Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Kamikaze (Apocalypse Later, Part One.)

 [Jenner tells the computer to do an Enhanced Internal View of TS-19's brain]

Shane Walsh;  [as the group sees the brain of TS-19] What are those lights?
Dr. Jenner: It's a person's life... Experiences, memories. It's everything. Somewhere in all that organic wiring, all those ripples of light, is you... The thing that makes you unique. And human.
Daryl Dixon: You don't make sense ever?
Dr. Jenner: Those are synapses, electric impulses in the brain that carry all the messages. They determine everything a person says does or thinks from the moment of birth to the moment of death.
Rick Grimes: Death? That's what this is, a vigil?
Dr. Jenner: Yes. Or rather the playback of the vigil.
Andrea: This person died? Who?
Dr. Jenner: Test subject 19. Someone who was bitten and infected... And volunteered to have us record the process. ~From The Walking Dead, Season One, Episode Six, TS-19

I saw this earlier. Arizona Republican Congresswoman Debbie Lesko said during debate on new gun laws that she would "Do anything for her grandchildren" a "last resort"...shooting them.

The fuck?

What the fuck do these fucking people think this is, the Zombie Apocalypse and they're about to be overrun?

I'm a veteran, a former United States Air Force Security Policeman. That's basically light infantry with a side of law enforcement, or vice-versa depending on one's duty station and assignment within a given squadron. Like it or not, I was a trained soldier, a killer. Or, in our modern politically-correct-speak, a warfighter. 

I never saw combat, peacekeeping duty was bad enough, but as an Airman, Coast Guardsman, Marine, Sailor or Soldier you are, by definition, trained to kill people.

And I can't process this.

I just can't. I am not capable of contorting my brain to think something that fucked up.

And I'm a gamer who routinely thinks of fucked up scenarios for the fun of it.

This lady isn't in the military, in a combat zone. She's a member of Congress, privileged, safe, powerful and wealthy beyond what most people in this world can even imagine. There's no war here, no civil disorder, no drunken Russian soldiers raping people, no Zombie hordes overrunning the city...not even the riots these fools are so performatively afraid of. She's an American, not a Japanese person at the end of defeat in WWII wanting to Kamikaze herself. And yet she does, not just herself but others too.

I guess it's not "Better dead than Red" anymore. It seems to be "Better dead than free...or better dead than having to live in a society where gay people are free to be themselves or where immigrants can practice their own culture.

Remember, these fucking people's "End Times Narrative" is pretty much "The world ascribes to Liberal values, and then gets destroyed by our small, mean, selfish god."

And this isn't a remote, happened-upon thought, she brings this murderous plan up fairly early in the conversation, she's on about possibly shooting her grandchildren. Like, this is something she thinks about often enough to bring it up in a debate, a discussion, on the House Floor. 

Better to "Go to Heaven" now than to risk seeing "Critical Race Theory" on a list of elective courses when the grandkid is getting their Masters degree?

And she's a member of the political party that, given the chance, would happily stop all aid to Ukraine for no less of a reason than they'd just love to be in bed with Putin's New Soviet know, the literal enemies of America. Vladimir Putin, who has sworn an oath to destroy America like Hannibal Barca of ancient Carthage swearing a vow on the Altar of Moloch to destroy Rome.

And yet there's some of these fucking idiots that think social media is some big threat to kids, apparently.

And yet, if I had to guess, I'd say that both of these motherfucking weirdos are perfectly fine with the idea of an 11-year-old girl being both a mother and a rape victim, and given their choice, they'd make her work to support 

Or in their typical two-faced fashion, after making her have that kid and forcing her into being on welfare for the rest of her life, they'd use her as a political punching bag *Cough* I mean "example of moral degeneracy and to show why liberal democracy and the welfare system are broken." *Cough*

Maybe it's just me, but I think Republicans...and guns...are the threat to kids at this point and I say that as a gun owner and former Republican.

I don't know what any of this is, but it's sure as hell not conservatism as I was given to understand that belief system. 

And now, on top of all that, we're apparently having terrorist bombings of obscure monuments put up by even more obscure rich people (and left to sit in a cow pasture) because something something New World Order conspiracy theories.

I mean, come on, what the fuck??

I don't know what the fuck kind of fucked up world these fucking people think they fucking live in, but I want no part of it.

The thing is, these fucking people see any kind of cultural or social change, or equality at all...anything different from their narrow, whitewashed Apocalypse, as death. I'm serious.

She's essentially saying, at this point, that she'd rather shoot one of her grandsons than have them grow up and marry a black girl...or a white boy...or decide after much introspection or just "knowing" (as some people do) that on the inside, they're a girl.
She'd rather they be dead than fall outside of her narrow worldview in some small way...let alone a big one. I've known plenty of conservative LGBT people. This isn't about that. It's about she'd rather kill them than risk them growing up to be a liberal.

It's a death cult.

But if some older white boy gets one of her granddaughters pregnant, that's OK? Or does she want to shoot said statutory rapist, too? Does she want to force the granddaughter to have that baby? What about the quality of life for that kid...or her kid?? Hopelessness and poverty are already things we have to deal with in our world. How much worse would it be, when someone ends up entirely dependent on the State their whole life, because they had to wait until their kid grew up to learn basic education, job and life skills?

And this is belief in "Life?" 

Sounds more like a living death, to me.

But that's the kicker, isn't it? At the end of the day these fucking people could give a shit about any person's life other than their own. It's not even about a certain political philosophy or worldview, it's about fear and hate and even the most mild discomfort being equated with literal death by cowardly, privileged people.

People who, at this point, would gleefully burn down the world because somebody is different from them, who'd give up their own life and freedom because other people exist, and dare to keep on living life in spite of their disapproval. As if these fucking people view themselves as some kind of arbiters of what everything else gets to be.

Fuck all that.

This isn't about some kind of political or social conservatism, not anymore.

It's literally a cult of death and privilege and wealth so driven by fear and hate as to be alien from modern understandings of civilization and society that it might as well be the Cult of Dis Pater, the Chthonic Roman god of death and wealth, of Ba'al or Moloch of ancient Canaan or Carthage. 

Some of these people seem to long to be the bandits or marauders of some post-apocalyptic future.

And it would no longer surprise me if they were bowing down to literal devils, at this point.

We, as a people, need to stop tolerating this horseshit before these fuckers burn down civilization, and do something about it before that happens, not after.

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan

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