Friday, October 7, 2022

Republican Gods (American Revelation X, Postscript.)

 Vi Veri Universum Vivicus Vici

(By the Power of Truth, I while living, have conquered the Universe.)

~Aleister Crowley, among others.

I saw this yesterday.

Republican pundit Erick Erickson lamenting that Herschel Walker's campaign needs to do a "big media buy" before the weekend because likely Republican voters may talk about this disgraceful mess, about Herschel paying for an abortion and his terrible treatment of his family and partners.

Not one goddamned word about the actual events, about Herschel's shitty behavior, or anything of the fucking sort. Erick only cares that it might hurt Republicans in the election.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

~Aleister Crowley

...But only if you're a Republican. ~Erick Erickson.

I overheard a couple guys at the store this morning who thought, in rather racist terms, that Herschel might be being paid by the Democrats to make Republicans look bad. I live in Northern Michigan, I'm nowhere near Georgia. 

Paranoia is a thing here. 

I'm not that far from militia country. 

I've written about this.

In fact I'm close enough that a fair number of crazy woo woo bumper stickers and shit can be seen around here on any given day.

I'm not kidding.

And yet...

I had to go out to my Mom's today. I had a package to deliver, she needed groceries and the dogs needed treats.

I was on my way home before I noticed.

It's October, in Michigan, always a battleground swing state, etc. Normally at this time in an election year, campaign signs sprout like Kudzu and their numbers grow just as fast. 

When I lived downstate...well, not that far downstate. Where I used to live and here get a number of the same TV stations...a lot of vacant lots would fill up with the damned things. You could tell whether the people around were D's or R's and how enthusiastic each side was by, among other things, the size of their signs.

Along the route I take between here and there, there were all of two Trump signs, neither of them new (and one is the creepy one with Pence's name whited out that I've mentioned before.) In general there's very few Republican campaign signs, and on my route there's more for the local Democratic state house candidate than for any Republicans.

Call it execrable candidate quality, or Nobody Likes Tudor Dixon, if you want. 

But it just seems very strange to me, especially considering that where I live has historically been a very white, reliably conservative...if not necessarily Republican...part of the state for a long time. (Bart Stupak, a former Michigan State Police trooper and a conservative Democrat, was our Rep for a long time...and somebody I usually voted *For* even when I was a Republican.)

But I honestly think the right-wing detachment from reality since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, since Roe Vs. Wade was struck down, and even the recent Italian starting to bother at least some people.

I've spoken to a number of Republicans that I know about this stuff, or they spoke about it to me. Turns out there's a lot of people who might even be hard-right or nationalistic, but they don't want incompetent morons in government and/or they're not actual fascists.

I don't know if it's a trend, but it's something.

And more to the point, Herschel Walker can do all the Basic Republican Hypocrisy he wants, Mehmet Oz can stand in front of Hitler's car all he wants, and Matt Gaetz can have all the damn fundraisers he wants for the Man From New Jersey...and no matter what any of these fucking people ever do, there's a growing faction of the American Right for which none of it will ever be enough.

For some of these people, there's simply no such thing as "Conservative" enough.

Because these motherfuckers just want to kill people, and as amoral and racist and shitty as Republicans have often been, they have not given These Fucking People their murderous desires. Neither did Trump, for that matter.

I started reading In The Garden Of Beasts by Erik Larson today, one family's account of the first years of Nazi Germany. And I've no doubt that the kind of bestial, murderous behavior by otherwise often-ordinary people is exactly what some of these fucking nuts want to see happen here in America

More to the point, I think a lot of these Republicans are simply completely amoral fucks who think they can ride that tiger to glory. They seem to have forgotten how that worked out for all those German elites who thought they could control the Nazis.

All I can say is, I've more experience than most with the underbelly of conservatism and religion in this country and in rural areas like where I live in particular.

Be careful what you wish for, Republicans, and be extremely careful before you declare that There Is No Sin To Your Right.

For you may, indeed, get exactly that. And it will consume you.

At the end of the day, Republicans, you won't be able to control the mob you've ginned up. I'd suggest you're likely to find yourselves first on the menu...literally.

The rise and fall of the Republican Gods will be swift.

Welcome to American Revelation.

Слава Україна!

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan

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