I saw this as soon as I finished my last blog post.
I quite suspect if that's what These Fucking People really think, the revolution will be short. Don't get me wrong, it'll probably still disintegrate America, and it'll be bloody as fuck, but it will be short. It won't work out how they think, but these assholes will get something simply because there's a subset of America that seemingly cannot wait to taste corporate boot-leather, you won't want to live there, though.
There's a whole hell of a lot of these corporate goons, Republican operatives and wannabe fascists that just scan (to me) as the most soft-handed, lacking in killer instinct and testicular fortitude, wannabe bitches imaginable.
Should note, that makes them a lot more dangerously stupid and very likely far more prone to using excessive force, especially when there's absolutely no reason to do so.
More to the point, 250 years of America and these fuckin' idiots still don't understand the concept that people have rights, whether you want to say those rights are Constitutional, or God-Given, or whatever.
(These fucking people never actually believed in the Constitution, except maybe as some kind of tribal totem, a leering Tiki at the edge of the camp meant to scare off intruders they think are just as fearful and primitive as themselves.)
Some fucking people commit war crimes because they're angry, or because they hate their enemies, or out of vengeance because a particular enemy troop shot one of their buddies, or something.
It sucks and it's wrong but it's still understandable in the heat of the moment.
It stops being understandable real quick after half a decade.
These fucking people will commit war crimes because they're still mad about COVID-19 and the Great Resignation.They're angry because we, being the people they depend on for their profits but also the people that they hate and resent for just plain existing, did not all go out and get sick and then lay down and die while leaving them our personal stuff in our wills, they're mad because we masked up and protected ourselves, and also because during the Pandemic and for most of the last five years or so, damned near anybody who was dissatisfied with their job could just go out and get another one in fairly short order.
I know, I was one of those people.
They see workers having freedom as some kind of bullshit-ass "Communist Aggression" or "Jacobin Terror." These assholes don't want citizens, or workers. They want slaves.
They don't want intelligent, reasonably functional and independent leaders like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. They want some bloated sad-sack like Trump that they can buy off with a Kilo of cocaine and some fancy suck-ass words or some bullshit and just get whatever they want.
These Motherfuckers Do. Not. Want. A. Better. Nation. They want Culture War crimes.
They don't want a more conservative nation on some kind of principle, they want a more manipulable environment for the wealthy.
They don't understand things like that we have enemies who absolutely do not give a shit about the money, who have no better nature or goodness to appeal to, or that the Russians (for example) see us as just as much of an enemy as they see the Ukrainians.They don't understand that those enemies can't be bought off or reasoned with and don't actually share (their kind of) social conservative beliefs.
And half of America proved itself real damn easy to fuck over, too.
I mean, shit, they wanted to be fucked over, because they thought it might be "entertaining."
They want destruction and loss and The End Times so bad they're willing to be the Beast of Revelation their own damn selves, if that's what it takes, but they wanna make money off it, too.
And when these motherfuckers see a whole goddamned piss-pot full of Chinese or Russian soldiers coming at them with blood in their eyes, all these Mr. Big Balls Fascists will basically just shit themselves, drop their weapons, and either run away or surrender.
And those enemies don't see Trump as a strong leader or a threat, they see him as a toady, as an easily-manipulated punk with a cult of self-contradictory chucklefucks behind him, who'll never really be part of their club.
And this is what America sold itself out for??Think about that for a second.
And then rethink your priorities.
Because you either believe in freedom or you don't.
There's going to be a fight. Soon.
But if they think the last five years has been some kind of a "Terror" they ain't ready for an actual fight. They're gonna lose, I think their goal is to take us down with them, honestly.
Seriously, they think the best economy (for them in particular) in a generation was a "Terror" against them?? Just because somebody else got a little, too??
So, freedom is terror for the privileged?
Fuck off.
Privilege rots your goddamned brain, and I don't think our sick country will survive it because too many of us are too far gone, but at least for those of us who aren't Okay with this crap we can decide where we land with the breakup.
We get to decide who we want to be, not these motherfuckers.
Remember that, because it's what this whole damn country was based on. A majority of what comes after will be based on it as well, because that's the culture of the people who live here. Elon Musk ain't from here.
We're the ones who know how to build the Guillotines, do not forget this.
And remember, too, that these fucking people's wannabe tyranny has a glass jaw.
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