Saturday, April 2, 2022

The Mouse Wars (On Republicanism, Two.)

We shall abolish the orgasm. Our neurologists are at work upon it now. There will be no loyalty, except loyalty towards the Party. There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother. There will be no laughter, except the laugh of triumph over a defeated enemy. There will be no art, no literature, no science. When we are omnipotent we shall have no more need of science. There will be no distinction between beauty and ugliness. ~George Orwell, 1984

I saw this last night.

The fever-dream "Conservatives" are suddenly all about this Culture War with Disney...and apparently Apple, because something something Gazpacho.

And if you don't think the reason why boils down to homophobia, racism, and opposition to worker's rights, you have another thing coming. "Conservatives" are pissed off because Disney is against Florida's "Don't Say Gay" law and the whole reason Disney is against it...or even reacting to it at because the company's many LGBT employees demanded it. So of course, Republicans want to try to use the power of the State to destroy they want to use it to destroy anybody who dares to disagree with them.

And another common thing "Conservatives" bitch about is the presence of non-white or non-straight characters in cartoons and Disney movies, etc.

And if you think this will stop if they ever manage to drive gay people back into the closet, or POC from one's television or whatever, don't.

I saw earlier where somebody said this garbage is all about trying to drive things "Conservatives" find objectionable from public spaces. The problem with that, is that These Fucking People have already stated their intention to deny anyone and everyone any right to privacy, also. That's the whole purpose of going after abortion or contraception. Yes, they want to control sexuality and people's most intimate and private decisions, but they also want to use that stuff as a trojan horse to destroy even the concepts of personal agency, freedom or privacy.

The trouble is, along the way this time they picked a fight with a couple of companies known for being both extremely litigious and fiercely protective of their brands and operations...and for being very, very good at those things. 

This could very well end up with The Mouse owning the Republican Party.

And then people like Laura Ingraham will really be up a creek, won't they?

But of course, Republicans are too stupid to even think about that, much less actually care.

Culture War is both the end and the means, in and of itself, because all these morons do is profit from saying dumb shit.

But it's actually worse than that. Like the Soviet Communists of old, they want to be able to ram their hand all the way up your ass, reach so far they can work your vocal cords with their fingers and make you say what they want you to say. They want not only to have some kind of Zampolit looking over everyone's shoulder, questioning the "Political Soundness" of every single decision...each and every last one of these sorry little sons of bitches wants to be one of the Zampoliti controlling every aspect of everybody else's life.

While in the background, off-camera, they're doing cocaine and having orgies of sexual depravity. They just want to live in a world where the amount of political power you personally have determines what kind of sex you can have and whether you even get to enjoy life or not. 

It's to the Authoritarian global movement's profound misfortune that the club they wanted to use to beat everyone else into submission broke the first time they tried to use it, and that everybody who wasn't dependent on Russian State TV and subservient to Vladimir Putin heard the snap and saw it break.

So now what do they do? They see people like this fucking Russian guy here parroting nothing but his government's dumb shit talking points and they decide they want to control information and technology.

As if it were either physically or technologically possible to somehow put that hyper-technology, nanotech super-alloy Saber-toothed Tiger of a cat back in the cage? Short of destroying modern technology or literally starting at the root of every system or putting Spyware in every-goddamn-thing (or most likely, a combination of all of the above) it's just not going to happen...and Government forcing itself on corporations isn't exactly some kind of genius move when it comes to either ensuring loyalty or forcing compliance, either.

And it works the same way with rights, and most other things. 

Acquiring more political power isn't the secret sauce they think it is. Among other things, if you want to change things your way, you have to persuade somebody that your way is better.

And they can't do that. In fact, they think it's beneath them to have to try to persuade anybody of anything.

But of course, the modern Republican Party is literally so afraid of losing power, of people having the ability to say "No" to them, that they've abandoned everything they ever stood for. Not just that, but they've actively sought to destroy their own previous belief system. And just like the Russians they've gotten themselves caught in their own negative feedback loops of bullshit.

And they see everybody that's fighting against that...even if it's just for their own an enemy to be destroyed.

They've lost the idea that the Truth will out, accidentally or on purpose as Madison Cawthorn demonstrated last week. They all looked at Donald Trump and his lifetime firehose of bullshit and lies and getting away with it and they all figured, even though such is demonstrably not true, that they could be That Guy and get away with it too.

And now that some of them...even if mostly just the infantry didn't and that social change is continuing like they don't exist...they're looking lovingly at Putin's neo-Soviet Russia and thinking that a State dedicated to the whims of one man could somehow cure what they think ails them. They just need to have that One Man be somebody they think is one of their own. They want this even though Trump wasn't that guy and kept stabbing them and theirs in the back. They want this even though Putin has dedicated himself to the destruction of America, which is the country these fuckers happen to live in.

Also, they don't actually care if they destroy themselves in the process of trying to do all this contradictory shit, just so they manage to sufficiently annoy somebody they imagine is "Liberal" in the process of doing it or destroying themselves.

They love their power and increasingly shitty Republican dogma so much that they're good and damned well willing to destroy the civilization that gave it all to them.

Think about that for a second.

Post One.

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There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always — do not forget this, Winston — always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever. ~George Orwell, 1984

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