Saturday, July 23, 2022

Eating Their Own (Soylent Red, One.)

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan

I saw this the other night.

Unfortunately, I was out at my Mom's house where the Internet is powered by a large, but very ADHD Blaze ferret waddling on a treadmill. It sleeps most of the time, and can't hear when people complain anyway. In other words, the internet sucks out there.

During the J6 Committee hearings this week, video was released of Josh Hawley running away from the mob he helped to gin up. So, wait a minute, I said. You're telling me that Mr. Big Balls Fascist Hard-ass Christian who even kisses his wife in a rather *Chaste* manner...runs like an interior decorator?

Well I guess that explains the whole wife thing. She's the goddamned beard. And I'm sorry for comparing Josh Hawley to gay dudes, I apologize for what's almost certainly a massive the gay dudes.

Not that I ever was afraid, but if this is the face of Republican fascism, I'm not only not afraid of it. I'm laughing at it. Gilead will fail for the lack of people who can physically handle a ruck march or sprint to cover under fire. These fucking people will break and run the second anybody shoots back.

And if they all run like Josh Hawley does, a lot of them simply won't make it to cover. I'm sorry, that's just the truth.

But it gets worse...

Evidently, between the J6 hearings, Roe Vs. Wade overturn and Republican threats against social security...Republicans are losing even many of the old people now.

Perhaps more to the point, why the fuck do these weirdo little shits think they have the right to tell the rest of us how to live our lives in the first goddamned place?

And it still gets worse. Instead of asking "Just what the hell are we even doing here?" These motherfuckers are doubling down infinitely on the crazy.

Last week, a majority of House Republicans voted against codifying protections for Birth Control, and both Interracial and Same Sex Marriage. This happened in 2022, are you fucking kidding me?

And the bills passed anyway, elections fucking matter, people.

For fuck's sake, when y'all have managed to place Liz Cheney firmly on the right side of history, there's something fucking wrong here.

These fucking people want to tell you who you can fuck, how you can fuck them, and that you cannot practice safe sex while doing so. And then, they don't want to do anything at all to help educate or support any kids that might result from all this?

How the fuck is any of that "Pro-Life?"

More to the point, I've had Black, Latino and Middle Eastern girlfriends at different points in my life...and I practiced safe sex with all of them. Why? Because that's what I was people who were mostly Republicans at the time.

Even from any recognizably conservative standpoint...especially fiscal or social conservatism...there's no societal benefit to bringing unwanted children into the world, nor to failing to expand social services to compensate if this is done. Upsetting the apple-cart for the sake of upsetting the apple-cart is, by definition, not conservative.

And remember, the Id of These Fucking People, (again) convicted felon Steve Bannon, self-described as a goddamned Leninist.

But he only wants Communism for the wealthy, nothing but jackboots and religiosity for the rest of us.

The Prosperity Gospel is heresy, it doesn't prove you're righteous when other people are very creates generational cycles of problems that have tons of hidden (and not so hidden) costs for everybody. It benefits no one when the aged don't have any money, Republicans often obsessively bitch about the economy and say they support business. Well, especially in places where I live, Social Security and other social safety net programs generate a hell of a lot of money for the local economy, and birth control, condoms, and reproductive health care are all multi-billion dollar industries in their own right.

More to the point, Roe Vs. Wade, Social Security, all that stuff very much is and was for all my life part of our societal structure. These are the threads that hold us all together. Preserving the status quo is supposed to be the whole basis of conservatism...not a revanchist reach back to some almost entirely imagined "The Way Things Were" that bears only superficial resemblance to the various shitty ways things were before many of the people now living were even alive!

I've seen a number of things lately that suggest the Trump clique is getting smaller, meaner, and acting more and more like some kind of government in exile...or a terrorist faction, awaiting only the creation of a military arm to break off a piece of the United States for it to rule. 

And yet, it very much seems like Fox News and Official Conservatism are abandoning Trump in favor of Ron DeSantis.

And I think both sides will be surprised to find themselves being bossed around by radical Catholic factions whose primary base of power isn't even in this country.

The MAGA's all seem to crave Russification and Neo-Soviet Totalitarianism and being forced to join the Russian Orthodox just so long as they can freely hate The Gays and only five people in the world who they all approve of have anything that looks like freedom.

And more to the point, Trump's wannabe "Government In Exile" is transparently nothing more than a massive scam to steal everybody else's money.

But ya know, when 96 percent of Republicans say a dude doesn't have the right to use Rubbers, that strongly suggests it's not going to work out quite the way they think it will and when it comes to getting money for doing basically nothing, nobody tops the Churches on that...especially the Catholic Church, which for most of the last decade has had the first Pope in a long time who didn't feel the need to dress like Liberace's stunt double or who even pretends to give a shit about normal people.

And the Catholic "Conservatives" hate Pope Francis.

Some of these fucking people think that the only things government is actually for are enforcing social conformity (their kind) and fighting wars.

But it ain't the Middle Ages anymore.

These fucking people want gods and leaders that are all very like Donald Trump, yet they want to live in a society that's basically just Putinist Neo-Soviet Russia. One of these things is, believe it or not, not actually like the other one.

And the tensions between unfettered capitalism, neo-Soviet totalitarianism and outright religious fuckery will just rip shit apart here, just like they'll do over there eventually, too.

And if you think the Catholic Fundamentalists would stop there, you have another thing coming. These idiots long to create the exact kind of society that the Founders of our country didn't want. If you want to avoid the Wars of Religion that would surely result from these fucking people having that much power, and preserve our society as it now exists (Which would be, you know, actually conservative) you need to vote Republicans out.

If you want a better country....rather than a mob-ocracy where all We The People have to eat is each other, unlimited weapons to make that possible (not that anybody can afford them) and any and all debasement and debauchery is long as the people present a properly decorous and "virtuous" face to Power and don't eat the have to be a better citizen.

And if you think that's not the kind of world these fucking people want...where citizenship is an archaic concept, but literally eating your neighbors is not...ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the New York Times.

You get what you tolerate. We really need to stop putting up with this horseshit. They wealthy would rather have us on the dinner table than seated at it as equals.

And some of us are just fine with being food for pathetic Nazi-wannabes, so long as people they don't like get eaten first. Republicans don't want to support the unwanted, uncared-for children they'd see brought into this world. But they'd sure buy and sell them...including as food? Eww.

I'm beginning to think all the screwed up shit that the End Times nuts predicted was just projection.

This is the future Republicans Want. Soylent Red, yo.

Don't give it to them.

Слава Україна!

For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. ~Matthew 24:27

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