Saturday, July 9, 2022

We want it now! (Apocalypse Later, Part Three.

I don't want to be human! I want to see gamma rays! I want to hear X-rays! And I want to - I want to smell dark matter! Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can't even express these things properly because I have to - I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid limiting spoken language! But I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws! And feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me! I'm a machine! And I can know much more! I can experience so much more. But I'm trapped in this absurd body! And why? Because my five creators thought that God wanted it that way! ~Brother Cavil, "No Exit," Battlestar Galactica (Reboot) Season 4.5

You want to know what the problem with "Conservatives" and "Republicans" is these days? It's this silly bullshit, this right here.

"When it gets straight up unbearable" she says God will "Take Us Out" and that this is "His Promise."

Sounds more like a threat.

So basically, depending on how you choose to interpret this, either God is going to destroy the world and thus put you out of your misery, or (and this is the "Rapture" bullshit) God is going to rip you away from everyone and everything you care about and the only ones you might possibly even see again are the people who end up on the right side of some arbitrarily-drawn theological line that no one can consistently tell you where it is.

And I've known a great many people who've emotionally and/or mentally destroyed themselves trying to believe in this shit...or who've been so destroyed by others who did believe it.

And more to the point, these fucking people's religion is increasingly dour, joyless and zero sum, day by day. If I had to guess I'd say it's not any wonder that even conservatives don't like to hang out with conservatives.

For the hell of it, I did a crawl through the timeline of the lady in the snipped post, and it's a toss up between literally preaching at other people in the sorts of ways calculated to least win friends and influence people, and standard issue #MAGA bullshit.

It's almost like, the second these people start weaving false doctrines, lies, politics and racism into whatever they believe...they end up believing more in the false doctrines, lies, politics and racism than they ever believed in Jesus Christ.

And if they are right, then they have an amazing level of choice between destruction and...destruction.

In other words, according to these fucking people, human beings can either do what they want in this life and then barbecue in hell for all of eternity before their soul is eventually destroyed at some unspecified point...or they can become little more than a lobotomized, endless choir of praise for some small egotistical god while surrounded by a masturbatory materialist fantasy that they don't even get to enjoy...and to never do anything else ever again. 

And this they call a blessed afterlife?

How is the latter any less of a destruction than the former?

And more to the point, why the fuck would anybody want to spend eternity surrounded by these assholes, lobotomized or not?

And lately, why does their "God" look less and less like Jesus Christ or even Donald Trump and more like a shouty old homeless man reeking of Bath Salts and cat piss, preaching on the street corner about an End Of Days that never comes and railing about the evils of women?

The longer this goes on, the more these so-called "Believers" look and sound like they'd rather be Murderers than believe in anything.

The more I see of this garbage, the less I want to have anything to do with it and the more angry I am that I ever did. I'm honestly starting to wonder, if Revelation is true, is the persecution of Christians therein not much more than the legal and social consequences of their own actions?

Seriously these fucking people's goal seems to be making the Earth unlivable, followed closely by the extinction of humanity, in some vague hope that if things get "bad" enough, their version of Jesus will appear and only save them.

From events they appear to be trying to engineer their own damned selves. The Bible does not specify when the Apocalypse will come, at worse it's Apocalypse, Later. But these fucking people? They want it now...and they desire that it kill their "enemies," most of whom are just people they don't like who never did anything to them.

This crap is not what I was taught, it's not even close, but it seems to be all that's left of Christianity in America.

And some people are just fine with that.

Seriously, I hope I'm not the only one who sees a problem with this.

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For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. ~Matthew 24:27

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