If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan
Smoking marijuana, eating Cheetos, and masturbating do not constitute plans in my book. ~Walter White, Breaking Bad.
I saw this stupid bullshit yesterday.
Twitter idiot "Catturd2" trying to claim that the war in Ukraine is "fake."
I mean, what the fuck? I don't know about you, but I see coverage of it on a daily...if not hourly basis via...guess what? My Twitter feed. I follow at least a dozen journalists on Twitter alone who've been over there...plus another on Facebook who's actually somebody I used to work with and know in real life. Plus, other people that I know are in the same boat, with people they know being over there. Plus I've met a couple of displaced Ukrainians even in my small corner of the world.
And...oh hey, look,
Plus, another dude whose boxing career I used to follow rather closely.
Look, this shit is all verifiable one way or another. I mean, if all else fails you fuckers could go to Ukraine and see it for yourselves.
But of course, people like Cat Turd won't do that. They're not even going to make the slightest effort to assert anything in good faith, either.
I mean, aside from the MAGA Right's generalized desire for Putin to win, and for the Ukrainians to be subjected to genocide (Because this, in their view, will upset the "liberal democratic global order" that they don't think favors them enough. (Fun fact, who started that liberal democratic world order, when, and why? People like Churchill and Truman after WWII because they saw it as the best chance to avoid another war.) More specifically, there's a great desire on the part of These Fucking People to keep their followers from believing, or believing in, in anything at all, I think. Least of all in anything factual or verifiable. Now, Why is that??
It's a hell of a lot easier for the pig-fucker capitalist types to pick these people's pockets, to employ migrant child labor instead of grown-ass American adults, if American "Conservatives" are sitting on the couch smoking weed, eating Cheetos and masturbating rather than paying attention to what's really going on.
I mean, what else are conspiracy theories, really, but some newfangled Opiate of the Masses??
It's a centralized part of Putin's SOP in Russia and thus of the re-Sovietization of Russian society that it's a lot easier to dominate, to steal, to take shit over...if no one believes in anything. If there's no concept of Truth, that deprives the average person of any kind of floor to stand on to push back against Power.
The best liars, the biggest guns, the more endless distractions, the most open wallets for the most corrupt officials...wins.
I mean, what the fuck do you think the proliferation of Racism these days is really for, anyway??
What did you think it was ever there for in the first damn place??
Without unity, it's harder for people to push back against moneyed interests.
Truth, there
is no
Scott Adams didn't just go performative hard-right because his wife left his arrogant ass. He saw that there was money, power, who knows, even another 15 minutes of fame in it for his dumb ass or he wouldn't have done it.
And the reason people...least of all the "elites" Adams loudly claims to be one of...let this pass is because especially on the "Conservative" side of the fence, it makes stealing...not just money, but political power and rights...that much easier.
When all your base cares about is a
performative middle-finger aimed skyward in the face of the whole rest of the world...it's not hard to draw some conclusions about how little they're thinking about their futures, their retirement money, the world they live in, etc.
Don't get me wrong, the Left isn't quite blameless here, either. We have our share of morons, too.
But the difference is, Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis and a whole bunch of the rest of these goddamned nutjobs command millions of fanatical followers, some of whom are willing to be quite violent.
Marianne Williamson, on the other hand, is mostly known for sappy self-help BS (And yes, I have a fair amount of familiarity with it, my Mom was a fan) and has about as much of a chance of getting elected President as I do, or as one of my ferrets does.
And Marianne may, apparently, be an egotistical twit. But she's an order of magnitude less malicious than the neo-Commie Putinist GOP. Williamson wants to distract people from various goings-on with dopey New Age talk.
The Republicans, led by DeSantis and Trump, want to distract people from the slavery of their children, the destruction of their standard of living, and the subversion of their nation by Putinist neo-Commies by allowing them to murder their neighbors in some vaguely Culture-War-themed Jihad while they rob everybody else blind.
Because LGBT people or something something Gazpacho.
