Thursday, February 28, 2019

Conferencing Postmodern Assclown Conservatism

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.~Micah 6:8

So, I've been following the feeds of several journalists and others who are attending the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this morning.

I'm struggling, at the moment, to determine what their core message is.

"Allahu Trumpbar!" No, that's not it...

"Dumbfuck Akbar!" Seems closer but somehow, not quite...

Ya know, I'd honestly settle for a heartfelt "My God, what the fuck are we doing here?"

Listen ya'll, when Skeevy 3 A.M. Infomercial Guy (Who looks like he played one of the Leather-men in the gay bar in the Police Academy movies) is one of the speakers of your political movement, it's time to pack it up and go the fuck home.

Come to think of it, when Skeevy 3 A.M. Infomercial Guy (Who looks like the shifty dude that steals money out of the offering plate at church) is making religious pronouncements of any kind, much less the divinity of the choosing of your leadership, it's time to go home and re-think your life.

This is America, God does not get a vote.

No, seriously, where the fuck do these people even come up with this silly bullshit? Who elevated the Obvious Infomercial Shyster, one of whose dubious claims to fame is claiming to have been a cocaine addict (and I don't believe that, either) to anything other than janitor on the CPAC lineup? And what the fuck kind of drugs are they on?

When I wrote yesterday that some people are gonna be real surprised when they die and find out it's not Donald Trump judging them in the Afterlife, that's who I was talking about, this guy right here.

Also, should you need any more evidence of the (at least) implicit racism and misogyny of the conservative movement at this point in its history, here we have Complaints About Scary Latina Dancers BOOGA BOOGA BOOGA. Again.

Ya know, something tells me that if somebody made AOC wear a Hijab and forbade her to dance, they'd fear-monger about that, too. I rather suspect that a Bible and a modest Sunday Best church-girl dress combined with scriptural prohibitions against dancing would not have the effect of buying them off either, they'd probably accuse AOC of being an Episcopalian or the "wrong" kind of Catholic or something.

Or just ignore it like they've basically done with the actual or even claimed beliefs of any other Democrat who's been in office at any level in my lifetime. It seems to be real easy for these fucking idiots to just walk up to somebody else and try to act like they know what that person is better than the person themselves does. That's the level of arrogance and entitlement that we're dealing with here.

Not to mention, in either case I suspect AOC would ignore whoever told her not to dance, which is of course just one of the things these right-wingers hate about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Granted, as much as they bitch about the Green New Deal it seems to be the 70% marginal tax rate that they're afraid of the most, probably also the fact that we likely need the former to fund the latter. Never mind that conservatives could easily make money off of this too. It doesn't automatically favor their favored oligarchs enough so they want to take their ball and go home...which is basically these fucking people's response to everything about American society except for Trump.

Fuck You I've Got Mine, Isolationism, Small-Pondism and a ravening fear of the wider world, those are the distinguishing characteristics of modern conservatism.

And what do they offer instead? There was a time long ago  when if I didn't like something, conservative people would be the ones to ask "Okay, what's your idea?" with the kind of confidence that suggested it better be good. Now? They're offended by ideas. Instead of, ya know, somebody who is at least trying to come up with solutions to real problems we get Unfuckable Internet Troll and Won't Pay Her Rent...and somehow these two idiots are supposed to be conservative? Charlie Kirk's main claim to fame seems to be nothing more than that he likes to say dumb shit. Candace Owens can at least claim to have further ruined Kanye West's already useless reputation. Seriously, about the only thing these two dopes really have going for them is that they're not Jacob Wohl and Laura Loomer...yet.

Maybe for CPAC 2020 they can get Chuck Woolery to do a game-show segment featuring the unfuckably annoying power couples?

I'm really going to be disappointed if any of these fucking people manage to reproduce.

For bonus points, remember that CPAC is evidently quite a boon to gay prostitution. No, it doesn't make sense to me, either.

And of course, reproduction, and the right to have choices about whether to reproduce or not (or, for that matter, the right to have sex with who you want to have sex with at all, especially in the case of LGBT people) are exactly what right-wingers are saving their most lurid lies for.

Look, there's no such thing as "Post-birth abortion." That would be called infanticide or murder, and no one is advocating for it. Even the most leftist of leftists and the most hard-core pro-choice people these days seem to view late-term abortion as a tragedy, as does any woman who's been through one and volunteered to express her opinion on the subject. NO ONE is seriously advocating for killing babies, here, just a couple of states are trying to protect freedom of choice, including the right to a late-term abortion if needed to save the life of the mother. That's all.

Remember, this whole bit is not a valid concern, it's a strategy for trying to ban all abortions with the specific aim of weaponizing biology to restrain women's rights and participation in the workforce. Granted, it's also an idea that simply doesn't seem to be taking hold outside of the Republican base.

That's a good thing, that people aren't buying into this crap for once. I'm also not sure how the fuck these idiots think that today's depleted social safety nets, low-wage jobs, perpetually-under-attack health insurance policies and shit are going to enable a man to support a wife and family. In most cases that I'm aware of both partners in any given relationship have to work. At this point it's not going to be long before wages have to be raised across the board or we as a nation are going to have to start going by socialism just so people can survive.

But of course, they won't tell you that, either, even as trade wars and tariffs continue to mess with the cost of living...with the eventual objective (if it's allowed to continue long enough) that only rich people will be able to afford anything.

It's the same kind of "logic" they apply to services like health care.

Gradually price everybody but the super-rich out of it, and then look surprised when the one industry most decent-sized towns still even have collapses in 10 to 20 years and there are lots of dead people and unintended consequences.

Some of these people seem to think they want to live in a society where one routinely has to step over dead bodies in the street. Of course they won't tell you that, and of course, that's another lie (if one of omission.)

Just remember, if the conservative cause was so noble, they would not be lying about it. If their cause was just, they would not have to manipulate people into following it.

Honestly, it would probably be cheaper and easier (and lead to better quality of life) if these people would just do the right thing instead of wasting so much energy to invent excuses not to.

But that's not the world we live in.

Do better.

Time to call BS on CPAC.

Oh, wait, somebody did. They're calling it "Principles first."

Go to the bar, hang out, and maybe talk about shit. No big deal.

And what's the "Conservative" response?

Naturally, to attack anybody who has a better idea, or who even wants to do normal human stuff instead of being politically indoctrinated into excessive dumb shit.

Also, just sayin' what's wrong with pet pictures and Star Wars discussions?

Oh, right, Allahu Trumpbar.


(No, seriously, fuck these motherfuckers.)

Officious Hungarian Nazi Collaborator-wannabe says what?

Fuck you, Seb.

Last time I checked this motherfucker was the very definition of "Monomaniacal and Pathetic" with his 4-cylinder Mustang, "Art of War" vanity plates and all, two different-caliber guns (and speaking as somebody not unfamiliar with firearms or logistics, how does that work?) cloud of Drakkar Noir and male inadequacy, and his pocket Constitution.

Like he's going to have to arbitrate some matter of constitutional law during a firefight, or something? Who thinks like that?

AND this idiot was one of the speakers at CPAC this morning.

I think, honestly, that the thing I find most irritating about these fuckers is their profound disrespect for other people, most especially anything that has gone before, and any conservatives who don't just follow after their foolishness.

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. ~Nelson Mandela

That's the kind of world I'd rather live in, right there.

If you want a better country, be better citizens. If you want a better world, be better people.

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