"Come on, you sons of bitches. Do you want to live forever?!" ~First Sgt. Dan Daly, USMC, urging his men forward during the battle of Belleau Wood....
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I've watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those ... moments will be lost in time, like tears...in rain. Time to die. ~Roy Batty, Blade Runner.
Through me you go to the grief wracked city;
Through me you go to everlasting pain;
Through me you go a pass among lost souls.
Justice inspired my exalted Creator:
I am a creature of the Holiest Power,
of Wisdom in the Highest and of Primal Love.
Nothing till I was made was made, only eternal beings.
And I endure eternally.
~Sign above the gates of Hell, From the Divine Comedy.
"The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride." ~Volodymyr Zelenskyy, allegedly 25 February 2022, Associated Press
I saw this earlier today.
Some tech-bro idiot wants to live forever, thinks he needs his own nation-state to do it, and wants to forbid alcohol, donuts and pizza.
Oh, hell no.
Fuck, bro, I'd literally rather
die than live in your bullshit dream-world and I say that as an addict who's finally kicked all the habits and tries to watch his health. I'll
never understand why these motherfuckers are so obsessed with the
quantity of their lives that they don't care about the
quality of their lives (let alone
anybody else's.)
It's for the same reason I wouldn't want to live in a bunker, I don't give a shit. I've been in enough bunkers to know I don't want to live my life in one. If you can't understand why, that's your fucking problem.
I have a church background, I'm a veteran, there's a few things I'm afraid of (of course) but death isn't really one of them, because I believe that the soul is eternal. The body dies, that's just a part of life. We evolved or were created (or whatever) with a certain natural lifespan for a reason. Shit, the human mind sometimes doesn't do well towards the end of that.
What good is having a bunch of money and living forever if you can't remember where you fucking put it or if you can't even physically do anything?? Do you know you're a bad person and you're thus that afraid of the Big Fire Below?? Get real!
What good is living through an apocalypse in a concrete and steel tube you can never leave??
And by the same token, what's even the goddamn point of still being mad about something that happened like 50 or 65 years ago, that doesn't in any way materially affect you??
I used to be a Republican and I don't understand why some of these assholes are still mad about Jane Fonda, or Watergate, or any other shit that happened when I was a goddamn baby. I mean, fuck, I was born during Watergate. Doesn't mean I think Richard Nixon was supposed to be my god or something.
Like, goddamn, is ideology that much of a fucking drug??
What's even the goddamned
What the hell good is a life lived in fear, or a life lived for things like anger, dirty politics, hate, lust for power and petty revenge?? I'm sorry, but like I said before, I have a church background and I have enough exposure to various other beliefs and philosophies to know that shit makes you a prisoner in your own goddamn mind and a slave of your own goddamned fears and increasingly petty hatreds. Like literally why the fuck do these assholes think other people existing, having anything, or holding office is some kind of a crime against them??
(Let alone some foul deed worthy of revenge.)
What the fuck is wrong with these people??
They fuck up, push terrible policies and their shitty religious beliefs on the rest of us...and then have the balls to get mad when we don't vote for them??
Bro, fuck you!
Are the same fucking people going to be mad about the whole Trump thing for the next hundred years, blaming the rest of us for his failures when the truth is that he was an incompetent fucking dumbass??
Not only that, but today one of his own fucking people in a House hearing pretty much came out and implicated more Republican Senators as Russian agents and basically said the whole idiotic attempt to impeach Biden was nothing more than a goddamned KGB operation to fucking start with, and he said Trump was aware of the whole goddamn thing, which implicates him too!
Russia, Russia, Russia, they said. Like it was some sort of a joke.
Well it sure looks like there's a lot of goddamn Russians around here. I mean, fuck.
If I'd have had that many goddamn Russians or their agents around when I was in uniform, my ass would've ended up in jail.
Why do these Republicans get to be like this?
Reagan Wept.I mean, I guess I get it. Modern Republicans hate the entire idea of freedom, of happiness, of being anything other than miserable, resentful sons of bitches.
They'd prefer authoritarianism, bigotry, made-up social statuses, patronage, privilege, and the taste of boot-leather. I guess it's just easier being a cog in the system and never having to face what and who you are, or think for yourself, or to have to consider your own morality, mortality or Salvation, eh??
But then you peel the layers back a little and it's plainly obvious all these fucking people hate each other and ultimately that's why so many of them do drugs, or eventually commit suicide or destroy themselves by various other means because they actually can't face all the bullshit.
I couldn't do it.
I mean, sure, I had some issues...but fundamentally my problem was I liked to get drunk, or get high, or smoking helped with stress, and sexual excess is just plain fun by itself.
It never occurred to me to do a job I hated forever, or spend my life around people I hated because it was financially or politically profitable.
Some things have to be more important than money or politics, or this garbage is what you get.
And I pretty much see Republicans trying to collectively destroy themselves. Trouble is, they want to take others down with them.
I'm sorry but after awhile, just constantly trying to get one over on some real or imagined "Other Guy" or get some kind of Eternal Revenge for some mostly-imagined slight becomes exactly as puerile as all this looks.
These fucking people believe so much in the Apocalypse, so much in the idea of the End Times, that they'll bring that shit upon themselves, offering themselves up as a sacrifice to their fake Blood Gods as tribute, if they have to.If they can't sacrifice somebody else, or throw some virgin in the volcano, or something, that is.
I saw that shit all the time at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic four years ago.
The only problem is, they do this shit in the hope of taking America and Civilization out with them, they'd rather burn America to the ground than see Black folks or Latinos or LGBT people get a slice, however small.
It's not by any goddamned accident that I write about American Revelation.
And like I said, Donald Trump is basically promising these fucking people bloodbath and civil war whether he wins or loses, and they'll take it. And if they do succeed in breaking America apart...an outcome I see as all too likely simply because too many idiots like to give these fucking people what they want...their portion of "us" will gladly submit to Russian invasion and occupation, like Eastern Europe after WWII, but with rather less resistance.
Because it's anything other than America.
Because it's anything other than "Love Thy Neighbor."
Because it's anything other than really believing in an Infinite Creator or an Eternal Soul.
Because they can't wall America off and put computer chips in all our heads and inflict the torments of the worst parts of the Bible on the rest of us for no better reasons than their fun and profit...while themselves acting like they think the Bible is all crap and they can do whatever they want.
And he caused all, small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads:So that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. ~Revelation 13:16-18Fuck these motherfuckers.
Freedom ain't free.And sooner or later, we're going to have to fight for it.
I know how, I can show you enough to get you started if I have to.
It's going to come to that.
Unless you want these bitter, obsessed, vengeful assholes running your life.
Vote like your life depends on it, because it does.
Hell, if Musk gets his way, vote like your afterlife depends on telling him "No" because it just might.
And I'm here to tell you Elon Musk believes way more in his conspiracy theories and all this Enchanted World horseshit than he does in the Lord's Word.
These fucking people don't want to be Americans, they want to be gods.
I've read the Word, I know how that works out, every time you run the experiment.
But defeating these fucking people won't be that hard, if you're less afraid of dying than they are.
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When men stop believing in God, it isn't that they then believe in nothing: they believe in everything. ~Umberto Eco
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Be quiet and calm, my countrymen. What is happening now is what you came to do...you are going to die, but that is what you came to do. Brothers, we are drilling the death drill. I, a Xhosa, say you are my brothers...Swazis, Pondos, Basotho...so let us die like brothers. We are the sons of Africa. Raise your war-cries, brothers, for though they made us leave our assegais in the kraal, our voices are left with our bodies. ~Reverend Isaac Dyobha, during the WWI SS Mendi disaster.