Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Owning The Libs In The Lake Of Fire (On Mehadism, Part Five.)

When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:

And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats:

And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. ~Matthew 25:31-33

I saw this last night.

I have to admit, I've gotten used to stupidity from Trump Supporters but this is mind-blowing, because I spent most of my life as a Christian.

"God is separating the sheep from the goats...and I'm a goat."

Note: She's probably not wrong, but almost certainly not for the reason she thinks she's not. 

I'm sorry, but if you somehow missed the point of the judgement of the sheep and the goats, it goes like this: The sheep are the ones who are going to heaven. It's the goats who are the ones going to hell, well, either you're stupid, you have the worst reading comprehension imaginable, or you care more about Some Dumb Shit I Saw On The Internet than you do about the Word of God. 

I'm honestly not sure which of these three options is the worst one.

I think a lot of people fail to remember that the Bible is Bronze Age, Iron Age and Classical Era stories wrapped up in Platonic philosophy and dunked in a deep, dark well of not-exactly-warm-and-fully Middle Eastern mythology that runs the gamut from far-predating, to contemporary-to the actual Biblical mythos, and indeed much of the latter is in fact a re-working of the former in accordance with the facts that the Old Testament was largely written in Aramaic and Hebrew (which, linguistically, drew on earlier mythos) and the New Testament in Greek (which turned the New Testament into a vehicle for said Platonic philosophy.) Then you add geography into the mix, the people who wrote a lot of this stuff lived on a narrow strip of more arable land surrounded by desert, then as now constantly beset by enemies.

Of course they were going to use things like farming and sheep and shepherds as metaphors in judgements and parables and stories.

Pretty sure the people who wrote all this stuff down had no idea about 21st century Internet Culture and social media and arrogant entitled pricks yelling "Sheeple!!!!" [Insert copious amount of flying spittle here] at everybody who disagrees with them. 

The whole mess is childish and puerile to start with, and I'm not sure that that the people who are attempting to invert the ancient Biblical judgment realize just how closely they're following the list of things that Christ said not to do in judging the Goats.

Giving food and drink and shelter to the needy, clothing the naked, and visiting the ill or the incarcerated are not really their things. 

They'd rather sit in their chair and huff their own farts while perusing Dumb Shit On The Internet with one eye and watching Fox News with the other. They don't give a damn about heaven or hell or whatever sort of conduct it takes to get to either place. They want the cheap internet fame, the regard of all their equally-stupid friends, and the sordid little thrill of "Owning the Libs" (Again, whatever that means) RIGHT NOW!!!!

These are people who'd rather die, or inject themselves with bleach, or shove lights up their asses or poison themselves by taking the wrong medications (including those not even intended for human beings) than listen to some apolitical expert who actually knows what they're talking about and get a free vaccine.

They'd rather bow down and worship a golden idol of Donald Trump right now than obey the teachings they've claimed to follow for their whole lives and the hell with the consequences.

(And yet, these people booed Trump himself when he said that they should get vaccinated.)

I'm being 100% serious here, does any of this sound really stupid to you yet?

If there was a nuclear war tonight and most technology that was both operating at the time and not protected against an Electromagnetic pulse stopped functioning, would these people bow down and worship the few surviving computers? Would those in the ruins build idols out of fried laptops and PC's since that is, after all, where their dopamine fix actually came from?

Trump. Doesn't. Matter.

When they get bored with him or he dies or whatever they'll find somebody else. In the passion of the moment they have made of Trump a literal Antichrist but it's the idea that matters. Literally anyone will do, so long as they say the right words and validate the petty hatreds.

Nothing matters.

Hell, technology doesn't matter aside from its being a facilitator of this type of bullshit, most of the fascist movements that have gained or sought power arose and fell before the internet or this level of technology were even a thing.

If they could find some other way to get their sick little thrill of sticking their middle fingers up at all the world and being seen doing it, they'd do that instead.

And they could absolutely give a rat's ass about other people. Hell, other people basically don't exist to these selfish assholes unless they think they can get something from us.

That, in the terms of the Christianity I was raised in, is what makes each of them a goat and destined for hellfire. The worst part is, every last one of these chucklefucks, burning in hell...would likely see that they were surrounded by people like unto themselves and think they got the better end of the deal anyway...because they'd be surrounded by people from their anti-Vax Facebook group or their pro-Trump Discord chat or whatever.

They would view damnation as salvation, if that's what it took to justify themselves in their own minds.

But according to the Word, Man cannot save Man, and we certainly cannot save ourselves. We are not gods. We do not determine our own fates.

If you're dumb enough to think you'll share an Eternity of blessedness with Donald Trump you deserve what you're going to get.

(And they'd agree, being too stupid to recognize the negative connotation!)

Because they can't see past the Moment, the Self, what they think they want Right Now.

Metaphysically, that ends badly, every time you run the experiment.

But the natural essence of this philosophy that I've termed Mehadism absolutely does make a God of the Self. As I said, other people do not exist to these fools.

And so here we are. What we're going to do about it, I do not yet know.

But we'd best think of something.

Part Four

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