Friday, January 3, 2020

Happy Q Year!

Son, I'm only gonna tell you this one time. If you want to keep working here, stay off the drugs. ~Mr. McDowell, to Akeem, Coming To America.

Awhile back, the Q-Anon nuts had a conspiracy theory going around that somebody assassinated Donald Trump, and that an actor was supposedly playing the role of Trump while Mike Pence was secretly the President.

Then, today, I saw this. Some supposedly Canadian Q-Nut saying that Barack Obama was supposedly executed. My first thought was "Son, if you want to keep working here, stay off the drugs." I might add, seems like Obama is alive and well enough to me, and he's been seen enough in public in recent days that if there was some kind of secret rendition to Guantanamo Bay, well, add being in two places at one time to his list of right-wing-ascribed super powers I guess.

But no, critical thinking and internal consistency and logic and reason are of course not these people's strong suit. I mean, I think I have some kind of a right to demand a plausible line of bullshit here.

Extraordinary rendition of American citizens who have committed no actual crimes of any kind, magic secret clone armies, endless conspiracies against basically everybody, most of which defy any scale or reason, and the only people who know anything are random internet dipshits?

Literally the only real thing here is the transphobic dig against Michelle Obama, which in and of itself is really something, directed as it is at a long happily-married couple that has two beautiful daughters that look like their parents. Of course none of this is in the least bit out of sorts for people who appear to wholeheartedly believe in Magic Words And Phrases. I suppose making wild claims about human cloning, magic, and time travel isn't too far out of line when you've figured out that if you have the capability to make certain words come out of your mouth, there's somebody out there who's dumb enough to believe them. It seems like a hell of a way to run a political philosophy, especially one that spent much of my life asserting that certain things must be true at all times or in all cases or everything was lost and we're all going to hell.

The rest of us think this bullshit is ridiculous. As I've said before, I don't want to live in these people's demon-haunted world where there is no truth, nothing is real, and Donald Trump is apparently God.

I spent much of my life as a politically and theologically conservative mainstream Christian and I really can't say that I was any of those things at a time when it was visibly popular to be such. Thus, the constant quest by some people to say dumb shit for internet fame among dipshit performative online "Conservatives" who are mostly fake as hell, whether or not they're actually Russian bots or troll accounts.

Thus, the current "Conservative" belief in literally nothing other than what feels good in the moment, and the resulting moral relativism, absolutely horrifies me. Trump personality cultists are almost an exact mirror image of the Bill Clinton personality cultists of 20 years ago...except they're worse by several orders of magnitude.

To paraphrase an example that a Pastor I knew back in the day was fond of, Conservatives have become the very people who would claim that the Bible was an auto parts manual, or that an auto parts manual was the Bible...and if Trump said it, they'd instantly and wholeheartedly re-order their entire moral and spiritual universes around exactly that.

Except that Pastor Chip...himself an African American Evangelical, mind you...meant such as a slap against non-believers and certain people on the Left.

Meanwhile in the real world, conflict continues in Iraq and people are suffering and dying. Iran, or more properly, Persia, has been in the war business since early Classical Antiquity. Yes, when our political and spiritual ancestors were nothing more than a loose collection of city-states in Greece, Persia was a vast empire that at times filled much of the space between Thrace and India.

Not one damn bit of this will work out the way Conservatives think that it will.

And yet the same old sons of bitches are busy on FOX News, trying to justify this mess, and to advocate for war with Iran. Never mind that we don't presently have the capability for much more than a nasty, escalating game of tit for tat where nobody actually wins, but a lot of people get killed for no reason, because late-stage capitalism. I don't trust Trump or the fucking people in his administration to successfully run a volunteer trash-pickup event on the sidewalk behind the White House...much less a horribly complex war in an ancient and vast and complex region and nation, with no support...because that is exactly where we're at right now. Even Iraq isn't supporting us and the current form of government in Iraq is wholly a creation of a previous Republican administration. You do the math. How does anybody propose to start a war halfway across the world with no allies that share a border with the target country.

It's going to end up a bullshit 1990's style bombing campaign, some kind of a shadow war, or a deadly tit-for-tat game of escalation that does nothing more than get a bunch of people killed for no damn reason.

Against a country that's allied with all of our enemies including nuclear powers like China and North Korea and Russia. Also, how does that work when the one third of us that believe in all this right-wing garbage hate and fear the other two thirds of Americans?

Fuck these motherfuckers.

They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised. Amen. ~Romans 1:25

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