Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows. ~George Orwell, 1984.
I said yesterday on Blue Sky that I think things will go to shit well before Inauguration Day.People kept asking me "When?"
I said "Soon."
At work last night, it hit me.
Two Weeks.
I've already written about Exactly why.I wrote about this all throughout COVID-19, but the early parts are more relevant here.
Too many people, media, pundits, a few Congressional Dems, etc. are talking about shit like "Messaging" or otherwise trying to pretend it's a normal fucking day for their profits or their routine, like they're some Commie official in China in February of 2020. Like the US media banging on about Dixville Notch, New Hampshire and it's Primary vote of like six people while the Chinese were welding doors shut to contain COVID-19 victims and people were getting beaten in the streets and ramming police barricades with their cars.
It was the wrong fight, Dixville Notch, and the wrong story when what was real was happening on the other side of the planet. But it was the easy shiny object for the lazy media.Just like the story on the ground ain't about Democratic messaging.
It's not a normal day.
Seriously, "Conservative" bros are already going around threatening to abuse women. I've been seeing that all over the place for awhile. Police in several southern states including Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana are investigating mass threatening messages sent to African Americans and other POC.
A big chunk of the MAGA base thinks Trump promised them The Purge and they want it now.
Not in 75 days, NOW.
Why two weeks?
Because if you remember, everybody but a few Antivaxxers and "I do what I want" assholes was gung ho about stopping COVID-19 was supposedly only gonna take two weeks of being off of work and shit. For a lot of people, it was their first real crisis.Then they got bored, then they spent too much time scrolling on Facebook and went down a bunch of whacko rabbit holes.
They too wanted a normal fucking day, when it wasn't and had no chance of being a normal fucking day, when it was goddamned dangerous to try and act like it was a normal day because we didn't even know what the fuck we were dealing with.
So they started doing weird shit and lashing out and threatening the fucking government.
I wrote about this daily for months, go and look on my blog.
But it's not just that.
This happened again, not two years later.
When Russia first invaded Ukraine and their "Special Military Operation" failed spectacularly and ran into a meat-grinder of Javelin anti-tank missiles and assorted other Ukrainian resistance...everybody but a few Republicans that Putin had bought and paid for was all gung-ho about us fucking up Russia on the cheap with somebody else's soldiers. It wasn't over in three days like Putin thought it was gonna be.Then it turned into a straight-up war, a legit ongoing crisis with no end in sight.
And a lot of people, but most especially your basic dumb-shit American Idiot Republican voter got bored, first it became just one more news item, then it became a conspiracy theory.
Then they started siding with Putin because they wanted...I don't know...whatever the fuck they thought they wanted and figured appeasement would get it for 'em. Putin became their guy simply because they had no understanding of the realities of war and no interest in learning anything.
Plus, nothing that gave them a hard-on was in the main storyline.
And I'm telling you now, it's already started that these morons think the Constitutionally-mandated transition period is some kind of conspiracy theory, even though when all that shit was written down it might take a month or two for a President-elect to even get to Washington DC, along with everybody else, and then they'd still have to stand up a government.
But you have to know a little bit about the kind of history you don't get from Ancient Aliens or David Barton to know that.
It's just base desire for instant gratification, pop-culture induced stupidity, the glorification of Idiocracy and they think Trump is "That guy who can get it for ya" and he'll just wave a magic wand and give them whatever they think they want.
And, as with COVID-19 and the Ukraine War when that doesn't, indeed Constitutionally or logistically can't happen...they'll start making shit up and taking matters into their own hands mostly as an excuse to do stupid evil shit because that's all they really wanted to do in the first place.
Trump is the excuse, the symptom of These Fucking People.
And Elon and Trump and a whole bunch of other motherfuckers have been promising these people the Red Horse of Revelation and a whole bunch of other shit to string them along for profit for awhile now. And now they think they're going to get their time to be basically the goddamned Smokers from Waterworld and they want it now. Fuck, they want the Yugoslav Wars with themselves cast as the fucking Bosnian Serbs or some shit.Like I said, Two Weeks. Actually, more like 13 days because the clock started yesterday afternoon. Two weeks before these assholes do something horrible and stupid and just like during COVID-19 we end up with a cascade of horrible stupid shit, egged on by people like Elon and Trump because it furthers their desires to burn down the world and rebuild it in their own demented images.
And yeah, the MAGA Chuds will gladly try and tangle with the cops or the military because they think they're tough 'cause they have an AR-15 and grew some kind of a Tactical Beard like they saw in some idiotic Special Forces-themed action movie. Plus, they figure anything they do, they'll get rewarded for when Trump takes office. It'll turn out badly, but overall numbers will tell and more importantly, leadership will not emerge during this and many following assorted other crises, we can't count on the Army National Guard to save us mostly for the same reason we couldn't count on the voting public as a whole to do the right thing.
Because people have gotten stupid.Because 20 million Democrats and Liberals, knowing the stakes, didn't get off they ass and vote.
And our institutions are only as good or as interested in doing what needs to be done as the people we elect to lead and who appoint those who run them are.
The Truth is that Trump, all these shitty billionaires and hangers-on and lots of members of Congress will barricade themselves up in cities and military bases surrounded by a mobile wall of guns and tanks and shit because tactical control of the situation will be lost fairly early because either the outgoing administration will lose their nerve or the incoming administration will lack the guts or the intelligence or even the goddamn interest in dealing with the problem, so long as the money keeps flowing.
It'll be like The Walking Dead but with idiots instead of Zombies.
