Friday, October 21, 2022

Brownshirt Jesus (Election 2022, Three.)

The martyrs of history were not fools, and our honored dead who gave their lives to stop the advance of the Nazis didn't die in vain. Where, then, is the road to peace? Well, it's a simple answer after all. You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, "There is a price we will not pay." There is a point beyond which they must not advance. This is the meaning in the phrase of Barry Goldwater's "peace through strength." Winston Churchill said that "the destiny of man is not measured by material computation. When great forces are on the move in the world, we learn we are spirits — not animals." And he said, "There is something going on in time and space, and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty. ~Ronald Reagan

I saw this article a few hours ago, written by some nut at The Federalist.

He even said these fucking people should stop calling themselves conservatives. 

Well, speaking as a former conservative Republican myself, at least he's honest about that. He, and anybody who acts on this shit...isn't conservative.

Conservatism is broadly defined as "Things as they are" with social change hopefully being slowed to avoid unintended consequences, and based on revealed Truth and the wisdom of our ancestors. That definition is verbatim from Chuck Colson on his "Two Minute Warning" YouTube show.

Oh, how David French of me.

(Yes, this idiot also name-checked the very passionately conservative, Evangelical lawyer and Iraq War veteran specifically because French keeps speaking out against exactly this kind of garbage.)

The author says that the "Conservative Project," whatever that is, has failed and basically demands that the Right rally behind fascism to "Save Western Civilization." The article rails against LGBT people, sex education, and "The Left" and demands that conservatives become radicals and revolutionaries in the service of some neo-Puritan version of Christianity. 

Seriously, somebody tell that fucker it's been done. The Puritans fucking lost, and after the restoration of the monarchy the winning side dug up Oliver Cromwell's corpse, desecrated it, and then put it on trial for treason and mutilated it, beheading Cromwell in a posthumous "execution" before burying his body in an unmarked grave. His head was eventually sold as a curiosity but eventually was disposed of the same way. 

Seriously, fuck these motherfuckers. The Pilgrims were not "Audacious and devout Christians." They were a bunch of Calvinist nuts who'd got themselves kicked out of England...and then kicked out of the Netherlands because the famously-tolerant-for-the-time Dutch would not allow them to burn adulterers and heretics at the stake.

In the last couple weeks, I'm just saying, I've seen a hell of a lot of both anti-Democratic (Big and small-D) and antisemitic sentiment.

Often, the two are directly combined.

And then not too long after that, I saw this bit quoting and praising Francisco Franco.

"I answer only to God and history."

Oh, hey, we can do that too.

History will absolve me." ~Fidel Castro

(Also, how has that actually worked out for old Fidel?) 

And not only has history has condemned Franco, you'd also think the (alleged) Evangelical and Fundamentalist Protestant sentimentalities of many American "Conservatives" would also rather comfortably imagine the right-wing rabidly Catholic El Caudillo sitting in hell, explaining his misdeeds to the Devil. Or at least, that's how I remember American conservatism anyway...

Again, how very David French of me...consistent values, even if they're wrong? What are those?

Seriously, one only need to look at Spain in the second half of the 1970's...much less the modern see how little of a hold Francoism had on the hearts and minds of the Spanish people. I would imagine at this point only a few old people there even give a shit about Franco...and he probably has a lot more American idolaters than Spanish ones.

Well, at least nobody dug up El Jefe and skull-fucked him.

The funny part is, these fucking people are basing their support of Franco on anti-Communism.

LOL. Communism hasn't been a thing since 1989. I know, I was there.

And then yesterday, I saw this.

A bunch of lurid posts linking "Antifa" with BDSM and (in this guy's mind) sexual deviancy. I think he'd be shocked...shocked I tell find out just how many conservatives and/or Republicans are kinky.

These fucking people don't want to live in America. They want to be the Empire, from Star Wars, as it's currently being portrayed.

In other words, these motherfuckers could give a flying fuck about actual conservatism. They just want an excuse to kill people. And of course the homophobia and transphobia is just more of that shit. These assholes don't give a damn about Christian or conservative sexual ethics or family values.

The motherfucker specifically says so in the damn article I linked to above.

I'd likewise suggest that these fucking people don't give a good goddamn about "Western Civilization" either.

And when they come...and they will...they will be gunning for Republicans just as much as for Democrats, and for conservatives as well as liberals.

I quite suspect that they expect to lose the war, but think that Jesus is going to save them and smite their enemies or something something Gazpacho.

Because there's a portion of Humanity that ever and always thinks they'll get into Heaven if they can just present God with a big enough Body Count.

(God doesn't work that way, and the United States Armed Forces will have their say in this too. How did all that shit work out for Radical Islam?)

I guess it's like how when I used to play World Of Warcraft, roughly between Burning Crusade and Wrath Of The Lich King there were three different explicitly Evangelical Christian guilds on my particular server. Two were Alliance, one was Horde. The horde people were cool, but also religious. The Alliance guys (the guilds were both all men) were assholes "Raiding for Jesus" (Yes, their term.) 

They'd hang out in the Barrens and raid Crossroads with their high-level characters, deliberately taking out quest-givers just because they thought it was funny to inconvenience lower-level non-PVP flagged people who were just minding their own business.

I also had Alliance toons on the same server that I used for questing in the Barrens out of  Ratchet and I caught these fuckers talking shit in the open chat often enough. They thought it was funny to be dicks and wreck other peoples' gaming experience. 

The cruelty was the goddamn point.

And all this other shit is basically the same. They just think it's fun to be assholes and hurt people, and politics and religion provide convenient excuses and a thing to cloak their own sexual deviancies in. When these assholes rant about forcing Tween girls to have kids, they're telling on themselves.

You think Russia is turning into a re-Sovietized dystopia? Look at modern American "Conservatism." These two are on parallel...but intersecting...tracks and I guarantee you, one will end up subordinate to the other. 

I mean, seriously, how did all this Christian and Conservative "Anti-Communism" stuff work out?

(Oh, that's how.)

It won't go the way the American nuts think it will, the Russians are just better at this stuff, at least when it comes to manipulating American "Conservatives" even if they suck at everything else. 

Hell, I think the Russians could get these fucking people to denounce Jesus and declare old Joe Stalin as their Lord and Savior...and if things keep up as they are, the Russians might just do this for a laugh and to spit on Reagan's grave one more time.

If these idiots get their civil war, it will end with whatever part of America they end up in control of will become a Cold War-style satellite state to Russia...a Third World, basically neo-Communist dictatorship. 

And the Russians will get it because while the American morons are engaging in political fuckery and sexual deviancy as high art and attacking random minorities and presumed LGBT people, the Russians will be doing the actual work and be in control by the time these jack-offs look up from whatever fun they think they're having.

More to the point, when the American "Conservatives" catch on and realize they're fucked, most of them won't fight back and go out in a blaze of glory. They'll submit to Russification and help the neo-Soviets hunt down anybody who does resist.

I don't know how in the fuck any American could look at something like that and call it a win. What the fuck ever happened to American Exceptionalism, among other things?

They live here, and they don't even appreciate what they have here and they'll happily let other people fight for their freedom, while undermining that fight if they can. They think they're better than the rest of us for it, too.

As a society we shouldn't let these fucking people have shit in a brown paper bag, let alone give them power over anything.

Слава Україна!

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan

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