Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The Corrupted Tree, Part Two.

Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. ~Matthew 7:17-20

Ya know, since Roger Stone got arrested early last Friday morning, there's something been bothering me.

How in the hell did Roger, here pictured with washed-up porn-star Nina Hartley, ever convince anybody that he was a conservative?

Republican, maybe. Cosplaying Nixon-wannabe, certainly...but, maybe it's just me and maybe I'm old but I'm not inclined to think that anybody who'd dress like that in public or drink such shitty beer (that's a Bud Light can) can consider themselves a respectable conservative.

Note the small "c." I think Movement Conservatives, of which Roger tangentially is one, if only by his claimed association with Nixon (even though Nixon probably wouldn't be considered much of a conservative today) seem to have given up any claim to self-respect or the respect of others by following after Trump.

Now of course Roger Stone has been busy as fuck making the rounds on all the Fox News shows and this and that and the other thing even as Roger-Gate looks to be working out far worse for him than Watergate ever did for Nixon.

For all intents and purposes, he appears to be having the time of his life, basically LARP'ing as his hero. Of course, you could argue that Tricky Dick had better lawyers (or at least lawyers who had been admitted to the District of Columbia bar, but I digress.)

I guess I get it, I really do. I mean, Roger doesn't have that much lead left in his pencil, he's probably not going to be vertical that much longer. I suppose it's better to go out with a bang than it is to expire sitting on the couch, mad, and watching Fox News.

I guess I sorta get Roger. I don't like him, I think he's a scumbag. I've always thought he was a scumbag and his mentor (Roy Cohn) was a scumbag and he surrounds himself with scumbags (i.e. people like Trump) and he always has. I've never been impressed by his claims of having helped elect Nixon or his attempt to act like he's been some sort of a big deal in every Republican presidential campaign since. Roger Stone is nothing but a shitty, opportunistic grifter, I don't like that, but I find it understandable.

You know who I don't get?

These fucking people, that's who I don't get.

Note the one sign "Christians support Roger."

So, Christians support a longtime political bullshitter, a Swinger (that means somebody who's into group sex, partner-swapping, etc.) and all around dude who's basically the opposite of everything that Jesus Christ ever stood for, a guy who, if asked to truthfully name his God, would probably, without missing a beat, say "Richard Milhous Nixon."

Duly noted.

Also, who has the sort of time needed to go and protest a hearing for Roger Fucking Stone?

I guess in a way, Roger actually has outdone his mentor, because I sure as hell don't recall Nixon ever getting this kind of rock-star treatment.

The tree is rotten, conservatives. Ya'll need to do better than this.

Part One.

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