Monday, December 18, 2023

Lords Of Misery (Reason For The Season 2023, Four.)

There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always — do not forget this, Winston — always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever. ~George Orwell, 1984.


And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:) To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.

And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.
And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. ~Luke 2:1-14

I saw this a couple days ago.

Laura Ingraham on FOX News, just completely flipping a bitch because...somebody was tap-dancing at the White House?? Excuse me? Wait...tap-dancing is "Woke" (and/or "Marxist") now??

Goddamn, "Conservatives" seriously??

Maybe it's just me and yeah, I grew up when people singing or tap-dancing or whatever was still on TV, when actors with well-rounded backgrounds who'd started out on Broadway like Ben Vereen were still pretty active. Somebody tap-dancing or some shit was no big thing. Say shit like Laura is saying here, and you probably would have got laughed at. Seriously, Republicans??

Sit the fuck down, drink a beer, or find some porn and jerk off, or smoke a blunt or something. At this point, I really don't give a damn and I won't judge. Chill the fuck out.

Hell, I remember when Ben Vereen...then as now an active Democrat...performed at Ronald Reagan's Inauguration.

I remember all the classic...and rather musical...Christmas specials and when they were on regular TV, too!

So tell me, was the Charlie Brown Christmas or Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer or The Grinch "Woke??" What about all the old Disney movies and shit??

(Don't answer that question, it's a trap. Look at the backgrounds of the people who came up with this stuff. They'd all be on FOX's "Enemies List" too, simply for not being joyless motherfuckers. Look how much Republicans hate Disney now...Walt was a Republican but he wasn't this kind of Republican. He could not have been, and been successful.)

But seriously find some stress relief, some way to unbend before you all collectively give yourselves a goddamned stroke. I know a lot of you people think it's fun to go around being angry all the time, but come on. 

It's the fucking Christmas season, what's wrong with you?!?!

I'm just going to come straight out and say it. I can't watch FOX News, I can't go around being angry all the time. It'd spiral out into depression in the face of this constant, sneering anger, this endless life lived with a snarl, and I'd shoot myself. I was on Antidepressants for like a year, and I've hit the point where I have to be health-conscious and that includes my mental health.

Shit, I don't even watch TV, much less TV news.

What the fuck ever happened to "If you don't like it, change the channel??"

Why do these fucking people make a conscious choice to be miserable and wallow in negativity about everything?? Why do they want to feel like everybody hates them?? 

(And then, by a deliberate choice, with malice aforethought, they act in such ways so as to bring about exactly that hatred?)

When I worked at the casino I used to know a bunch of people, all of them older or middle-aged white dudes, almost all of them people who'd not bothered with education past high school. None of them especially creative or imaginative of their own accords...and I did actual research to show this, asking questions over the years. All of them would sit there in the break room staring zombie-eyed at whichever of the break room TV's had FOX News on it like a bunch of ADHD kids watching cartoons...not so much watching the news as trying to mainline that shit through their eyeballs.

And then, nearly all of them did nothing but complain about life, in terms of any conversations they might have had.

Not all of them were Trump Supporters...but the most ardent of the Trump Supporters in particular could not or would not tell you why they liked Donald Trump. If asked, they'd pop back with "I like the shit he says" or something like that. If you pointed out the inconsistencies in what he said, or things he was on record saying or had said on live TV that went against whatever they thought he was saying right now...every once in awhile you just might see their brains divide by zero, or an expression of horror or shock...but very often it simply didn't even register. It did not compute, Error 404, nothing there, yo.

These fucking people want to be this way. They seem to want to be miserable, and they want you to be miserable, too.

More to the point, they see people like Donald Trump as a way to make you have to be miserable like them, and they think when it's all over they're going to be the Lords in their castles...and you're not.

Fascism isn't the end game, feudalism is.

But wouldn't being Lords Of Misery mean they're still...miserable??

Again, since I'm an addict and I suffer from depression, I really don't *Get* the concept of wanting to be miserable and live in your own shit by choice. I suppose these idiots don't understand it either, right up until they die of their own despair...and deaths by drug abuse, suicide, etc. are epidemic among these kind of people.

And to what end is all this shit, for them??

Saw this yesterday, some freak at one of these Charlie Kirk freak shows saying if all the women don't have ten babies, Muslims are going to take over America.

