RFK Jr. says he wants to put people "addicted" to Antidepressants in camps for "Re-parenting."
There's a few problems with all that, besides the glaringly obvious Constitutional, human rights, legal, medical and privacy issues (and of course, the concept of right and wrong) but you'd have to have at some point been an actual conservative to understand what those are.
Although being just a person who is not consumed by ideological madness bordering on mental illness might help:
#1 I'm 51 years old. No, really. I'm a grown ass man, this is not up for negotiation.
#2 I already have parents, although only one of them is still living.
I do not need and am not in the market for anything else to fill that role. Least of all, the fucking State. If I have to explain why that is to you, odds are you will never understand it. My own experience of State power is serving in the military.
Fuck you, if you think that kind of shit should be inflicted on depressed people or anybody who didn't specifically volunteer for it.
#3 I'm a former conservative Christian, taught by people who were conservative Christians, although what that stuff was then vs. what it is now are, to a great extent, very different animals. I was taught a certain way of believing and living, and though I've since lost my religion and updated various social beliefs so that I can live in the goddamn 21st Century, the basic framework is still there.
If you think I'm cool with any of this crap, or with it happening to anybody, you're wrong. It's not just that this is not what I was taught, it's that I was taught this is wrong.
Totalitarianism is totalitarianism, and it doesn't get any better because you think the (wannabe, as yet, in this case) Dictator is somehow "Your" guy.He's not, and he doesn't give a fuck about you.
#4 I'm an actual, no shit addict, I started out with alcohol, cigarettes, got into drugs later starting with pain meds. I've done worse, loss of everything you wanted up to that point in life multiple times will do shit like that. I've since kicked all my habits, I don't even smoke weed anymore.
Antidepressants were not a thing I was addicted to, although I was on them for about a year. That's why I'm sitting here alive and able to type out these words. That's all. The shit kept me alive and gave me time to rebuild my own mental health.
#5 If you think the government is or should be anyone's parent, for any goddamned reason whatever, you are a Lost person and I mean that entirely in the Biblical, Christian sense of the term.
That's not the State's job, that's demonstrably not something governments are historically good at or even do for any damn reason a sane person might consider to be appropriate, and when it's been tried (usually that's due to either Communism, Fascism or some kind of idiotic, narcissistic goddamn insane Personalist authoritarianism) results have been uniformly and predictably monstrous and it usually boiled down to some freak trying to generate unquestioning cannon fodder for the State and/or uncritical drones who'd worship some narcissistic dumb-fuck who got too high on huffing the smell of his own farts.
And that's exactly what this "Daddy Trump" bullshit is.
When you're finding yourself in the same fucked up category as Hitler's Germany, Ceaușescu's Romania, North Korea under the Kim family or a jumped-up tin-pot thug who styled himself Emperor Bokassa I in Central Africa, you probably want to go home and rethink your life.
Is it just me, or is this bullshit starting to look like the absolute dumbest, most incurious fucking people humanly possible are trying to lay the groundwork for some kind of totalitarian ideology that goes far beyond even MAGA as it currently. conventionally exists??Like, it's the Mark Of The Beast but they got it wrong so it's 665 and the chip is (poorly) made in some Russian sweatshop by an Elon Musk subsidiary that conveniently forgets to pay the workers (adjust quality control appropriately) and they don't want to give you no anesthetic when they put it in.
You have to do breathing exercises and Chi bullshit and mindfulness to dull the pain, and they don't stitch you back up, you have to stop the bleeding yourself because it's cheaper.
And the fucking kid who put it in there didn't even know what he was looking at, like some DOGE CHUD-kid looking at COBOL-programming language older than his grandma without Raj from Tech Support to walk him through it. So if something goes wrong, you get an infection, or the shit doesn't work...that's your fault!
So then they call the Angkar if you complain, and you too will be forced to confess your sins against The People.(The People, in this case, being three dumb Republican congresspersons and RFK Jr's brain-worm.)
Like belief in the Lord's Word unfiltered through Prosperity Gospel zampolits, or medicine, modernity, and any idea of Western Civilization that wasn't thought up by idiot Brogrammers and rabid racists during a drug bender, I guess??
