Sunday, January 6, 2019

Republican Sign: No Impromptu Dance-Offs.

Freedom is the right to question and change the established way of doing things. It is the continuous revolution of the marketplace. It is the understanding that allows to recognize shortcomings and seek solutions.~Ronald Reagan

Okay. I've had just about enough of this fucking foolishness.

Last week, some dumb ass Q-Anon nut dug up a video of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez being silly and doing the dance from "The Breakfast Club" at some point in college.

Cue several days of conservative pearl-clutching that's just been working on my last nerve since. Apparently, there are still idiots in the world who think it's somehow offensive or unseemly for women to dance. I mean, these fucking people are acting like this should have been Ocasio's Watergate, or something, as if she'd resign in disgrace because she got caught...dancing

This is American in 2018, not Afghanistan in 1998, come on, people. I'm honestly quite surprised that some of these stuffy old Republican Senators haven't gone the route of one Taliban official and issued rules forbidding women to laugh outside their offices because they find the sound "distracting" or something something Gazpacho.

These fucking people are basically the shitty villains that found their way into half the movies in the 1980's that could be defeated by the power of break-dancing. These people are Biff Tannen, but without the book of sports scores and the capability to bullshit that got him somewhere in the second Back to the Future movie.

But it's not just that, Then the dour "There is no dance, there is only work" people showed up. One post about the subject was "What was this kid doing dancing on a roof in the middle of the day? I can guarantee right now my daughter is working!" Yeah, as if people don't have varying work schedules and I can't personally attest to doing lots of stuff in the middle of the day when I should be sleeping because I work third shift. I mean, it's not like my schedule isn't partly dictated by the cleaning, feeding and recreational needs of a large number of Mustelids or anything. I mean, come on you dour old dingbat, not everybody in the world leads the same kind of nine-to-five with weekends off kind of life that you do 

Oh hey, speaking of 1980's movie villains here we have the Preacher from Footloose Harris and Proctor of this administration being performatively and visibly uncomfortable about having to swear in Arizona Senator Krysten Sinema using a law book. Look, Mike, I don't know what to tell you except that don't worry, bro. You're not going to catch her bisexuality, it's not contagious. I'm just sayin' man, it's the 21st century and speaking as a former conservative Christian myself I am...hell, would've been then...more comfortable with the idea of being represented by a bisexual person of either sex (or even a trans person) than I would be with being represented by a grown-ass adult man who refers to his wife as "Mother."

Because, ya know, that's creepy as fuck and it ain't the 1920's (or whenever people did that shit) anymore.

Speaking of creepy, then I saw this earlier today, I guess Kaya Jones found herself a gender-neutral public bathroom and decided to film the door, because something something ooga booga trans people, or something. Look, I don't have any kids, but I'M not comfortable going in the bathroom if there's some creepy conservative fake second string pop singer outside the door filming it. I see that shit I'm either gonna call the police or security and have you removed or I'm a take it upon myself to give you the old heave-ho so I can go take a shit in peace without having to worry about creepy stalker bullshit while I'm doing it. I mean, come on, lady. We ALL use gender-neutral bathrooms every damn day in our own houses, or in half the gas stations that are out there, and no one cares.

And then of course, at some point last week FOX News was going on and on about how we as a nation don't shame poor people enough, and how some of them might watch porn, or have sex, or in general have some small things that are enjoyable in life instead of being shamed for being alive and not rich or otherwise having needs (even if they might be, ya know, working two jobs and supporting a family or something already) instead of simply trudging off to be worked to death in sweat shops for a dollar a day like FOX News commentators appear to think they should. I mean, for fuck's sake, where exactly is there any kind of life worth living in any of these conservative ideals unless you're rich or some sort of "professional conservative" whose job it is to sit around and talk about how cool it would be if we all just worked ourselves to death for your benefit and how only rich people should have anything.

Also, just curious, but how do these fucking people think they know so much about what poor people do?