And, for whatever reason, the people who were dead-ass scared of the Domino Theory in the 1960's are betting on it now. That is, they hope Ukraine Falls ---> Europe Falls ---> The West collectively collapses ---> They somehow get to be a quisling East German style regime in a neo-Soviet satellite state.
It's literally the reverse of the rationale that the Johnson administration used to get us into Vietnam. They don't want to stop the fall, they want to accelerate it.
Now you see why that whole "Build The Wall" thing got rolling? There was a specific precedent I saw that these fuckers had in mind right from the jump;
The Berlin Wall.
And they said so themselves.
But this time, they don't want anybody to tear it down, certainly not ordinary people.
These people know that's going to be a lot harder if people don't know...or don't "
believe" in...any of the things that are
really happening.
More to the point, they themselves don't
want to know, because ideology is a hell of a power trip and these people have
literally bet on this godless ideology of self and selfishness, where Man's self-satisfaction is the moral purpose of life...
over and above their alleged previous belief in Christian Salvation and all that.
So, for them more so than the rest of us, if one even one domino falls their whole way of thinking is at risk and they'd rather sacrifice LGBT or Transgender people or Ukrainians up to and including any or all of the rest of us than be forced to question the ideological corners they've painted themselves into.
The Right-Wing blood god demands not one or two sacrifices for these fucking people to keep their imagined place in the world, but an endless orgy of blood sacrifices.
And, deep down, every last one of these damn people is afraid it might be their turn next, but they're too hooked on the petty cruelty to realize they don't have to be that way.
This shit is an addiction. They don't want the dominos, i.e. all the little hits of petty cruelty that go straight to stroking the frills of their lizard-brains, to stop falling.
And while these people are all
afraid of dying, they're even more afraid they might have to
stop, or
be stopped by others. Power and fear as a combination are a hell of a drug. That's why these fuckers grabbed onto Trump, and why he's fading now (because he
lost) and they've latched onto Putin since then.
And they hate America and Ukraine because together, we just might stop Putin. We might just deny these people their dream of some global authoritarian Daddy figure...basically the Antichrist...that they want.
Oh, you didn't think about that did you? How far are these sons of bitches from trying to microchip everybody and claim "It's not the Mark Of The Beast when they do it?!?!"
And that's exactly what unfettered power and these people's false world-system is, and what it leads to. They don't care if it's under some gilded crucifix or the
Hammer And Sickle.
They just want the Power.
More to the point, they thought they were almost there, perhaps on a bit of a delay after the debacle of 2020...and then somebody fought back and the world rallied against this shit.
So now they gotta try and deny
that, too.
Don't let them.
If they deceive themselves by their own sorceries, there's no scarlet woman riding a weird monster...they just look like idiots. If the dominos stop falling, sooner or later they'll be seen for being the craven cowards and dirty commies that they are.
And if there's one thing these fucking people are more dead set on than a monomaniacal quest for power it's the upkeep of their own self-images.
Stop the clickety-clickety-click of the dominos falling...and they end up destroying themselves in an orgy of blame and recriminations and fading away in a puff of cocaine. None of these people are actually for the group, it's a mob of selfish narcissists. They're all me, me, me.
And somehow they forgot the rest of us can say "No" and refuse to tolerate their shitty games.
So do it.
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From Stettin on the Baltic to Varna on the Black Sea, the regimes planted by totalitarianism have had more than thirty years to establish their legitimacy. But none — not one regime — has yet been able to risk free elections. Regimes planted by bayonets do not take root....If history teaches anything, it teaches self-delusion in the face of unpleasant facts is folly....Our military strength is a prerequisite to peace, but let it be clear we maintain this strength in the hope it will never be used, for the ultimate determinant in the struggle that's now going on in the world will not be bombs and rockets but a test of wills and ideas, a trial of spiritual resolve, the values we hold, the beliefs we cherish, the ideals to which we are dedicated. ~Ronald Reagan
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