Saturday, September 3, 2022

House Of Bondage (Where the hell are we? Two.)

I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; ~Exodus 20:2-5

I saw this last night.

Nick Adams said that Mar-A-Lago is "Sacred hallowed ground" and that the FBI should not be able to raid any Trump properties.

Excuse me? As a former President, Donald Trump is a private citizen, he's subject to the law the same as everybody else. Listen here, bitch, I know enough about how they do things in Australia to know it's the same way there. If anything, probably more so than it is in America.

I looked it up. This motherfucker is here because he got kicked out of Australian politics for bad behavior and corruption, and was apparently told to leave the country. So of course he's going to be a boot-licking cultist to anybody who'll let him in the game pretty much anywhere and I suppose sucking Trump's withered old balls (in his mind anyway) beats being an advisor to the king of Tonga.

(Actually, I'm fairly sure the first time he called a golf course sacred ground in Tonga, Nick would get fired, likely arrested and probably laughed at. Tonga is such a Christian country that the airport is closed on Sunday. Also I've met people from there, they don't fuck around.)

Nick is another one of those people who nobody would know who he was if it wasn't for Trump.

So of course he'll bow down before the Golden Toilet.

Apparently he thinks it beats having to get a real job. I mean, I wouldn't hire this moron to shovel shit, but there you have it.

Now, look here:

If you're a Christian and you want to go straight to hell, listen to these fucking people.

Mar-A-Lago isn't a goddamned sacred space or hallowed ground, it's a golf club!

Donald Trump isn't some divine figure. Love him or hate him, he's just a man. Donald Trump is not a god. Man cannot Save Man, only God can do that, if you really believe in that sort of thing you shouldn't have to have this explained to you.

The Bible says that God created the Earth in six days. Donald Trump created a cult by calling Mexicans rapists. One of these things is not like the other one. Fuck you. That spell it out for you or do I have to use smaller words?

Seriously what the hell kind of stupid, weak ass person looks at a loser like Donald Trump and then says "There's my God, yo. I want to bet my soul on that guy." I mean, seriously??

I mean, come on, the core basis of Christianity (and of the other Abrahamic religions) is belief in the God of Abraham and being sorry for your sins. Love thy neighbor as thyself and love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, all thy soul and all thy might. That seems pretty simple to me. The Jews basically say "Keep the ten commandments and you're good, bro." The Muslims likewise say that if you believe in God and the Last Day you will see Paradise.

Likewise, Buddhism pretty much boils down to practicing kindness and right action.

I mean, really, that's most religions. Seems like that's fairly easy to me.

As opposed to "Unga Bunga Own The Libs devote my entire existence to fueling this narcissistic asshole and hating basically everything??"

Sooner or later these Trump idiots are going to start burning themselves out and destroying themselves, oh, wait, the Republican Party is doing that already.

It's become a cult, and it's headed for a Jonestown moment or Kamikaze-ing itself for it's "God-emperor" probably sooner, rather than later.

These fucking people don't want a President, they want a Pharaoh, some ridiculous looking god-king that fucks his own relatives. They don't want a free country, they want the house of bondage, because they think they'll get to be a better class of slaves than all the other slaves.

And they don't want the Creator of the Infinite Universe and an afterlife of eternal wonder, they want a god and an afterlife that's small and mean, like them.

Seriously if your idea of a blessed afterlife is to have to sit there and praise Donald Trump for all of eternity, you're an idiot.

Don't be these fucking people. Is that really so hard?

So, folks, let’s remember who in God’s name we are — I really mean it — what our values are, what we believe.

“We the People” — that how our Constitution starts — or the Declaration. “We the People.” It’s who we are.

And, by the way, no one expects politics to be a pattycake. It sometimes gets mean as hell. But the idea you turn on a television and see senior senators and congressmen saying, “If such and such happens, there’ll be blood in the street.”

Where the hell are we?

~Joe Biden


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