Thursday, September 5, 2019

I'm damned sick of this foolishness.

Who's the more foolish, the fool, or the fool who follows him? ~Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars: Episode IV, A New Hope.

Last night, I logged on to check my Twitter while I was getting ready for work and was greeted with a massive collective "What the fuck?" Apparently, Trump had taken a Sharpie and childishly altered a weather map so that it wouldn't look like he'd been talking out his ass about the hurricane hitting Alabama earlier.

How old is this guy, again?

'Cause that's a particularly idiotic kid-level move right there. I'm just sayin' if I would've tried that in elementary school I'd have got my hide tanned.

This guy is the President.

And he can't even get somebody to cook up a plausible lie, or be bothered to do so himself.

He's either that stupid, or he has no respect for anybody, his own voter base least of all.

Yes, Republicans, I mean you.

If Trump cared about or respected America and Americans...he wouldn't be trying to pull this kind of Third Grade (as in the educational level) bullshit.

And if Trump really thinks he can control the weather with a Sharpie he needs to go for a whole other mess of reasons.

And people keep enabling this dumb motherfucker.

Note the wording: "Appears to show..."

There's no "Appears" about it, that is exactly what it shows. There was no "it appears to be altered, sir" here. The map was fucking altered, obviously and childishly so.

And if Trump didn't do it, he sure as hell ordered somebody else to, most likely because he probably can't draw half a circle without a computer-aided drafting program that's been bastardized into an iPhone App. I'm fucking serious, why are people putting up with this kind of childish, disrespectful, illiterate bullshit?

Those of you who voted for Trump, what do you think you're going to get out of this?

Other than a big fat Zero, and your life being worse, I mean.

Meanwhile, the orgy of senseless murders done by people who should never have had access to firearms, or indeed to any other kind of deadly weapon, continues. A 57-year old woman was shot dead after a car accident, in front of her son and numerous other bystanders.

I have to ask, did the shooter somehow think he was going to get away with it? Or did he just, in the heat of the moment, not care?

You may ask what does this have to do with the President doing dumb shit, and the media equivocating and playing the "both sides are valid" card to cover for it?

One hell of a lot, by my figuring.

Because there's some in the media who will do that for everything done by a person or group that has more power than another.

Because there really are those assholes out there who really do think they should have the right to gun down anybody who displeases them at any time, for any reason.

And because society doesn't stand up with one voice and ask "What the fuck is wrong with you?" or otherwise make it known that shit like that is wrong and dish out consequences for it before it gets out of hand, people like that sit in the corner, or behind a computer screen and nurse their petty, bullshit grudges some cases at results in lethal violence.

And somehow, you can find somebody willing to make the both-sides argument for damned near anything these days.

I mean, if a person's right to be alive and some rage-filled asshole's right to have a gun are both equally be honest I'm actually surprised we don't have more murders.

If nothing is wrong...or if a person has been programmed with an improper definition of right and wrong...then what?

If whatever is right or wrong is only that way because a person with power says it's that opposed to a definition of right and wrong formed by compassion, empathy, morality or religion...then who is to say that murdering somebody in the street for no reason is wrong and should be illegal?

Certainly, modern conservatives are always trying to frame things as if they're trying to make it Okay for them to shoot people in the street.

And stuff like that is what happens when corruption, evil, hate and sin are normalized and then people become afraid to challenge that...because money or ratings or whatever. If you take a gun and rob somebody, America automatically considers that a crime. If you wear a suit and rob thousands or millions of people with the stroke of a pen, that's just business, capitalism, or politics or whatever.

And that is Not Okay.

There is no "But it's Okay for politicians and rich people" after "Thou Shalt Not Steal."

Most of you, I think you know it, too.

And if you don't...or if you're sitting there making excuses in your mind for this garbage...then fuck you, get out.

Conceptually, truth is the basis for everything we have.

We lose that...we lose everything.

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