Tuesday, March 5, 2019


Think about this; think about how stupid the average person is, and then realize that half of 'em are stupider than that. ~George Carlin

OK, seriously, we need to talk.

There's something going on here that bothers me.

I want you to read the snipped bit of gibberish to the left here and think about it good and hard, and then if you can, tell me why civilized people should put up with this silly bullshit.

I saw last night that there's some Q-Anon book called "An invitation to the great awakening" currently at #56 on Amazon's top 100 list.

The gibberish is an excerpt from that book that I snipped off of Twitter the other day.

Go ahead, read it, it's a compilation of conspiracy theories, drooling insanity, fear of modern medicine, ghoulish fantasies and lurid sexual stuff, written by some idiot who apparently has a seething hatred of decent movies...and the writer of this crap has the nerve to accuse anybody else of being in a cult?!

This utter drooling insanity is, last I heard, selling better than a number of literary classics, but not as well as Green Eggs & Ham. I do not like this, Sam I Am.

But what can you expect, when last week Laura Ingraham had a supposed farmer in her audience who apparently didn't know dick about the anatomy of Cows?

This right here is the fruit of Anti-Intellectualism, Creationism and Conspiracy Theories, not to mention drooling stupidity and rabid religiosity that, mind you, seems to pay absolutely no attention to the source material. Hell, I think you'd get a more scientific understanding of how a cow works from the Bible than you would from a goddamned Fox News show! This is the end result of performative moronism and willful ignorance being raised up as a virtue for fun and profit by corporate goons, religious hucksters and right-wing politicians.

This is what you get when Christianity in America can enthusiastically rattle off its favorite Bible verse, but no one has been taught to understand their meaning, let alone to establish literacy in the evolution, history and themes of the subject matter at hand. In point of fact, the reverse has happened and a fierce intellectual incuriousity has taken root.

Or as I've been saying for over a decade now "If you don't know anything, you can believe whatever you want." That certainly seems to hold true of the average old person who watches Fox News.

American Christianity, at least in its Evangelical and Fundamentalist varieties and conservative iterations, is far less doctrinal or theological than experiential these days and of course all that is highly subjective. It's the beliefs and the doctrines and the theology that provide a positive force of group cohesion, If you take that away, very quickly things degenerate into who can put on the biggest show to get glory from idiots and to secure Man's approval for whatever their shitty agenda is. People who are grounded in feelings rather than facts or truth (either or preferably both literal and spiritual) tend to end up being easily led by whoever can put on the biggest display of emotionalism or tell them what they want to hear. In the end people basically end up worshiping some combination of their own brain chemicals and endorphins and their own uninformed opinions while somewhere along the way the Truth gets left by the side of the road to die...at best.

And at worst, it gets twisted into nothing more than an excuse to do what one wants anyway, or at least to openly fantasize about it in front of a crowd of dumb motherfuckers. I'm not quite sure why Jerry things Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would either show up at his house or want his cows. I'm rather inclined to believe, on top of that, that if Jerry Falwell Jr. actually owns any cows he's probably not the one who takes care of them. I'm likewise not sure what, if anything, Jerry thinks is good about killing Muslims. After all, there is that pesky bit in Exodus about "Thou Shalt Not Kill." 

Who would Jesus murder?

Last I checked, Muslims worship the same God, believe in a lot of the same things, and while I'm at it, American Muslims (and this includes several friends of mine) used to mostly vote Republican before Republicans repeatedly stabbed them in the back after 9/11. The interesting part here, is that if you look at it objectively, Muslims have far more in common with Christians than they don't. 

Of course, and speaking from personal experience here, if you're a former Republican and you currently vote Democrat...these motherfuckers today will just assume you never were a "real" Republican in the first place. It's all starting to strike me as extremely childish and self-serving. Republicans are basically like that teenage boy who keeps getting caught masturbating and of course he thinks the problem is the people who keep catching him, rather than that he can't keep his hands off his own junk.

This crap has turned into one giant circle-jerk of stupidity and the longer it goes on, the less I want any part of it. What gets me is that there appears to be a movement within Evangelicalism that thinks Trump was raised up to be King of the United States of America...ya know, the nation that was founded with the very purpose of being against kings in the first place.

But of course, if you don't agree with these assholes, they think you're persecuting them and Help! Help! They're being oppressed! Never fucking mind that not one damned one of these sons of bitches has the slightest idea of what living with day-to-day persecution looks like.

But that's Okay, Republicans believe in liberty, don't they? Well, funny thing but it turns out they have kind of a funny definition of that, too. See, in Republican Land, you and your kids have the liberty to die of perfectly well preventable diseases, some of which had been damned near unheard-of in this country for decades previously.

But that's Okay, too. Rand and his kids have all been vaccinated, Fuck You, He's Got His

And, sick as it is, that's a comparatively enlightened view compared to one hell of a lot of these fucking people.

Personally, I think I'd prefer the "false sense of security" of knowing my neighbors had been vaccinated, to the very real fear of living through a Third World style disease outbreak. I'm just sayin' I don't want to live in the kind of country where I have to step over dead bodies just to go somewhere. I don't know what's wrong with these people or where they get their ideas of what freedom constitutes or what liberty means, but if that's it I'm not interested. Certainly, none of their definitions of freedom or liberty match what I was taught and I used to be a conservative.

What the hell good is it to be free, if you're dead and you can't enjoy it?

Seems like an obvious question.

In Republican-Land and Q-Land...what is one Free to do?

The main ideal on their part seems to be that you and I and most other people...are free to die.

Certainly, such seems to have been the case in the past.

That's so much freedom I think it deserves a new name. I say we call it Q-Berty.

And I think it needs to be said, AGAIN, that on a certain level the people that these current Republicans seem to hate most are other Republicans, especially anybody who has gone before, and anybody who had any element of humanity in their actions or their conduct. 

For current "Conservatives" it's honestly like they think there were no Republicans before Trump.

That orange jackass is what they want to be. That's the ideal they've decided on.

I used to be one of these people. I was...hell, in some ways I still am...a conservative. That's why I detest this garbage with every fiber of my being and why I am unafraid to say so.

The more I think about it, I think it's the deliberate and uncaring ingratitude toward previous generations that offends me most of all. In fact, they have the same attitude toward future generations, and I think that's even worse.

If this performatively cruel and stupid nationalistic bullshitter and his demonstrative simple-mindedness are your thing, you deserve what you're going to get and you deserve to get it good and hard.

But ya know what, a lot of us don't, and didn't sign up for this horse shit. When the dust settles, when this is over, we're going to remember and we're going to act accordingly, without the conspiracy theory mash-ups and the word-finder bullshit. But you know what? At our worst, at our most angry the rest of us still remember concepts like freedom and liberty for what they mean, not what we want them to mean and not just for "Us"...and we're still going to have to be able to look at ourselves in our bathroom mirrors and shit.

So yeah, don't worry, conservatives. When all this crap is said and done and the rest of us are picking up the pieces and ya'll get to pay the consequences for this orgy of Stupid you're still going to get treated better than ya'll would treat other people...or even your own. Not that you deserve it.

And don't worry, Trump Supporters, we don't have to make shit up about what you're doing.

This crap needs to end, and it needs to end now, before it gets a lot of people killed for no reason.


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