Friday, November 29, 2019

Ferrets are better people than Republicans.

We're not going to have the America that we want until we elect leaders who are going to tell the truth - not most days, but every day. I believe in recovery, and I believe that as a role model I have the responsibility to let young people know that you can make a mistake and come back from it. ~Ann Richards

This is Alaska. The camera caught him in mid-yawn. Even the most chill, old rescue ferret that just wants to sleep all day looks like a fierce predator when yawning. It's my favorite ferret picture.

I got him almost a month ago, he's my disabled rescue ferret. Due to poor diet (he was fed Meow Mix) in his previous home and probably an untreated back injury or other soft-tissue injury his hind legs don't work very well. Most of the time he gets around just fine by crawling or dragging himself. He actually can manage pretty well most of the time. Better diet also means the fur on his shoulders is growing back. Alaska will explore and play, and he's starting to become social with the other weasels. Life is slowly improving.

He is slowly regaining use of his hind legs, he'll quite often scoot around on his backside now, like he's trying to walk sitting down. He got a new cage today, a nice new Ferret Nation single. When I put him in it, he was so excited that he madly scuttled around the cage for several minutes. I've moved several of the senior ferrets in with him,

It's really, really hard to get a ferret to not act like a ferret.

Sometimes, the smallest of things can be a great victory.

I've seen this several times in the last few days.

There's a bill proposed in Ohio that intends to try to make doctors reimplant the embryo from an Ectopic pregnancy inside the mother's uterus.

It doesn't work that way. The human body simply doesn't function like that. An Ectopic pregnancy means a woman will certainly lose the Fallopian Tube in which it occurred, no, the Embryo will not survive. The whole thing is a tragedy, and one that so far as I know, we don't really know much about the cause of it, only that it happens on occasion. In a general sense, this is wrong, for a lot of reasons.

Chief among them, is that there simply is no way to do it, nor any valid reason to. I'm not talking "not with current medical knowledge or technology, I'm talking never. It's simply not something that's possible.

Such a "procedure" would amount to nothing more than a particularly gory slasher-film murder.

If done, this would be medical experimentation on a living and unwilling person. It's against medical ethics...and any doctor who tried such a thing would lose their license for malpractice and probably also negligent homicide, and probably go to prison.

Also, abortion is not illegal and "abortion murder" is not a category of homicide nor of any other type of crime. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you should get to make it illegal.

I happen to know a couple of women who have survived dealing with Ectopic pregnancies, and one of those was an Evangelical Republican ex-girlfriend of mine, who was passionately anti-abortion.

But, ya know, she wanted to stay alive because she had to care for her disabled sister and elderly parents so she went to the hospital and got the proper medical care.

Biology doesn't care about your politics and must be treated objectively or people die. It's as simple as that.

Perhaps more to the point, just sayin' if you cut up a ferret because of some insane stupid ideology or for no reason whatever, you're going to go to prison for animal cruelty.

But apparently, if you're a Republican it's perfectly well Okay to want doctors to cut up women for your insane stupid ideology or for no goddamned reason whatsoever.

You can't make a ferret be anything but a ferret, and even two ferrets who really don't like each other will almost always follow the same 'rules' they all seem to go by in dominance play or fighting.

Apparently, all it takes is enough money or politics or religion and it's damned easy to make a human being not act like a human being.

And all it takes to completely disregard the humanity of others or basic biology and medical science is to give such people power.

Think on that, will ya?

Right now, the Republican Party is destroying itself, and trying to take America down with it. This happened because Republicans and their voters started to care more about ideology and "winning" than about truth.

Sometimes, the unintended consequences of a great victory end up making defeat look far more preferable.

America, it's time to rethink your life.

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