Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Fakeservatism (American Revelation VI, Part Two.)

“‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen." ~Ezekiel 16:49-50

Yesterday, Marjorie Taylor Greene called Guam (A US territory since the Spanish American War, whose people have been citizens since 1898) a "foreign land." 

I'm quite sure the Chamorro, the native people of Guam, who historically are s very patriotic people and who are thus overrepresented in the United States Armed Forces (most especially in the Air Force and the Navy) are thrilled to hear that.

Oh, wait, Guam's Congressional representative showed up at Marge's office with a platoon of Guam Army National Guardsmen deployed to D.C. to show exactly how people felt about this. Guess what? Marge hid in her office and didn't have the guts to face the people she'd been otherizing and talking shit about for no damned good reason. Like most bullies, Marge is a coward.

That's typical of Republicans these days, all things considered. Refuse to act like civilized or decent people, say a bunch of dumb racist shit, and then try and hide from the consequences.

Again, I'm going to remind y'all that it's not so much that Marjorie Taylor Greene and those like her are jingoistic racist xenophobic assholes who hate their fellow Americans even as they'd gladly kiss the asses of foreign dictators...it's that, to them, the rest of us don't really exist except as an inconvenience. It's not so much that Marjorie Taylor Greene is an adulterous, conspiratorial, lying piece of human garbage who's spent her life obsessively seeking attention as it's that she literally thinks she should be able to do whatever she wants, to whomever she wants, just because she thinks she's special.

Or rather, it's that these fucking people are all that, and more, and a hell of a lot of the voters they have left are the same way, just on a smaller scale.

And not a damned one of them has the guts to face what they actually are when called on the carpet by the rest of us. Republicans' moralizing is as fake as their social conservatism, and the only thing in all these years that has ever trickled down to their common voters is their contempt for literally the entire rest of the world.

And when those that they deem their servants, i.e. the military in this case, clap back at them when one of theirs (Frozen fish heir Tucker Carlson, who has served precisely zero days in uniform) says a bunch of dumb shit, then they claim the mantles of peace and persecution, like they think we're too fucking dumb to notice what they've been up to all these years.

This is America, the military doesn't start wars, politicians do. Increasingly, though, the politicians don't have the guts to own up to their own actions. There's a certain segment of the Republican Party that's been trying to start a war with the Iranians since the 1980's, for example. Rand Paul very much supports that, but here he is trying to claim peace and isolationism because the troops called out Tucker Carlson for saying a bunch of misogynistic dumb shit.

Speaking as a veteran here, I can tell you from personal experience that these fucking people only think we're "heroes" when they can imagine that we've had our boots on someone else's throat on their behalf. 

Yes, there's a lot of Republicans who sincerely believed in things like collective security, international alliances and a strong defense. You know what? Most of those people are dead by now, and the rest are either out of power or voting Democratic. There's a reason for that.

The modern Republican Party is composed of nothing but clout-seeking bullies who need an ass whuppin.' Rand Paul got one, but it doesn't seem to have helped.

I'm beginning to think the only thing these motherfuckers WILL ever understand is if they are removed from power and it is kept away from them on a permanent basis, and they get to watch everything they've done crumble...and then they'll go to their graves resenting that and never consider that they didn't deserve to have that power in the first place. Rand Paul's sudden belief in peace is as fake as his social conservatism.

Why, again, do we give these people power?

And it's an indictment of our country that they ever had it. Think about that for a second. And Mitch McConnell is threatening to make trouble for the Democrats if they change the Filibuster and otherwise stand up to him?

These people need to be kicked from power and never allowed to have it again.

American conservatives no longer understand what's even the point of America, if they ever did.

When they dance around the notion that this country which was founded in opposition to the very idea of kings and hereditary nobility should have them, that's what they're saying: "We don't fucking get it, and we never did."

More to the point, each and every one of these absolute motherfuckers believes that they should be the king in his castle or the lord in the manor...and the rest of us should be the serfs in the fields. Fuck Republicans, and I say that as somebody who used to be one.

Conservatism is supposed to be about belief in revealed truth and the wisdom of our ancestors. God created all people equal in His sight and our ancestors decided, sometimes only because we as a people forced them to, that all the people who are born in our country should be citizens and are legally entitled to equal rights. There's maybe a dozen Republicans in office who've shown by their actions that they actually believe this.

When I say "These are the sins of your sister Sodom" this is what I'm talking about. Under these people's influence America IS Sodom as surely as the Biblical one ever was...but not because of gay people or trans people...it's because of the conservatives, and the Republicans. And if we keep tolerating this shit we'll meet the same fate. They're explicit about it these days, the destruction of America is the future conservatives want.

You want to stop that? Get these fucking people out.

You want to have a better country? A stronger country? Be a better citizen, and hold things like the corporations, the government and the media to account and pay attention rather than just taking people's word for it...not outsourcing it to somebody else, not passing the buck, You do it. The only reason these fucking people act like this is the rest of us let them.

A hell of a lot of Americans seem to think bad behavior is funny.

We need to stop putting up with this shit.


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