Fucking seriously? You can't even have sex for obviously basic non-partisan/non-religious purposes like because you love your partner and want to enjoy yourself, you have to have it because you're desperately afraid of a group that's like *2% of the total population of the United States.* in the fuck does this work out even in these fucking people's own minds?? 

Have sex...because endless war against some mostly-imagined enemy...ain't the flex you think it is. Nor does it really end up being any fun, nor will anybody help you with that large family when your apocalyptic confrontation does not come to pass.

And it'll end in expensive divorces and large child support bills you'll be unwilling to pay, but ultimately either compelled to pay or to sit in jail for a couple weeks out of the year, on average.

Going through life constantly afraid of the bogeyman is...well, it's how we end up with all these Republicans doing creepy weird sexual shit, it's why they have their cocaine orgies and so on. The human mind will find a way to cope...and that coping mechanism will rarely if ever be constructive to life.

I don't get this shit anymore, and I used to be a Republican and more to the point I put my ass on the line and served my country precisely because of those values.

And now the only thing these fucking people want to do is burn down America because it's not fearful or mean or shitty enough, because most people chose not to align with their miserable politics?? They want to kill the entire concept of joy because most people choose not to constrain theirs with dour, priggish religiosity nor to express their joy (such as it is) covertly by sexually debasing themselves and then being ashamed of it later??

Motherfucker, you think Americans and Republicans especially have a porn problem now?? 

When I used to do computer work on the side while I worked at the casino...the Venn Diagram between the Fox News guys and the "Need their computer fixed again because the viruses they got via porn downloads are making their computers too slow" guys was a polished, smooth circle.

Where do you think so many Americans get this shit? Who provides it? What nationality do a lot of the porn people have?? (The answer here is; Russia, Russians, and Russian...yes, your supposed "Christian" dictatorship knows what's up with you fuckers and has been profiting off your vices the whole time.)

And if you Republicans think allying with the Russians, fighting wars civil and otherwise with your fellow Americans, trying to end the American experiment and ultimately breaking off a piece of this country as a shitty little Russian satellite state is going to beat the proper "reverence" toward Christmas or obedience to your social memes or whatever into...well, have another thing coming.

Russian culture and religion is not yours, they don't even observe Christmas at the same time we do.

The only things that will happen is you'll end up killing a lot of people for no reason, a lot of you will end up dying for no reason worth mentioning...and ultimately you'll be the ones forced to observe their culture and then you'll figure out that the walls you put up to keep the rest of us out keep you in there.

I know Republicans think "Tis better to reign in hell..." but what if you don't end up "Reigning??" What if people like Donald Trump or the Russians or whatever don't share the power, what then, Republicans?? 

I thought conservatism was based on 'Things as they are" not "Things as some reactionary punk-ass imagines they should be?" More to the point I know enough about history to know the "Time" these nuts claim to be nostalgic for...generally some imagined version of the 1950's...wasn't any different than things are now, complexity or social change-wise, except for the level of technology.

Seems like it'd just be easier to be Americans and learn to mind your own damn business??

Just because you think you'll end up being addressed as Duke/Duchess Miserable Tight-Ass, it doesn't make you not end up being a Miserable Tight-Ass.

And before you continue trying to burn down the world, maybe you should think about that??

America is about citizenship, not some imagined ethnic or social status. The whole point of America as I was taught it (by conservatives) is that it's not about what you were born as, but what you have it in yourself to be. You want a better America, be a better citizen.

And this? This ain't it, yo.

Слава Україна!

There are times, however, and this is one of them, when even being right feels wrong. What do you say, for instance, about a generation that has been taught that rain is poison and sex is death? If making love might be fatal and if a cool spring breeze on any summer afternoon can turn a crystal blue lake into a puddle of black poison right in front of your eyes, there is not much left except TV and relentless masturbation. It's a strange world. Some people get rich and others eat shit and die. Who knows? If there is in fact, a heaven and a hell, all we know for sure is that hell will be a viciously overcrowded version of Phoenix — a clean well lighted place full of sunshine and bromides and fast cars where almost everybody seems vaguely happy, except those who know in their hearts what is missing... And being driven slowly and quietly into the kind of terminal craziness that comes with finally understanding that the one thing you want is not there. Missing. Back-ordered. No tengo. Vaya con dios. Grow up! Small is better. Take what you can get. ~Hunter S. Thompson, Generation Of Swine.


"The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride." ~Volodymyr Zelenskyy, allegedly 25 February 2022, Associated Press

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