Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Women are not your sex objects! (Really, people? Part Two.)

Thousands of people have been killed by the terrorists and millions have been injured. I am just one of them. So here I stand, one girl among many. I speak not for myself, but so those without a voice can be heard. Those who have fought for their rights. Their right to live in peace. Their right to be treated with dignity. Their right to equality of opportunity. Their right to be educated. ~Malala Yousafzai.

Listen, guys, Women. Are. Not. Your. Sexual. Objects. Repeat this until you understand it.

A friend of mine sent me this snipped Justin Murphy tweet this morning. People do this, on the presumed logic that if they have to suffer with the knowledge that it exists, I should too. Or something. They think it's funny.

Now, I'd never heard of this asshole before my friend decided to torture me with this stupid bullshit this morning.

According to what little I've been able to actually dig up, Justin Murphy is some comparatively minor Libertarian idiot on Twitter. Judging from what I saw of his Twitter feed, the creepy, dumb son of a bitch has an unhealthy obsession with teenage girls in general, and Greta Thunberg in particular.

I'm like, really?

Speaking for myself here, the last time I wanted to have sex with a sixteen-year-old girl I was a sixteen-year-old young dude, and the only more-or-less serious relationship I'd had at that point was with a chubby nerd girl who was the same age as me. Oh, sure, there'd been a few other situational encounters here and there, nothing too serious. I always was trying to score with older girls, and almost always getting turned down.

For fuck's sake I can remember when talking like this idiot is might get you beat up or threatened with a gun. But then I'm old enough to remember when I was 16 and I didn't want to get caught talking like that about girls my own age. Shit, I'm so old that I can remember when Conservatives didn't want teenagers having sex or talking about it.

I say this as somebody who was raised pretty conservative.

Also, I'm pretty sure I wasn't very interesting at that age, I frankly can't imagine having the least bit of interest in anybody past (at most) their late 30's or early 40's at this point in my life. Hell, I look at a lot of the early-20-somethings that I work with like they're nuts half the time.

So I really, really don't get this shit.

I frankly don't know how he even got from Greta Thunberg to Jeffrey Epstein having sex with teenage girls, myself. That's not a connection I would have made.

But then, I can't imagine even wanting to have sex with somebody that I can't relate to as a person. Of course, that's not a problem for fools like Justin who seem to view women as some kind of ambulatory penis-washing equipment. Most of these fucking idiots just don't relate to other human beings anyway. Everything is some kind of philosophical problem. And then we wonder why social media is such a mess.

I give you the Libertarian DudeBro as an example of why.

Again, DudeBros, women are not your sexual objects. If that's what you want go get yourself one of those Chinese sperm-bank dick sucking machines.

Oh, and if there's anything worse than this idiot's views on sexuality it's his views on education. Don't listen to that cartel of stuffy academics who might actually teach you something! Listen to me and my views on life and sexuality that were formed by reading Ayn Rand and watching too much Anime Porn!

I don't know if Justin is "power-hungry" but if he's a grifter he sucks at it.

I sure as hell wouldn't give this guy any money.

Somehow, this whole shit-show managed to get even more pathetic and I finally had to stop looking at the guy's timeline because it just started to seem like some kind of bitter joke.

Penis pumps?

That shit doesn't work. Rubber bands on your junk? There's a few ways for that to end badly, and some of them end with veins having to be cut and your shit never working again.

It ends not with a bang, nor with a whimper, but with a slight hissing noise.

Seriously, people, how hard is it not to be this guy? I mean, just from the little bit I saw of him, the only thought I had was "You don't want to sell me death sticks, you want to go home and rethink your life."

Fucking loser.

And when it comes to these far-right or libertarian idiots, how come this shit almost always comes back to some sad pathetic worship of their own dicks and a perverted desire to have sex with teenage girls?

I mean, at my most conservative I was a young man, and my criteria could have been best summed up in a popular rap song at the time "I like big butts and I can not lie, you other brothers can't deny..." which for the most part until the later part of my mid-20's meant the majority of what dating I did involved church girls and nerd girls all in the "Plus Size" range, and that was fine.

And it worked out, because most of the time I had partners with whom I could have a conversation, and we had more to offer each other than being sex objects.

And that is something that this bag of shit will never know or understand.

Too bad for his stupid ass.

Women are not your sex objects, repeat this until you understand it.

Part One.

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