Thursday, November 28, 2019

People. Are. Stupid. (And Evil.)

Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curse thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. ~Genesis 12:1-3

Yet again, are you fucking kidding me?

What the fuck is it with these people? I'm serious, how in the hell have Trump Supporters managed not to learn anything since, what, the 1930's?

I was raised Christian and conservative, and one thing I had drilled into me was that Antisemitism, racism, and shit like that were not cool. More to the point, I was absolutely raised with the idea that Jewish people (and Muslims, for that matter) were our natural allies. After all, we all believed in the same God. Sure, Jews were often more liberal, and Muslims often even more conservative, but that was Okay. We had more in common than we didn't and for much of the time when I was growing up, too many outside threats to spend a lot of time sniping at each other.

But it's more than that.

Read the verses from Genesis 12 posted above. Was not Abraham, at least in mythological terms the patriarch of the Jewish people? Didn't God make a deal with him in particular? And was not Abraham faithful to His terms?

I was raised Christian, and I was raised with the idea that as first among the Abrahamic religions, the Jews were God's chosen people. I was taught that this wasn't something one should try to mess with, after all, had not all the Empires that tried to dominate or destroy the Jews eventually fallen? From Rome to Nazi Germany, was not history littered with the bones of those who had incurred the wrath of God by seeking to destroy or worse, replace God's people?

Certainly, the history of Israel since 1948 seemed to bear out that theory. And when I was a kid and a young man, the wars in Lebanon raged for over two and a half decades of my life. They've had some close calls, but Israel hasn't yet been defeated in a war.

At least as I understand things, that tells me there just might be something to all this mythological and religious belief. I don't care if you agree with me, that happens to be what I think.

The Arabic term the Palestinians use for themselves literally is "Philistine." So if you go by the Bible, the country we call Israel has basically been the location of the longest-running known ethnic-religious conflict in history. Factor in all the other stuff that the Jewish people have been through on top of that...and it's not hard to imagine these people needing...and having some level of divine backing just to survive.

And there's people...Christians, Evangelicals, people who claim every word in the Bible is divine truth...who want to fuck with that? Now I realize that for a certain species of conservative and/or fascist and/or religious fanatic, this kind of shit is basically normal.

But you'd think they'd at least have read their own sourcebook.

It doesn't make any sense to me that these people, of all people, would want to preach hatred of or attack Jews, but they do and they have.

And now they want to do it for Donald Trump?!

Some people are just plain fucking stupid.

I wonder if their next step will be practicing black magic like the Nazis did?

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