Wednesday, February 20, 2019

This garbage has gone on long enough (Enemy of the People edition.)

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.~First Amendment, U.S. Constitution

I know I say this a lot lately, but, fucking seriously?

Some redneck jerk-off who owns runs inherited a tiny ass small-town newspaper from his daddy (and has "worked" there since 1964, meaning he's lived through and reported on a lot of shit and is making a conscious choice to be an asshole) and has never had to work a real job in his damn life wrote an extremely racist editorial a couple days ago, calling for the Ku Klux Klan to "Clean out D.C." and basically lynch the government, citing both Democrats and "Democrat Republicans" who wanted to raise taxes in Alabama. He also specifically said that "Communists and Socialists" weren't Americans (and who gave this inbred motherfucker authority to determine citizenship based on "political reliability" anyway? Nobody.)

Now, naturally, this asshole's various and assorted statements are protected under the First Amendment unless somebody acts on them.

Granted, I think the guy should get his ass beat as consequences for his speech, which he is not necessarily protected from if they arrive at the hands of private citizens. I know if I said shit like that there'd be a line out the door of people waiting to whup my ass, but then I'm not an old racist who lives in Alabama, either.

But yeah, freedom of speech. I get it.

Of course, if various and assorted racists attempt to lynch the government after he publicly said this, I rather suspect the Washington D.C. Police, the FBI, the U.S. Capitol Police, the Secret Service and/or the Military District of Washington will almost certainly forcibly object.

NRA propaganda aside, nobody has a right to try to overthrow the government, or even just the parts of it they don't like.

Alabama Senator Doug Jones, among others, including his Republican counterpart, and the state's Republican governor, have called upon Goodloe Sutton (the editor in question) to resign. (Also that name is right up there with Louie Gohmert and Trey Gowdy in "Most redneck sounding names ever.)

That's great, dignity, human rights, and forgetting he owns the damn paper and all that.

Sooner or later you just have to say "Fuck it all" and bust somebody right in the chops.

If it were me making the call he'd be getting run out of town on a rail with the pictures on the front page the next morning. Fuck that guy and every last one of these racist sons of bitches.

I'm frankly sick of the racists and various and assorted other freaks and extremists who've basically made themselves synonymous with my former political persuasion and bent it into a bunch of crap I can't even recognize. The "Conservative" movement is now functionally (Never-Trump Republicans aside) controlled by and indeed indistinguishable from Donald J. Trump...who isn't a conservative. How the fuck does that make any sense?

But ya know, according to (Ironically enough, Never-Trump conservative) David French of the National Review, it's the "Left" (or at least "White Progressives") that is the dangerous extremists and keeps moving the goal posts.

That seems to be their new M.O. paint anybody who's economically to the Left of the Koch Brothers as the leader of the Bolshevik Hordes at their gates. Fuck that shit.

I've read enough Trumper screeds, including those aimed at French and his fellow Never-Trump Republicans, that I don't need any help figuring out who *I* think the dangerous extremists are.

Yet, To paraphrase Steve King, Republicans have calves the size of Cantaloupes from moving their own goal-posts these last few years. Most Never-Trump Republicans are not excepted from this.

They may hate Trump, or whatever, but most of them back the Republican ethos of "Fuck You I've Got Mine" 100% all day.

I found the linked article above when I clicked on somebody's name to block them and followed the rabbit hole down to a lot of Southern Baptists bitching about their church leadership trying to crack down on child sexual abuse and racism...and literally saying that cracking down on that type of shit was a bad if Christ would endorse being a child molester and hating black people?

Who believes that kind of stuff? Somebody who believes in "Fuck you, I've got mine" (FYIGM) more than they believe in Christ. If you wonder why Christianity is full of these fucking people, it goes all the way back to the Calvinist Puritans and the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which many conservatives consider to be America's real founding. No, not July 4th, 1776, the fucking Pilgrims.

Yes, that includes some never-Trump people. If you look at David French's profile on Twitter, his avatar is literally a portrait of John Calvin, the founder of Calvinism, whose "Reformed" theology feeds heavily into the current beliefs of Southern Baptists...and I say that as a former non-Calvinist Baptist who's gone some rounds with these people online and off.

Calvinism is the belief that those who are Saved are saved not by their accepting Christ out of free will or by personal choice but because they are chosen ("Elected") by God. So to be one of "The Elect" is to be special by definition, and that's the vector by which FYIGM sneaks in."

If God picked you, he didn't pick somebody else. The potential for abuse starts right there.

I'm running out of patience with these people and their crap. An awful lot of these motherfuckers seem like they'd rather have a Thousand Years Of Trump, or worse, or burn down the country, than pay their fair share in taxes.

For fuck's sake, you could easily make the case (and younger, more liberal co-workers of mine have) that I'm a conservative Democrat, and I personally find Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the Green New Deal and a 70% marginal tax rate pretty damn supportable.

Does that make me an "extremist?"