And then, of course, now the NRA is back on wanting to arm teachers and turn every school into basically a maximum-security prison. I'm sorry, but I've had it with how these conservatives and gun nuts seem to want to have schools be everything but a place where kids go to learn something and work out the parameters of normal social interaction and ya know, as shitty as all that can sometimes be, something tells me at its worst now it's still better than it would be if the NRA got a hold of our educational system. I mean, fuck, it's not even about the guns anymore, except insofar as the guns themselves might be a vehicle for hard-right politics. Of course I'm the guy who left the NRA in 2000 because I thought they were getting too political then

At this point I'd pay real money to have Charlton Heston back and get rid of the likes of Dana Loesch, Oliver North and Wayne LaPierre. Fuck this shit, it's ridiculous. Again, there is literally no room for people to be human in what conservatism is turning into. I mean, fuck, I used to be a Republican and I don't remember them being like this. I just don't see any up-side to any of this crap for me, as I've said before.

Meanwhile, while conservatives are publicly wanking off to thoughts of controlling who can pee where, telling poor people what they can eat and turning schools into dungeons, the government remains shut down and the trash piles up next to the Washinton Monument and in our national parks, government workers go unpaid, or without work, except in critical specialties where they have to keep working without pay. And by the way, the Democrats are the ones busy trying to remedy this situation, having to my knowledge passed several bills to reopen the government, which Mitch McConnell refuses to bring to a vote in the Senate. Yeah, fuck him.

That right there shows you how much Republicans really love America, doesn't it? Let the trash pile up, we're making money! Imagine an America where the trash doesn't get picked up, and poor people can't eat! That right there...that is the future that conservatives want.

But it's worse than that, isn't it?

Of course, with this crowd it would have to be. On the day before he was sworn in, Mitt Romney wrote an article mildly criticizing Trump in that Furrowed-Brow, Very-Concerned, Serious-Guy style that's fairly typical of impotent old Republicans who for whatever reason can't go full Trumpist. I read the article, it wasn't a bad article, once you understand the conventions of the genre, but it sure did piss off the Trump Supporters, not least of all Mitt's own niece, Ronna Romney McDaniel, but I guess when you're such a cowardly shithead that you change your own name because somebody doesn't like your uncle, I can't really expect anything better than that. Party of family values my ass. Well, maybe if they could sell their own family members...

That seems to be the only value they care for: Money. Imagine an America where Party is more important even than family, or friends. Ya know, now that you mention it, that sounds an awful lot like the old Soviet Union.

And Ocasio is the "Commie" but these people are "Conservatives?"

Sorry, I call bullshit, one of these things is not like the other one.

Just sayin' though, if I made a point of Otherizing a family member in such a way...not least of all for Donald Fucking Trump, I'd probably be having to answer to my entire family at some point to the tune of "Did somebody order a knuckle sandwich?" and we're not that close of a bunch. This is just wrong. It's that simple. If you would choose a backstabbing snake like Trump over your own family you need to rethink ya life, it's just that simple.

It's not just that, though, these fools are choosing the Party over everything.

You can read the article here. Like I said, furrowed-brow, very concerned. It's a masterpiece of talking because one has the capability to talk, I think. Certainly, it's not enough to make holidays awkward for the rest of your life over...but this crap has some RNC staffers proposing that Republicans scrap a 2020 primary in order to protect Trump.

And here they talk about Mr. Big-talker Orange Tough Guy like he's some kind of a thing...but now they want to scrap their own rules to "protect" him?

It's like they all know it's a lie, and they just don't want the rest of us to find out.

It's almost like current Republicans are nothing but a bunch of self-serving,  silly old ninnies who don't know or care how the world works for anyone under 50, or who isn't old, rich and white, or who doesn't live in the magical city or who has to work for a living but still wants to live a life.

I don't recognize these people, or their priorities, and I was a conservative. Hell, my George H.W. Bush-era conservatism doesn't just mean I'm a Democrat now, it damned near makes me a socialist in the minds of Trump Supporters. 

That's Okay. I find Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a lot more interesting than her critics. I mean, I've only ever seen The Breakfast Club because my late best friend sat me down and made me watch it, but still...

I'll take the America of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tliab over this silly bullshit that passes for modern Republicanism any day, and you can tell the motherfuckers that I said that.
For how far they have fallen...well I hope it's right off the electoral map.

Blood that has soaked into the sands of a beach is all of one color. America stands unique in the world: the only country not founded on race but on a way, an ideal. Not in spite of but because of our polyglot background, we have had all the strength in the world. That is the American way. ~Ronald Reagan.

1 comment:

  1. I just fell in love with you, whoever you are. <3

    Thanks for saying it so well! Bookmark, for sure. :)