I'm serious when I say this fucking shit is rapidly morphing into a murder cult, and something like 60% of Democrats in Congress and about half of your basic street-level "liberals" think they can wait the shit out and win in 2026 and 2028 because that's how America rolled in Trump's first term??
These ain't the same people and they are deliberately trying to cut all the strings that hold America together, not least a nonpartisan government, military, and social safety net.
These motherfuckers are deliberately trying to make sure that America isn't here in 2026 because they know that in America, as it's currently culturally, politically and socially constituted, you cannot just throw millions of people in death camps without there being some pretty deadly repercussions for you. And it's hard to do mass murder in a country with damn near half a billion guns.
And if they cannot get things to the point where they can do that, they want to break America up so that they can at least kill or drive out all the people they don't like in whatever space they can claim, and do it in the name of creepy far-right religious-extremist "Purity culture" to create some kind of "Great American Republic" or "Pure American Nation" with Donald Trump's name on it.Because these fucking people cannot stop blowing the narcissist.
If you want to know why all the Left Behind end times crap is a lie, look at that.
Because somehow people got so fucking Lost that Donald Trump became the only thing they ever believed in, and even retroactively ever had.
It's not just that nobody acts more like the Bible is a lie and it's all crap than the Christians do, it's that these motherfuckers actually seem to think Donald Trump is Jesus Christ.
Because deep down, there's a part of American "Conservatism" that has always had "The Killing Fields of Khmer Rouge Cambodia, but with a mall" as its dream-ideal for a society. Remember, it's America and our treatment of Black people and Native Americans that gave Hitler ideas for how to treat the Jews.
And now these fucking Colonizers wanna do that shit to the rest of America.You stop and think about that shit, take as long as you need.
Either you believe in freedom or you don't.
You're either willing to fight for your own life or you aren't.
There is no middle ground, and there cannot be.
Not least because they don't want it, and they do want to fight the rest of us.
And unfortunately America has a history of giving idiots what they want for awhile, and only fixing it after they run the train right off the tracks. That is exactly the only thing that people so addled as to think that Donald Trump or the State (but only under Republican rule) are their parents are going to even be capable of, wrecking shit for no good reason because they're stupid.
We need to stop this shit.
It's going to come down to a fight, Soon.
Слава Україна!
My black face fades,hiding inside the black granite.
I said I wouldn't
dammit: No tears.
I'm stone. I'm flesh.
My clouded reflection eyes me
like a bird of prey, the profile of night slanted against morning.
I turn this way—the stone lets me go.
I turn that way—I'm inside
the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
again, depending on the light
to make a difference.
I go down the 58,022 names,
half-expecting to find
my own in letters like smoke.
I touch the name Andrew Johnson; I see the booby trap's white flash.
Names shimmer on a woman's blouse
but when she walks away
the names stay on the wall.
Brushstrokes flash, a red bird's
wings cutting across my stare.
The sky. A plane in the sky.
A white vet's image floats
closer to me, then his pale eyes
look through mine. I'm a window.
He's lost his right arm
inside the stone. In the black mirror
a woman’s trying to erase names:
No, she's brushing a boy's hair.
~Facing It, by Yusef Komunyakaa, US Army Veteran
Karis Nemik: I'm struggling to understand why my faith doesn't calm me. I believe in something. Why am I so unsettled? I mean you have nothing, you sleep like a stone. I write when I can't sleep. Wrote about you last night. Not you specifically, not "Clem." Although I'm assuming that's not your real name, anyway. "The Role of Mercenaries in the Galactic Struggle for Freedom." My conclusion is simple. Weapons are tools. Those that use them are, by extension, functional assets that we must use to our best advantage. The Empire has no moral boundaries, why should we not take hold of every chance we can? Let them see how an insurgency adapts.
Karis Nemik: And how am I wrong?
Cassian Andor: They don't care enough to learn. They don't have to. You mean nothing to them.
Karis Nemik: Perhaps they'll think differently tomorrow.
Cassian Andor: Be careful what you wish for.
Karis Nemik: So you think it's hopeless, do you? Freedom? Independence? Justice? We should just submit and be thankful? Just take what we're given?
Cassian Andor: [Inhales deeply, leans toward Nemik and glares] Do I look thankful to you?
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