I spend my days annoyed as fuck, if not outright angry or extremely pissed off, at the shit that comes out of the mouths of Republicans and Trump and I was a Republican right up until the end of August of 2008. I changed my registration to Independent a day or two after Sarah Palin was nominated as John McCain's vice-presidential pick. These motherfucking Trump idiots can't wait to bash any Republican that doesn't get in line behind their Dear Leader fast enough! I'm not just Persona Non Grata to these fools, I'm probably the goddamned enemy too...because I know what should be expected of these fucking people...from experience and a specifically conservative point of view.

And not a damned one of them can be bothered to do it.

How in the fuck is any of this "Conservative?"

Who are the extremists here, really?

Let me tell you what's going on here. Here we have a President who daily, hell hourly, abrogates is oath of office and sells this country out to its enemies and the extremely wealthy, who calls the Constitutionally-protected Free Press the Enemy while he turns into nothing but a simpering, worshipful toady in the presence of people who can only be called the enemies of freedom.

One of said enemies threatened just this morning to go right back to aiming nuclear weapons at the United States of America if we do the same things he has already done and deploy nukes in Europe.

(To be honest, we already have them present, B-61 gravity bombs specifically, both those assigned to our own aircraft and dual-key weapons assigned to the Belgian, Dutch and German Air Forces, how's that for a Catch-22?) Putin knows they're there, this remaining strategic presence was specifically agreed to by treaty back when he was a colonel in the KGB.

It seems like Putin threatening to fully restart the Cold War nuclear standoff just like the bad old days, when he's given us little choice but to counter his moves is a bad idea.

And Trump looks up to this son of a bitch?

In fact, Trump seems to be egging this crap on, if you ask me. These fools, Bolton, Pompeo. Trump et al, not a damned one of them ever misses an opportunity to make some bellicose statement at somebody else.

Trump needs to be impeached and removed from office, Now.

Republicans, who'd rather face the prospect of nuclear war than pay a 70% marginal tax rate, need to be voted out at the earliest possible time, not least because you can't spend all that money if you're dead, you dumb motherfuckers.

Let me tell you what's really going on here, none of this is really about political parties, race, tax rates or something-something gazpacho. It's not even fully about temporal power, although that certainly plays a part in it. At the end of the day, do you know what's going on here? This is about Authority as a quasi-spiritual concept, or rather...the kind of totalitarian authority These Fucking People imagine they should have.

These idiots don't want to be men. They want to be gods.

As a case in point, Evangelicalism stopped being about Jesus or His Word a long damned time ago. It's really about competing sects/churches (actually most of these non-denominational Evangelical churches could best be described as their own sect) each seeking to impose their idea of Jesus on others.

When you can dictate spirituality or truth to others, it can go to your head, and the moment it does that you've lost any hope of ever preaching the Truth again.

When somebody like Mike Pence goes to the Korean DMZ and stares bumboclatly across the border as if he could mean-mug the entire nation into submission by the power of his imagined Marlboro Man grade toughness, he's not aware that he looks like an idiot. He's trying to Jedi Mind Trick the universe into letting him have his way.

Even though his own claimed religion explains in its holy book, in rather specific detail, that God isn't down with that kind of shit.

This is, in the end, about the imagined power, pathetic insecurities and petty beefs of needy, small, petty men who...from people like Goodloe Sutton on up to Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin and all don't deserve the power they've fooled others into giving them.

Step one at successfully resisting this garbage is to be the kind of person, either by fixed beliefs, internal fortitude, knowledge or whatever, that looks at this bullshit and says "Fucking seriously?"

Be a strong enough individual that you as a person don't feel threatened by the mere existence of people that are different from you, people who don't believe what you believe, or your neighbors.

Have enough knowledge, and/or the instincts and street smarts to be able to call a lie a lie, and the courage to do so.

Understand that whatever you think you're going to get out of going along with bullshit probably isn't worth the consequences.

It's not just about fighting for what you believe in, it's about making sure you believe the right things, and that at the end of the day on a human level such beliefs are even worth having.

It was the conservatives of a previous geological age, politically speaking, who taught me that.

And if you're the kind of person who'd rather watch the world burn than see other people get any, fuck you.

If we're going to survive this bullshit, let alone come out on top, we're going to have to be a lot closer to the people that our Founding Fathers, perhaps naively, expected us to be.

Yes, that's hard.

If that makes us extremists, so be it.

Their eras iterations of These Fucking People considered Washington, Lincoln, F.D.R, Kennedy, LBJ, Reagan and Obama all to be "extremists" too.

These Fucking People, the actual negative-extremists, will always project and try to paint others as the monsters that they know deep down that they are.

So what? Stop caring what they think.

Freedom isn't free, life isn't easy. Sooner or later you have to stand up, or motherfuckers just gonna walk all over you.

But you have to do it, and that's a fact.

If you personally, want our constitutional rights as American people to be worth a damn, you now have to understand that those rights continuing to apply to you or a newspaper that's worth a damn as much as they do for some racist nut in Alabama may just damned well come down to your actions and what you do personally in this moment of national crisis.

It's on each of us.

Deal with it.

"Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest, with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years. At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer. If it ever reach us it must spring up among us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die by suicide."

~Abraham Lincoln

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