Friday, March 1, 2024

Revelation, But With Morons (Satan's Sermons, Seven.)

Why, why, why, why is it that most of the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn't wanna fuck in the first place? Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked. Conservatives don't give a shit about you until you reach military age. Then they think you're just fine. Just what they've been looking for. Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers. Pro-life... pro-life... These people aren't pro-life, they're killing doctors! What kind of pro-life is that? What, they'll do anything they can to save a fetus but if it grows up to be a doctor they just might have to kill it? They're not pro-life. You know what they are? They're anti-woman. Simple as it gets, anti-woman. They don't like them. They don't like women. They believe a woman's primary role is to function as a brood mare for the state. ~George Carlin


"The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride." ~Volodymyr Zelenskyy, allegedly 25 February 2022, Associated Press

So, Republicans are trying to stop people from using abortion pills by getting SCOTUS to limit tele-health prescriptions.

Fuck these motherfuckers.

I'm sick of this bullshit, leave women and their bodies and their medical decisions alone, especially if you're a dude or a vapid religious twit. Women are not your fucking property, get the fuck over it! Also, if your religion or your interpretation of your religion rejects medicine and science, FUCK YOU! It's the goddamn 21st Century. Nobody should even have to care what the fuck you think!!

The United States of America is a Constitutionally secular nation, and there is no goddamned basis for any of this bullshit that does not depend 100% on a specific outdated interpretation of Christianity.

So the answer, legally and otherwise, should be "No" and you should get punched in the face for asking.

And note I say this as a White former-Christian, former-conservative MAN. But it's more than that.

What if the fanatics get around to something I need...? What then??

I got some of the meds I'M on via tele-health prescription because some of the several doctors I see are at a VA hospital a bit over two hours away from where I live, hell, my regular guy is an hour away...and I have a job and cannot just readily take a trip most days because ya know, work

Also, among other things, you cannot really just restrict one kind of medication (especially not without the temptation arising to do it again.) Nor do these fucking people give a shit about anything related to mental health.

What happens when these fucking people have hacked away at health care and access to this, that and the other thing for working men like me (because it won't just stop with the ladies) and start pushing faith-healing bullshit?? I'm not even religious anymore.

The endgame here is, none of this shit will affect rich people or the politically-connected. If it did, none of this bullshit would be allowed and Republicans would be reduced to being the weird shouty guy holding up a sign on the street corner and reeking of Bath Salts and cat piss, and Lauren Blowbert would have to go back to being a $2 Ho.

My friend sent me this shit where some fool is trying to say that US Conservatism has been infiltrated by Gay people. There's flowcharts and everything.

Remember, these fucking assholes are fine with human rights and medicine and science and "Woke" shit, but only if they're the only ones who get to have any...and they'll burn it all down at the slightest suggestion that anybody they disapprove of is getting anything at all.

Have fun with that, Republicans, when it turns back on you...and it will.

But again, the reason I'm telling people to stop putting up with this horseshit and saying that We The People need to stand up for ourselves and start punching Republicans in the face or some shit is more than just that.

Do you really, honestly, want these goddamned brain-damaged mentally-ill paranoid motherfuckers making any choices at all, for themselves, much less anybody else??

What about your life choices? What's wrong with you??

I used to be a Republican and 25 years ago spewing the kind of shit I see and hear on a daily basis now would have landed me in Lockwood mental hospital in Petoskey, MI for a few days for observation.

Or, ya know, I might've just got my ass Beat and got told to think about why that might've happened. Piss my Grandpa off enough and he was not afraid to start hooking and jabbing.

Yes, these "Conservatives" are crazy, anymore that seems to be a given. But they're also evil, Blatantly so.

And I don't get how fully 25% of America (more on some days) just shrugs at this and basically says "It's Republicans, what you gonna do??"

You cannot trust these fucking people, at least not with anything other than cruelty, hate, and lust for Power.

