Thursday, October 8, 2020

Do you even Conservative, Bro? (American Revelation V: Part Five.)

Barbara: With a cute little rear end like that, you'll be the belle of the ball. Your dance card'll be filled every day. You'll be so popular, making all kinds of new, close friends. Big, ugly, hairy friends! Not that you'll ever see what they look like, 'cause you'll be facing the other way.
- Ken Kessler: You're very good at this. You should write children's books. ~From the film Ruthless People 

Democracy isn't the objective?"

Okay, smart guy. Tell me then, what is the objective? Why have I been voting since I registered to vote (as a Republican, no less. Man, do I ever feel stupid now) in 1991 when I turned 18 years old, why did I raise my right hand and swear an oath to the Constitution, what is even the point of, well, most of my life?

For those in the back, and apparently some of the Republican Senators out there, let me explain something in very fucking simple terms.

Without people having a say in their government, in how things are run, in their lives and in what goes on in their own country, it's not liberty, peace, or prosperity, not really.

Well, it might be unimaginable prosperity for a very few at the top, but that's about it. Your profits are not my objective. And if you think you can hold a society together that way, you're wrong.

Without Democracy, we are at best pampered pets, subjects, not citizens, having as much say over our own lives as a dog does over the actions of his master. At worst, we are slaves, well-fed or otherwise, and whether we "flourish" or not is subject to the whims and vanities of people like this asshole, and not by our own capabilities.

Without Democracy, our purpose in life is not even ours to find, nor do we rise or fall by our own initiative, but all this is instead dictated by the State per its own needs or by the political doctrines and various dogmas of the moment.

That sounds an awful lot like fascism, or maybe Soviet Communism without any of the parts that sort of helped people, sometimes. Your ideas, Senator, sound pretty damned Soviet to this former Republican. And I will not live under such a system. Do you even conservative, bro?

In point of fact, I'd rather DIE than live under the Senator's ideas of me "flourishing" without having a say in HOW. I'd rather die, with a rifle in my hand if need be, defending the Constitution and country WE ALREADY HAVE as I was once trained to do. What happened to the basis of conservatism being "Things as they are" not "things as we wish them to be" or reverence for revealed truth or the wisdom of our ancestors who built the small-L, small-D, liberal democratic system that we have? Flawed as it is, it's better than the alternative.

I don't want what I do for a living, where I live, how much money I make or who I love or where I work or how or even IF I worship God determined by a right-wing apparatchik in Utah anymore than I'd have wanted all that determined by a Communist apparatchik in Moscow.

This kind of bullshit is exactly what I was taught to fight, BECAUSE I'm an American, BY conservatives and liberals alike, BY Christians, because there was a time when people knew their histories and remembered things like that there was a time when people died for the right to read the Word in their own languages, on their own time, and draw their own conclusions from its pages.

You and your belief that you will be the King in his castle or the Lord in his manor while the rest of us are the serfs toiling in the fields directly interferes with that, with the very basics of what I was taught conservatism, revealed truth, or the wisdom of my ancestors all even were.

Freedom may be messy, but at the end of the day, without it life really isn't worth living because life isn't even ours to live. If you don't like how others live, LEAD. BY. EXAMPLE. Show them the Truth. It's on them to follow it, or not. 

If you can't do that, maybe you need to pick a different set of beliefs.

This has been a conservative argument.

Not that a large majority of these fucking people could be described as conservative, by any accurate definition of that word.

I got home from work this morning and besides getting deluged with posts about Mike Pence having a fly land on his head and stay there for awhile, I almost immediately saw Mike Lee's idiocy.

Then I saw this. Six right-wing terrorists apparently plotted to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer, my state's governor, overthrow the government and start a civil war. Then they got busted by the FBI and the Michigan State Police.

Right there is what These Fucking People think of America, Democracy, and the will of the people all in a nutshell, in a nice, neatly wrapped little gift box, handed to you on a silver platter.

I hope that you can infer the depth and breadth of my hatred for these people and their fucking bullshit by the fact that I'm quoting from "Ruthless People."

If you haven't believed me when I tell you that first we're going to have to vote them out, then we're going to have to fight them off, I'd suggest that you start. These fucking people are not trying to win the fucking argument, at least not by any conventional...or even unconventional...means that a sane person would recognize. No, as I've said before, these idiots are trying to immanentize some sort of right-wing Eschaton. 

And they're so fucked up on this silly bullshit that the goddamned Vice President doesn't even notice when a goddamn fly lands on his dumb head.

These fucking people don't want to live in America, they want to live in a place that's basically Gonzo Afghanistan with bigger guns, more drugs, and nukes, where their followers are basically a bunch of illiterate savages who will do what they're told and be dumb enough not to realize that their own corpse-like, flyblown, mealy-mouthed overlords really fucking hate them.

And you and me? What do we get in their world? Well, if we don't get shot, we get to die of some perfectly well avoidable or preventable illness, and then the local warlord gets to take our stuff.

I don't know about you, but I don't see anything conservative about that, and I'm saying that as a former Republican.

If you're not outraged by this goddamned fucking bullshit, you're not paying attention.

Vote the bastards out, all of them.

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