Thursday, July 7, 2022

Chicago Boys (Apocalypse Later, Part Two.)

[A group of new prisoners is being processed into Shawshank State Prison.]
Norton: This is Mr. Hadley, he's captain of the guards. I'm Mr. Norton, the Warden. You are convicted felons. That's why they've sent you to me. Rule Number One: no blasphemy. I'll not have the Lord's name taken in vain in my prison. The other rules, you'll figure as you go along. Any questions?
Inmate: When do we eat? [Norton nods to Captain Hadley, who gets right in the new inmate's face]
Byron Hadley: You eat when we say you eat! You shit when we say you shit, and you piss when we say you piss! You got that, you maggot-dick motherfucker?! [slams his baton into the new inmate's stomach, causing the man to fall to his knees, gasping for breath] On your feet!
Norton: I believe in two things: Discipline and the Bible. Here, you'll receive both. Put your trust in the Lord. Your ass belongs to me. [smiles] Welcome to Shawshank.
~From the film The Shawshank Redemption.

I've seen stuff like this, sporadically, since 2015. Right-wingers, glorifying the idea of extrajudicial killings, throwing people out of helicopters and shit like that. Fun fact; In Chile under Augusto Pinochet they not only didn't glorify that shit...they hid it...along with a bunch of the other ways that they "Disappeared" people, and targeted and assassinated Chilean exiles in other countries as well as citizens of other countries...often with the help of the CIA. Seriously, human rights workers and law enforcement in Chile are still investigating some of this stuff! In Chile, Pinochet and the people who are left that were in his government were loathed by the people. Pinochet was eventually arrested for crimes against humanity (and deservingly so) even though General Augusto Pinochet had been the commander of the Chilean Army, when he died the Army refused to allow him to be buried in a military cemetery or on its property.

But the American far-right and Libertarians love the man, as much for his brutality as for the libertarian economics of his regime and its subservience to American big business. And because they're fucking fascists, that's why.

Here's Scott Adams, the author of the Dilbert comic strip, responding to the death of his stepson by drug overdose, by saying that the only valid options for dealing with "troubled" young men are #1 To murder them yourself, #2 To watch them destroy themselves and hope they don't kill anybody else. (Or, you know, you could try giving a shit, asshole.) And then he added point #3; That any effort at love and wisdom or use of government programs, medicine or therapy is a "Delusion." This is Eugenics and Fascism, right here.

You ain't safe, White people...especially conservative white people. You think these Eugenicists give a damn that you're conservative or white? First you gotta be the right kind and I can guarantee you most of us ain't. In fact, you're very likely to be the people killed in the greatest numbers by it...because you think you're safe, because others will fight back, will set up governments and take their own spaces, and network with allies to hold them.

Why kill people yourself and get blood on your suit, when, in true "Chicago Boys" style, you can outsource that shit, and they might even do the killing for free for some bullshit reasons, and somebody might still turn a profit?! And then you can get some radical whack-a-nut Catholic priest to declare this bullshit "Holy." 

If there's a hell, I hope it's filled with these sons of bitches and that hell is an eternal Soviet breadline, or something like that. Fuck these motherfuckers.

These fucking people would rather murder the whole damn world, or watch the rest of us kill each other in the streets than be bothered to have to give a shit. They're assholes who see government, law enforcement, the military and society itself as nothing more than tools to make sure We The People show a decorous face to Power between bouts of bloodletting, and of course, that we don't go after the wealthy.

That's why these assholes are still stuck on Communism, even though it hasn't been a thing since 1989. Communists killed rich people.

(Note: They seem to be fine with Communism being resurrected and Russia re-Sovietized under Putin so long as the Hammer And Sickle remains on their side of some apparently moveable ideological line...even though the Putinists are still killing rich people in the same exact ways that the Communists did...but I guess it's the "right" rich people this time?) Also note that the same neoliberal economics were heavily in play in Russia in the 1990's and the capitalists and economists...some of them the same people who'd influenced Chile and the Pinochet regime...were balls deep in ensuring the rise of Vladimir Putin, or someone like him.

And that's exactly why these fucking people want to destroy Ukraine, because by daring to fight for their own freedom, the Ukrainians, regardless of their own personal political beliefs...defied these motherfuckers and their fascism and "economic-only" Libertarianism.

The Ukrainians decided they wanted to live in a society, and that they were willing to fight for it. We're going to have to do the same.

It's not just your money these motherfuckers want, it's your soul. They want fascism to be people's religion. Trump Jr's bio says he's a "Meme War General."

Motherfucker couldn't be bothered to serve in the military, but he wants to claim this mighty title in directing how you live your life? If possible, without directly telling you how to live your life.

Gutless motherfuckers, they won't even own their own bullshit in public. 

Again, You think these fuckers won't "Disappear" people? (Not that I think they're smart enough to actually keep that shit quiet.) If they fail to gain control of the government, they'll just do the same via right-wing insurgency, and it'll be the FBI now rather than the FBI later and human rights advocates and international courts investigating the damage.

They want what they want either way, domination, war, or both. If they can't get the former politically they'll give us the later physically...they're telling us this right to our faces.

Fuck that shit. You're either an American (or otherwise person who believes in a liberal-democratic societal order) or you're not. You either believe in freedom, or you don't.

If you only believe in freedom for you, that's not freedom. But you can't tell these fucking people that.

The cruelty, as always, is the goddamned point. And that is the entire basis of all this, from the hate and the racism on down the list. They don't "Love their own race" they'd kill billions of White people too, give the chance.

And they'll do it for fascist politics with a profit motive in the name of libertarian economic interests, and dress it up in bullshit religion, just like the Chicago Boys and right-wing Catholics did for General Augusto Pinochet.

And when there's a war, they'll fight that with profits in mind, too. Trump is disposable, Ayn Rand is these people's True God...they're just hiding that shit for now.

The time will come when they won't be.

Remember that. There's going to be a test later. Soon, I think.

Слава Україна!

Floyd: So they let you tote that record player down there, huh?
Andy[points and taps his head.] It was in here. [gestures over his heart] And in here. That's the beauty of music. They can't get that from you. Haven't you ever felt that way about music?
Red: Well, I played a mean harmonica as a younger man. Lost interest in it, though. Didn't make too much sense in here.
Andy: Well, here's where it makes the most sense. You need it so you don't forget.
Red: Forget?
Andy: That there are places... in the world that aren't made out of stone. That there's... there's somethin' inside that they can't get to; that they can't touch. It's yours.
Red: What are you talkin' about?
Andy: Hope.
Red: Hope? Let me tell you something, my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane. It's got no use on the inside. You'd better get used to that idea.
Andy: Like Brooks did?

~From the film The Shawshank Redemption.


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