Friday, March 12, 2021

"Attacked?" (America Is Not So Exceptional, Tucker Carlson Edition II.)

I have read a fiery Gospel writ in burnished rows of steel.
As ye deal with my contemners so with you my grace shall deal
Let the Hero born of woman crush the serpent with his heel.
Since God is marching on. ~From The Battle Hymn Of The Republic.

So, disparaging women in the military in the name of trying to get one over on Joe Biden and the 'liberals' or whatever didn't work out so well for Tucker Carlson. As soon as I checked my Twitter on break at work last night I saw that active duty military leaders up and down the chain of command had responded, many directly and in a rather 'official' tone addressing specific comments that Tucker made, a fair number of them doing so very calmly and in a rather "HR-speak" manner, a few more in the sort of tone one would use in dressing down some civilian visitor who done fucked up. 

I'm not going to lie, since Tucker bought the ticket I was rather hoping that some senior enlisted leader was going to let him take the full extent of the ride and drop enough F-bombs on his ass in full command voice to make his ego look like Dresden after the Eighth Air Force got done with it, but alas, it was not to be.

Of course, as usual, those people who didn't handle it that way were right. Today, Tucker Carlson feels "Attacked."

Well, fucker, it's like this;

If the United States Department of Defense attacks you, you'll goddamned well know it.

Or maybe you won't and there will just be a big smoking crater where you used to be.

I'm sick of these fucking people and their petty, shit-talking egos and their feeling "Attacked" when anybody says anything in response to them.

Tucker Carlson is who he is, because there was a plate-full of knuckle sandwiches he ordered that somebody forgot to serve his dumb ass at some point when he was a teenager. He's exactly the kind of guy that needed to be told "Hey ass fuck, sit down and shut up before you hurt yourself" when he was 19 or 20 so he didn't continue to act like this as a grown ass man.

So now that Tucker is 51 and a Fox News honkey, he gets the response he should have gotten from some random dude on the street from military leadership and it's delivered in HR-speak, officialese and the sort of tone one uses on the tech rep who got caught sending dick pics to some female LT.

Can't fire him, and the company sure won't 'cause he talks Bible with his supervisor or some shit, so you find a way to make sure the dickhead understands and won't do it again, at least not here. 

And Tucker can't handle it, when said response was made to order to be handled, to be understood.

Message received, I'm pretty sure, but the response was (so far as I can tell) the typical conservative non-apology mixed with passive-aggressive defiance.

They should've been dropping F-bombs like BUFF's dropping real ones over Hanoi. Then maybe the motherfucker would've got it.

Or quit his job to go become a monk and contemplate the sound of one hand clapping, maybe.

Either way the world would have been a better place. 

And the reason for it is this.

"Biden should be finished, Tucker is on any minute/"

Fucking FOX News will go right on and disrespect the President of the United States in order to boost the ego of some shitty little overgrown Frat-boy like Tucker Carlson.

Because to them, to their viewers, some shitty little rich-boy news anchor who has a job because at some point mommy basically bought his ass a job but he tells them what they want to hear...yeah, that fucker is more important to them than the President who's actively trying to save all of our collective asses and rebuild functional government while doing the best he can to fix up the mess that the last one left. That should tell you everything you need to know about modern American "Conservatism."

Just as these people don't really want a working government, they don't want a working political philosophy either. They just want to hold up a bunch of myths and service their own egos and pocketbooks while convincing a bunch of fools that they're righteous.

We as a society need to stop putting up with this silly bullshit.

The reason things like Fox News, or ever-increasingly Newsmax and OAN because Fox News isn't conspiratorial or evil or shitty enough, are profitable is because there's about a quarter of the population that gets off on this garbage, and I don't know how to put it any other way.

And they want to make this country in their own image, or break off a piece of it and do so wherever that is. The cruelty and evil are the fucking point. 

And we had best start dealing with this crap accordingly and treating it like the threat to the common good and to our nation's survival that it is. These people daily attack democracy and freedom, they just hope if they say enough dumb shit, you won't notice.

But you have eyes to see, ears to hear, minds to think, memories to keep. Use them accordingly.

If we want a better country, we have to be better citizens.

And if that feels like an "Attack" to you? 

Maybe you're part of the fucking problem.

Part I.

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