Sunday, February 17, 2019

Republican Babylon, Part Two

But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. ~Matthew 6:7

I saw this a couple of weeks ago. It was a response to an entirely accurate comment by Rick Wilson.

On an impulse, I snipped it and saved it. But, the truth is, it's bothered me ever since.

Whoever or whatever wrote this crap wasn't interested in having a conversation. They weren't interested in making an effective statement, or even winning the argument.

This is basically the same shit my ex-wife used to do on occasion. We'd get into an argument over Yahoo Messenger, I'd say something she didn't like, she'd pick a fight about it and when she knew she'd lost but didn't want to admit it, she'd start typing random gibberish as if she were present and "Speaking in Tongues."

She thought that silly bullshit would at least shut down the argument. Funny thing, it never did. Of course, my ex-wife was mentally ill, Pentecostal, and semi-functional at best outside of the bullshit-infested Evangelical/Pentecostal subculture. But at the same time, she managed to at least exist comfortably within it...all without ever really having to do much work.

It's basically the same logic utilized by Trumpist scammers like Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk, but on a far smaller scale or at least without a national following.

At least somebody has now applied that kind of pseudo-religious malarkey to their support for Trump. The funny part is, it's even odds whether the original poster was a real person or a Russian-operated bot. Praise Republican Jesus!

Oh. Also, Sorry Republican Jesus, but ah, you're fired. No reason to clean out your desk. We'll send you your belongings. Ivan and Abdul here will escort you off the property. Sorry sir, but the Evangelicals like that orange guy better than they like you.

Likewise, it needs to be said that "Speaking things into existence" is also another bit of Pentecostal arglebargle that seems to have been appropriated by Trump and his followers as of late.

Somebody should've told them the universe doesn't actually work that way. Magic only works in the movies, in books where the authors write the story so that it does work like that, or in Dungeons and Dragons if the dice favor you...and then, it only works on paper or in your imagination.

Magic isn't real.

More to the point "Magic" as an explanation, is only really used by people who don't understand something.

Of course, "Magic" also seems to be how Trump defines the government's appropriations process, which should tell you exactly how fit he ever was to be President in the first place.

Not only is Trump's fake "National Emergency" shit unnecessary, but he couldn't go one damn day without showing his ass and revealing that even he knew he didn't need to do this. He just wanted to "Get it done faster." Therefore likely sowing the seeds of never getting it done in the first place.

And then, as usual, President "The Dog Ate My Homework" promptly blew this pop stand to head to Florida to go golfing, but I digress.

In other words, he doesn't really want to do it, because that would take work, but he doesn't want others to do it (successfully, at least) either, because then he'd have to find some other con, and that would take work.

If Trump put half the effort into work that he puts into golf, having fun (or at least what he thinks is fun) and showboating, we'd be in some real trouble here.


 Because when these fools say "Make America Great Again" this is what they mean, an FBI that only hires Irishmen. Where that'd leave the many essential and successful non-Irish (and indeed non-white) FBI agents now in service, I'll leave to the reader as an exercise for their imagination.

I'm not sure how that all-Irish policy would work out now, given the resurgence of anti-Catholic bias and general xenophobia...which naturally applies to Irish people too, but whatever.

The moral of the story here is that Trump and his followers, and even Republicans in general, are no longer interested in growing their base, or making deals, or working for the common good. They only care about themselves and they hope they can whip up the 30% of the population that will always follow them to be fanatical enough to somehow drown everybody else out.

Don't support that. The rest of us who don't support this shit are 70% of the population, an obvious majority.

We don't have to agree on everything.

In fact, the only thing we have to agree on right now is "Fuck that guy."

Seems simple enough.

Show up.


Right now that means voting Democrat.

If you don't like it, tough, hold ya nose and do it.

We can sort out the mess and everybody getting to do what they want when the threat has been dealt with.

In the meantime, vote.

Every single time.

I know I'm getting started early, but so are they. What the fuck else do you think people like Howard Schultz and Tulsi Gabbard are there for?

Vote, and vote for somebody who will end this silly bullshit.

Part One

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