.

To say that Republicans don't give a fuck about you is an understatement, so why do you support them?

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