Friday, August 13, 2021

Mob-erty (Q-Berty, Again)

Falco: Games. One hundred and fifty days of games.

Gracchus: He's cleverer than I thought.
Falco: "Clever"! The whole of Rome would be laughing at him, if they weren't so afraid of his Praetorian.
Gracchus: Fear and wonder, a powerful combination.
Falco: You really think people are going to be seduced by that?
Gracchus[about Commodus] I think he knows what Rome is. Rome is the mob. Conjure magic for them and they'll be distracted. Take away their freedom and still they'll roar. The beating heart of Rome is not the marble of the Senate, it's the sand of the Colosseum. He'll bring them death…and they will love him for it.
~From the film Gladiator

I saw this a couple days ago.

After a school board meeting in Franklin, TN, medical professionals had to be escorted out by police after a near riot and death threats from the crowd.

This isn't the only place this has happened, in some areas, the Proud Boys have showed up. They claim to be protesting against "Marxism." So, wait a minute, protecting your and your children's health is "Marxist" now?

Excuse me, what the fuck?

Of course, on a certain level I shouldn't be surprised. There's certain fucking people in this country who see the words "Public Health" and immediately feel threatened because that means collective effort to maintain the health of the population and they think they might have to give a shit about somebody else or pay more in taxes or something.

And between seventy years of Ayn Rand horseshit, the endless glorification of selfishness, Donald Trump edging out both...the endless proliferation of conspiracy theories and the outright marketing of fascism to conservatives a crowd of wannabe Gnostics who desire that they, and only they should reap the benefits of society or the fruits of law and order, well, here's where you end up.

Time was, not so long ago, that conservatives very often were the experts everybody listened to. Granted, the same fucking people still threw a shit fit when C. Everett Koop said "Hey, smoking is bad for you." But nobody rioted or had to call the cops over it, because the assorted chucklefucks had not yet been reduced to simian overreaction, shrieking and throwing their own shit when somebody, anybody, told them to do something that they didn't want to.

Now, in effect, if anybody other than Donald Trump tells them to do something, their attitude is "YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" Like they're a bunch of entitled ten year old kids from wealthy families, in effect raised by servants that they can boss around.

I mean, seriously, what the fuck happened to these people.

They see people trying to protect their kids...and indeed, them...from a deadly disease and they react violently?

Come on, people, what the fuck?

For one thing, this is the bitter fruit of confirmation bias, endless dumb shit on the internet, Fox News and the Prosperity Gospel...people have basically been taught that this life is a "Choose your own adventure" book where they can do whatever they want and nothing seriously bad ever happens to the protagonists (which, of course, they assume must be themselves.) 

Ever notice how, in these people's budding mythology (Q-Anon and shit like that) nobody ever seems to actually die? For such a violent, bloody-minded mob these motherfuckers seem awfully squeamish about death. Not only because the Q-Anon shit is chock full of people who've supposedly been executed but there's still clones and robots and uploaded personalities of them so that they can still continue to obsess over Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, etc. etc. and this same mythos is likewise a vast, overly complex web of Matrixes and this and that and the other Deep State or Potemkin thing or secret cabal because something something Gazpacho while the world is somehow magically still super-secretly being run by Donald Trump

(You know, the guy who couldn't keep a secret if his life depended on it if it's "good" and for whom anything "bad" gets leaked to the press by somebody else eventually.)

And I'll hasten to add, these people take the even bigger leap of magical faith that Trump would run anything competently, when he clearly never has before.

Not to mention, while savagely throwing aside their claimed support for the police, these same people act as if several of their own either being killed or dying for other reasons during their clownish insurrection was literally the worst thing that ever happened in the history of the world.

And somehow, Communism, a political ideology that basically collapsed under its own misbegotten inefficiency in 1989 is still a thing.

And you know, out here in the real world you have to damn near be my age to even know what Communism actually was.

And then what do they do with all this crap?

They riot like animals in the street, literally acting worse than how they try to say the people they don't like acted. Yes, every single thing these fucking people ever accuse Black people or anybody else of is something they have at least thought about doing themselves, it's all projection.

 These fucking idiots hate nothing in the world more than the very society that keeps all of us alive.

You know, like most people (especially veterans and others with even peripheral ties to the situation, in my case knowing several people-including people I served with-who served over there) I've watched the worsening situation in Afghanistan with an increasing feeling of dread, knowing where it will lead. I can tell you that there will be even more civil war, more death, a huge refugee crisis, and ultimately a need for someone else...probably the United Nations this have to go in there with military force and try to straighten this mess out when Afghanistan Under The Taliban 2.0 invariably becomes first a deepening quagmire as different Jihadist factions fight it out to see whose brand of extremism is on top, then a haven for terrorists and an unending flow of drugs that worsens our own assorted domestic crises and those of other nations.

But here's the thing.

While most of us regard the impending collapse of Afghanistan with unvarnished horror, these people, the ones rioting after a school board meeting and threatening health care professionals?

Something like the Taliban is exactly what they aspire to be, right here, in America.

If you don't think Jihad, or at least some kind of godless Culture War racist version of it, is something these fools aspire to you have another thing coming. If you don't think these goddamn morons would gladly shout "Trump Akbar" while "Owning The Libs" by blowing themselves up in a crowded Walmart you're wrong.

If you don't think that this "Culture War" bullshit will eventually lead to ethnic conflict and outright warfare of the usual sort if it's not checked now, I don't know what to tell you.

And the worst part is, that's what Republicans want. Why else do you think they've gone right ahead and decided that the United States Armed Forces was their enemy? Or why they so easily have thrown the police under the bus?

Because civilization, expertise, and giving a shit about your fellow humans isn't entertaining enough, or something. Because humanity is too hard and fear and hatred come easily to certain people.

Because to a person, they think that when civilization collapses into heavily armed anarchy they'll be the Lord or Lady in the castle who fornicates atop a giant pile of money, not the illiterate thugs fighting those other illiterate thugs for scraps of stale bread and promises of magic beans from whoever's really in charge. It's not them that'll be the serfs in the fields, or the catamite strapped to the back of the truck...or ya know, just plain dead. That'll be somebody else. Why? Because they think the universe is all about them. Every last one of them thinks this.

The Universe may disagree, however.

Ya know, a substantial portion of the conservative people in Western civilization never got over Plato, or Rome, or their fascination with ideas being better or more important than people.

I'm here to tell you the Universe didn't give a shit about them then, either.

The Q-Nuts like to say things like "Where we go one, we go all." But they never think of "We" as humans in general. They never, ever, would think to consider the people of Afghanistan as "We" as part of US. 

They're wrong.

Just think about that for a second.

And if we don't stop this shit, these motherfuckers would gladly bring the same kind of violence that's engulfing Afghanistan right here, for no better reason than they think it would "Own the Libs."

Because they literally think nothing bad would ever really happen to them, even as they get eaten alive by their own addictions and petty fears and hatreds because deep down they know they're wrong.

At the end of the day, a lot of them probably don't really care, either.

And this, they call freedom.

When it's anything but that.

If you want a better country, you have to be a better citizen. 

If you want to be free, You have to start giving a shit.

That's all.


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