Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Father Of Lies.

Here, have a dollar
In fact, no brother man here, have two Two dollars means a snack for me But it means a big deal to you
Be strong, serve God only
Know that if you do, beautiful heaven awaits That's the poem I wrote for the first time I saw a man with no clothes, no money, no plate
Mr. Wendal, that's his name
No one ever knew his name cause he's a no-one
Never thought twice about spending on a old bum Until I had the chance to really get to know one Now that I know him, to give him money isn't charity
He gives me some knowledge, I buy him some shoes
And to think blacks spend all that money on big colleges
Still most of y'all come out confused. ~Mr. Wendal, Arrested Development.

You know, out of all this crazy bullshit going on around Donald Trump, there's one aspect I'll never understand. This religious aspect.

But then I grew up a fairly serious Baptist, at different times attending Catholic and Lutheran schools, and the Prosperity Gospel, with its rock concert-like services and damned near literal worship of money, is foreign to me. This is not Christianity as I was taught that religion. I can remember being a kid in Christian schools in California, or a teenager in middle school, and laughing at morons like Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker and their insincere, gold-plated Gospel.

In the video the snipped picture is from, Paula White basically goes out of her way to take the extra step of deifying herself.

I imagine that's going to lead to an awkward conversation when she goes into the afterlife.

Pro tip: It'll end with "You go to hell."

To me as you may infer by rap song lyrics posted above, faith is something to be lived. It involves service and sacrifice and a lot of other stuff that's basically your rent for being on this Earth, because you're just a traveler, just passing through, and you didn't ask to be here. To have faith is to take the time to help out those who are less fortunate than you, because Christ ministered to the least of these. He did not comfort the powerful, He confronted them.

But see, for people like Paula White and Trump, this is all there is. So of course religion becomes about what you can get out of it and when you have no concept of spiritual power in any real way, it very quickly becomes about power and politics. In the absence of Soul force, brute force will suffice.

And as for any kind of "To say no to me is to say no to God" kind of crap? It's things like that, that are why I'm no longer a Christian. My ex-wife used to pull that crap all the time, and it never worked, but she couldn't stop doing it.

These people fear any kind of democracy or religion that doesn't serve their bullshit ass political agenda, specifically because above and beyond anything else, they fear being told "No."

So therefore, they will go to absurd lengths to avoid any circumstance in which you have the capacity to even speak, because they don't want you to be able to say no.

And they don't want to even hear it, much less have to accept it.

If these people actually trusted God, ten percent as much as they say they do, they wouldn't act like this.

In the absence of soul force, and when even brute force might turn against them, that's when they go with Lie Force, because at the end of the day it's all they've got.

And who does Christianity teach is the Father Of Lies?

But it's actually even worse than that.

All the way back in Genesis, in the beginning of the Bible, God said He would reward Abraham for his faithfulness by making of his descendants a mighty nation. All the different interpretations of this story point to the Jews being Abraham's descendants, and thus God's chosen people...although Islam teaches that Ishmael, rather than Isaac, was the favored son, the story is otherwise the same.

Just sayin' it's kind of funny to me, how so many other groups down through time have thought to claim that they were God's chosen people and to attack the Jews, and somehow it never works out well. I'm not a big believer in coincidence above a certain level, and while I don't subscribe to any particular religious narrative, it's gone down that way too many times for me to not wonder if there's something to it.

 But, again, to these people any kind of honest soft power or soul force is only to be feared and they want to endlessly stage-manage the world, so all they hear is cheers. Think of Trump's reaction when he got booed at the World Series game.

These people want to make you kiss their ass and live by their dogma so that they can live in a world of blessedness and glory while all you get to do is eat shit. And in the meantime they're convinced that everybody else is holding out on them and not recognizing their greatness and that's why their life sucks. They have no concept that they're morons and shitty people. That's what stuff like Q-Anon and all these bullshit conspiracy theories is really about, making these fucking losers...feel good about themselves, like they're important or something. The storm is coming, any minute now, you betcha. God, but that must be a hell of a way to live. I don't think I could do it. More to the point, I wouldn't want to. I was never that kind of "Conservative" anyway. I didn't switch sides because half the chubby nerd girls I used to screw were liberals or because of weed or because I thought I'd get something out of it, I switched sides for my own conscience long before this Trump mess, and if that gets me out of having to justify why Trump called himself the Chosen One and acts like every tin-pot dictator that ever lived mixed with a bad parody of the Left Behind novels, GOOD!

Fundamentally, I'm a Democrat now, rather than a Republican, because I'm not flexible enough to fit my head far enough up my own ass to see these people's point of view.

And you know what? I'm glad I am. Because as of right now, the same people who five years ago waxed most eloquently about the power of God today lavish those praises on Donald Trump.

It's to the point where they've all but formally declared Trump their god.

And that ends badly, perhaps most of all for them, and most of them know it.

But they chose to play that game anyway, with malice aforethought. Fuck them.

I have no sympathy.

Lie down with the devil, wake up with a burning sensation in yo junk.

Truth is simple, what God asks of us is simple.
Man makes it complicated because he does not want to obey.

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