Even their own ethical structure and what they claim is most sacred and that everybody should have to follow is meaningless compared to their obsession with in-group/out-group bullshit and having somebody to feel superior to, to hate, and to persecute. Yeah, let these fucking idiots do what they want and the first fucking thing they do is turn the Cross of Jesus Christ into a flaming lawn ornament. What happens when they find out Jesus wasn't White??

They gonna try to set Him on fire, too?!?!

These fucking people seem immune to any suggestion that they're not the Ultimate Authority in the Universe. There is no God, but if there is, He must be a Republican.

Like I said, you believe that type of shit, you might as well let the Devil preach at your church, and see if you can pray to him for your Salvation, too.

(And people keep egging this shit on, in the hope that it'll get them Money and Power, even as it spirals out like a mental patient who's gone off their meds.)

That right there should tell you everything you need to know about this garbage.

And I'm sick of it.

The question is, why aren't you??

In November, it very much looks like we're going to tell these motherfuckers "No" and then have to fight for it anyway.

And if we don't? Well, you can pretty much kiss everything you care about goodbye, starting with your own freedom.

There's no Constitution or power-structure or any other goddamn thing that these motherfuckers feel bound to respect unless they're literally sitting on top of it on a permanent basis.

And if you don't think that exact lack of disrespect is going to eventually going to cause these assholes to try to overthrow America by armed force, you have another thing coming.

At a bare minimum, these fucking people are going to try to break off a piece of America for themselves, and then try to conquer more to make it bigger.

What part of "These people hate everybody" don't you understand??

For extra points, I'd like you to consider what would've happened to me, as a United States Air Force enlisted man 30 years ago, if I would've talked the way about Bill Clinton (Who I didn't and still don't like very much) that some Border Patrol Union hack is talking about Joe Biden. Suffice it to say my career would have ended both sooner and on worse terms than it did.

But you can't tell these fucking people anything.

And making them even physically stop is going to come down to a fight. I'm not even sure what it'd take to get them to listen to anybody else's point of view...let alone do so in good faith. At a bare minimum they're going to have to lose, and keep losing, until they get the goddamn message.

And even then, freedom isn't free, sooner or later you're going to have to fight for it.

Because otherwise, Republicans seem intent on reducing the average American...if not the average other person in the basically a Dark Ages peasant or a slave, if we ain't all dead.

And they all think they're gonna be the Lord in his castle, not the serfs in the fields.

Well, this is America and the whole point of this country is we don't play like that. You either believe in freedom or you don't.

"Conservatives" are spiraling out. I don't know whether it's fear of death or what, but they're determined to take America and the rest of us with them.

It's like the Walking Dead, but with idiots instead of Zombies.

Or perhaps, Revelation, but with Morons.

We need to make this shit stop.

So get after it.

Слава Україна!

Nameless One: “Shadow of this life?”

Dhall, Dustman scribe: “Yes, a shadow. You see, Restless One, this life is not real. Your life, my life, they are shadows, flickerings of what life once was. This life is where we end up after we die, and here we remain. Trapped, caged, until we can achieve the True Death.”

Nameless One: “True Death?”

Dhall, Dustman scribe: “True death is non-existence. A state devoid of reason, of passion, of sensation.” [Dhall coughs] “A state of purity.”

Nameless One: Sounds like oblivion, why would anyone would want that? 
~from Planescape Torment


We have become a Nazi monster in the eyes of the whole world, a nation of bullies and bastards who would rather kill than live peacefully. We are not just Whores for power and oil, but killer whores with hate and fear in our hearts. We are human scum, and that is how history will judge us. No redeeming social value. Just whores. Get out of our way, or we'll kill you. Who does vote for these dishonest shitheads? Who among us can be happy and proud of having all this innocent blood on our hands? Who are these swine? These flag-sucking half-wits who get fleeced and fooled by stupid little rich kids like George Bush? They are the same ones who wanted to have Muhammad Ali locked up for refusing to kill gooks. They speak for all that is cruel and stupid and vicious in the American character. They are the racists and hate mongers among us; they are the Ku Klux Klan. I piss down the throats of these Nazis. And I am too old to worry about whether they like it or not. Fuck them. ~Hunter S. Thompson, Kingdom Of Fear (2004)

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