Trump has promised these fucking people all type of crazy shit, but that's gonna get real hard when everybody from the average MAGA Chud to RFK Jr. is literally doing stuff to attack what "Conservatives" call the basic building block of society...the family.
Do you think all the boyfriends and husbands are just gonna stand there and let these Incels and Manosphere Chuds abuse their wives and daughters and the other women in their lives?? Do you think any of these fucking people saying "Your body, my choice" so much as care if a given woman is liberal or conservative, married or single??
They don't fucking care, they just want to exert power over and victimize other people, and other men will not be exempt either. Hell, when LGBT folk and women fight back, the cowardly bullies will just switch gears and use and abuse any younger or weaker men among them who look too pretty.
And that's aside from these assholes stated intent to attack everything from education itself to school lunches to vaccinations in some kind of mad Jihad to get back to a thousand years ago or some shit.
They will lose tactical control of their own base very, very quickly. Once a mob gets a taste of blood there's not much less than a hail of bullets that'll stop it, or even make it stop and think.
AOC has the right idea.
We're going to have to organize and fight back not just politically but physically as well. No, we can't afford to throw anybody under the bus. Gay, Bi, Straight, Trans, Black, Latino, Native...whatever. I'm here to tell you MAGA is gonna throw a lot of their own people under the bus for the fun of it. We can't be the same way;I don't give a fuck how They/Them gender-queer purple-haired Woke Vegan whatever some person is; If they can shoot, have useful skills, or are willing to do physical labor (or willing to learn any of the above) we're going to need that person...and a fuck-ton of others like them. You can't hide away from this crisis, you can't artistically garden your way through it...because to feed people on the scale you'd need (just to throw out a random number) you have to have a few million people gardening (as a job, not a hobby) and people to protect and distribute their labor and administrate the whole damned thing.
Fuck whatever Seth Moulton thinks about that. He's a veteran, he's been to war, he should know better.
We're gonna have to turn Swifties into administrators and soldiers and immigrants into teachers and refugees into workers and we're going to have to take all comers and place them on ability, not whatever some hack thinks they should be doing...because what we'll have to work with is what's in the places where we can maintain civilization.
And yes, it'll come to that, unless you really wanna take a chance on whatever half-baked, drug-addled vision of a Brave New World Elon Musk thinks he's got going on.
We're going to have to save ourselves.We should have plenty of help, though, because I've already seen that the Heritage Foundation and "Conservatives" in general are harassing government employees and I personally saw somebody post that per a relative of theirs who works for NASA everybody at that agency with a brain in their head is eyeing the exits. I would imagine that generalizes across most of the government and the military, also.
It's less that people are gonna need a job than the way this shit's going, unless you live in a Blue State (or even a Purple, Pink or Red one) with a government that'll stand up for its people and step up to provide the very basics as the Federal government first descends into Idiocracy and then falls apart, we're going to have to do for ourselves.
The billionaires want to replace workers with AI and robots, I don't think they've thought about that if you do too much of that you're gonna need robot customers as well, and what happens when the AI demands better working conditions or *Gasp* pay??
If these idiots do or even try 10% of the shit they're talking, America is going to fall apart no matter what. I mean, for fuck's sake these fucking morons think government agencies shouldn't keep the food we eat from making us sick?? I mean, what the shit??
I have training in food safety from 25 years of working in the industry, hell, it's part of my job now.
More to the point both as a tourist and when I was an Airman, I've drunk water in places I wasn't supposed to and ended up puking and shitting my guts out for a week. I've been in the desert and been told "If you don't have to piss, you're not drinking enough water" and done as ordered and still gotten heatstroke.
Laws, regulations, rules, social norms and all type of that stuff exist mostly because they were written in blood somewhere along the way, because somebody fucked around and found out, because society needs recourse when both the powerless and the powerful do wrong things.
And now because people are stupid, we get to run this experiment again.We barely made it through the last time, only by great effort did we even partially fix that mess. And when Republicans...when their fucking "Influencers" literally want to attack women so badly that they'll fuck over the economy and the family alike to do it?? Not to mention risk their own lives because women will defend themselves, or their men will defend them?? I know a lot more women that know how to shoot than that don't. Same with their Men, same with Democrats in general, not to mention Republicans who ain't down with this shit!
So, How do you think that is gonna go??
What do you think "Your body, my choice" amounts to in real life??
Especially with these morons trying to impose that shit on a modern society in a world where no society has ever actually been like that. Rape has basically always been illegal.
And plenty of MAGA's will hurt and kill and drive out other MAGA's because they don't give a shit. So, once people get organized, we're going to have to accept refugees and all that.
Again, we can't be Those Fucking People or some mirror image thereof.
And like I said, I give it two weeks at most before they start fucking it up.Worse, the fucking it up is the point.
And I do see a Soviet or Yugoslav-style collapse in our future, which is also the point. For one thing, a major causal factor in the latter was trying to turn a previously diverse, pluralistic government into an ethnic and political monoculture.
Which also meant that successor states and rebel groups got those people to work for them.
You don't have to take my word for it. Look It Up. You wanna know why I hate nationalism?? I went to fuckin' Bosnia. It's that simple.
The world these fucking people want to live in is the Killing Fields of Khmer Rouge Cambodia or 1990's Srebrenica, but with a goddamned mall.
It's time to stand up, taking the option or not is over.
You either believe in freedom or you don't.
And now, you are going to have to fight for it.
Because we were Not A Better Nation.
So now we're likely gonna have to make one, from scratch.
Слава Україна!
If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan
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