Monday, October 19, 2020

Take away from me the noise of thy songs, I will not hear the melody of thy viols (American Revelation V: Part Eight.)

I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies. Though ye offer me burnt offerings and your meat offerings, I will not accept them: neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat beasts. Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs; for I will not hear the melody of thy viols. But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream. ~Amos 5:21-24

There's something that needs to be said, here; Words have meanings. Laws have to be respected. Precedents must be observed, and, like it or not things have to be changed according to process when they don't work.

The Trumpist disrespect for basically everything is starting to really bother me. But, perhaps more to the point, it also bothers me that these idiots think no one else has any sense of agency. These fools clearly think other people are not going to act, react, or try to change anything. These are clearly the people who've managed to get through life without getting their clock cleaned for talking stupid, or something.

They likewise assume that God is somehow like them, on their side, or otherwise agrees with them, or that there is no "real" point of view other than their own.

It's really stupid, actually. More than that, it seems to me to be the height of hubris to go about this way and that as if the Universe automatically agrees with you...especially when it clearly does not.

"I hate, I despise your feast days, I will not smell in your solemn assemblies." 

That verse, in and of itself, seems pretty straightforward about the fact that God is not going to approve of everything that Believers do.

But it's funny how the believers in the shitty Republican agenda either persuade themselves that God doesn't get a vote...or they think He agrees with them, always.

It's funny how none of these motherfuckers anymore ever asks "Am I doing the right thing?"

And with the rise of Q-Anon and shit, it's quite honestly past time for people to start asking serious questions of themselves and others, and while they're at it, stop proof-texting and actually start reading things like the Bible and the Constitution and serious eschatology and theology because this chucklefuck idea of "just believe it" because it tickles their ears or satisfies their confirmation bias is going to put a lot of people on an express elevator to hell.

Whether "Q" is Russian active measures or some dumb bullshit made up by some idiot in New Jersey, the truth is that this shit has taken pretty much all the conspiracy theories, mashed them together, and started stirring the resulting toxic sludge into a stew that looks very much like the beginnings of a religion; More to the point, Q-Anon-ism is both the kind of Christ-less Christianity of which the Beast of Revelations could have previously only dreamed and the sort of cult with a potential for random violence based on total bullshit that could make Daesh and the Taliban seem positively reasonable by comparison.

These fucking people claim to be against human trafficking and pedophilia, but it seems like anytime these motherfuckers are confronted with either, or with an actual concrete way to do something in any real, concrete way about the real-life problem, they refuse.

That's because Q-Anon isn't about protecting children, it's about trying to rat-fuck Democrats and non-Trumpist Republicans. That's all it is.

But it fits well with the Godless Theonomism of the Trump Republican Party, which substitutes a deeply agnostic greed, a shitty agenda, and the worship of a man for God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

In fact, if we want to get the sense of what Q...or Trumpism...might look like as a religion, we need to look no further than the constant, inane self-reverential ramblings of Donald Trump himself, or the callous twisted irreligion of Bill Barr's "Catholicism" or for that matter the willfully ignorant Stepford Wife cruelty of Amy Coney Barrett.

In that faith, we are all damned, understand that right now. In that faith, the only reward some people may get is that the more-damned will get to have their boots on the throats of the less-damned at some mythical point in the future, dangled just beyond the mind's eye like the premise of a badly-written Christian end times novel, invisible, yet always there. 

It's that unspoken reasoning These Fucking People are using when they tell you they don't know why they support Trump. They know, but they're absolutely terrified of the idea that immanentizing their shitty right-wing eschaton might actually involve personal risk or physical pain or that somebody else's bootheel on their face might cause them to rethink their bad life choices.

It's the kind of thought process that casts listening to experts and science as a bad thing when the only thing that'll get us out of this is expertise and science.

And it's enough to make you understand why God threw Adam and Eve out of the Garden and why it seems like He spent most of the Old Testament feuding with and punishing the Israelites in a frustrating cycle of abuse, apostasy and repentance where those on the outside looking in are never sure which is more in the wrong, but all know they don't want these two crazy fuckers to be their neighbors because there's bound to be a 3:00 A.M. shouting match in the front yard about just how much money did your dumb ass spend on that golden calf statue, anyway?

Yeah. All these thousands of years later things have not improved. The only thing that's really eternal is These Fucking People.

Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs, for I will not hear the melody of thy viols.

I think I kind of understand now, what God was getting at with that remark. I don't want to listen to these fucking people either, Lord.

Fuck these motherfuckers. You can't reason with this shit. Vote these people out and be prepared to kick their asses if they try anything funny after that. Maybe a good old fashioned Biblical-level beat down is about the only thing these idiots will understand.

I don't know if there's another answer, but I do know this path we're on as a country right now cannot continue.

Part Seven.

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