Monday, December 10, 2018

The Age of Dumbquarius.

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind's true liberation
Aquarius ~The 5th Dimension.

I'd like to take a minute here, to point out that while my Mom is a Baby Boomer, I was raised to a great extent by my grandparents, who were of the World War II generation. So, to a certain extent I heard a lot of complaints about my Mom's generation from them and their friends, oh yes, I did. One common complaint that I heard was that "the Hippies" (i.e. a lot of then-liberal or supposedly-liberal young folks of my Mom's generation back in the day) would rather sit around and smoke weed and leave the responsibility to other people. Of course, my Mom on the other hand, told a completely different side of the story, and was always very open about the financial struggles of trying to make it as a young working person in the late 1960's and early 1970's. Of course, my Mom and Dad rarely if ever had the money at that age to do a lot of the things that young people of their generation were famous for doing. My parents of course, had their various things that they did. For my Dad it was his Civil War stuff, and guns and hunting and science fiction. My Mom was always working on craft stuff, and over time built a successful business out of it, and that was her thing. My parents made sure I had a church background, but also taught me to respect knowledge, and science and truth. Of course over the years I heard stories about this or that bit of drunken or weed-fueled excess or stupidity. But you know, my parents were also pretty big into supporting conservation, and taking care of the Earth. Come to think of it, so were my Grandparents.

You know what I never heard from them? "It's not my problem" or "I won't be here to see it."

So yeah, Fuck you Trump, but I digress.

Over time, I just sort of attributed my grandparents and their friends griping and my Mom's complaints in turn as the normal friction between generations.

But, then things started changing, little bit by little bit...and a lot of people of my Mom's generation, more, I think than of the previous ones...started to become more reactionary. It's almost like they began to decide that they didn't like some of the changes that history had credited them with making.

Now, there weren't very many people in my immediate circle that were like this, and of those that were not all of them were Republicans like I was at the time. A majority of the people around me though, were actually becoming more liberal, and while I was a conservative, I could see they had some valid points.

So, I started to look at the history of things, and I realized that a lot of these people, quite unlike my Grandparents (who'd basically started with nothing much) had grown up in a boom time of staggering economic development in which the social change that their generation is lauded for causing came just a little later. I also saw that, especially as regards Civil Rights, one hell of a lot of the actual work was done by the people of the World War II and "Silent" Generations. Yes, a lot of people of my Mom's generation really did believe in Civil Rights, or Women's rights or the sexual revolution or what have you.

But you know what? A hell of a lot of people, especially in the earliest cohorts of their generation simply believed that they were special, and they should be in charge and then everything would be alright. They might profess to support the rights of minorities or what have you, but what they really believed in was partying it up. They seem to have thought, in retrospect, that they could just blaze it up with black folks and everybody would have some sort of mind-expanding experience and then everybody would go home and everything would more or less be as it always had been.

In other words, they missed the fucking point that basically everybody else was trying to make, and grew up to emulate the worst of their parents and grandparents generations.

And then the 1970's rolled around, and those people got a little older, and the realities of drug addiction, the expansion of the Vietnam War draft, Roe Vs. Wade, Watergate and the Oil crisis of the 1970's started to hit, one by one. Some people just tuned in, turned on, and dropped acid. Some people recognized the need for alternative energy and put solar panels on their roofs.

And some people Got the Jesus.

It was in the 1970's, for example, that Jerry Falwell (Sr.) first became a big name. Granted, by the time I was old enough to understand stuff, as a young kid in Christian schools in the 1980's, Falwell had turned into kind of a joke, getting himself tied up with Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker and various other shithead televangelists and Prosperity Gospel motherfuckers. So basically, to those of us who were mainstream Christians (conservative or otherwise) these dumb people were fit only to be laughed at.

But, then as now, there were plenty of gullible idiots who bought into it all. Then, as for much of my life, I was surrounded by a more diverse and smarter crowd than that, and I didn't see the whole mess for what it was. The 1980's was, functionally, the peak of the "Me generation" but it hadn't become toxic yet.

Let me explain this whole Falwell Jr. thing in terms of being somebody who's been up close and personal with these Fundamentalists and Prosperity Gospel shitheads.

They love their perks, oh God do they ever. More to the point, they love that *You* don't have their perks. These are the idiots who are why nobody wants to work Sunday mornings in a lot of sit-down restaurants. These are the people who will overwork the hell out of a waitress and then leave a dollar and change as the tip, or worse some kind of Bible tract. I'm really not kidding...and at the time, it was the middle-aged white people (i.e. conservative Christian boomers) who were the worst at it.

There ain't no way no Jerry Falwell Jr. was ever gonna fly some damn "Pool boy" or whatever the fuck around on no private jet or "Go into business" with him unless there was some very compromising thing that this kid had on him. You know, like some kind of illicit gay relationship or some bullshit?

When I saw this bullshit this morning, I about overdosed on irony, given Falwell Senior's numerous misadventures in over the top public homophobia, and the fact that this and the anti-abortion horse shit were what the Religious Right built its brand on.

And then this Pool Boy crap may well have been used by Michael Cohen to blackmail Falwell Jr. into supporting Donald Trump?

When I said, years back, that all this anti-gay shit would be the hill the Religious Right died on, I didn't mean it quite like this.

But that's not all there is to it, is there? No, it's this kind of privileged, ridiculously anti-reality bullshit right here. "Should mothers have careers?" I'm here to tell you if my Mom hadn't had...made...a career for herself I might not even be here, much less have the quality of life that I've had.

I'm damned far from the only person I know in that position.

It's not just the anti-gay thing, or the conspiracy theories, or the racism, or the various hard-right political bullshit things that turn up like pop culture fads do in secular culture every few years.

It's the out-and-out hypocrisy that's going to do these people in. The "Everything Trump Touches Dies" aspect of the malaise that's taken over conservatism isn't helping.

It's like when Newt Gingrich got caught fucking somebody other than his wife at the very same time as he was trying to impeach Bill Clinton for exactly that same thing, only it's happening every damn day with these fucking people right now, and frankly I'm really getting sick of it.

Every day something happens with these people that would be career-ending, ran-out-of-town-on-a-rail shame for anybody else, but they just go blithely on and hope nobody will notice.

They're going to smack hard into the wall of reality soon enough.

When all you ultimately stand for is how special you think you are, basically the very best thing that you can have happen is that you get enough ass whuppins early in life to teach you that this type of shit ain't going to fly. It's either that, or you set yourself up for a bigger fall and more misery much later in life.

I say this in all sincerity...Have fun with that, Evangelicals! The world can be a cruel and hard place, and you know what? It's even worse when you're stupid and you think too highly of yourself.

The only two ways I've ever heard of that you can buy off reality for any length of time are a lot of drugs or a lot of money, things that the various extremes of the Baby Boomer generation managed to drench themselves in at various times.

Well guess what? The bill is coming due, and as Donald Trump has been finding out for the last couple weeks sooner or later, somebody's gonna have to pay it. It looks like it just might be people like him, after all, if all these various legal processes manage to outrace the cognitive decline and dementia.

As for the movement this unbelieving former-Democrat always-racist schmuck somehow ended up at the top of....well it's not the end of the world, but you can see it from here! Have fun with that, assholes!

I'm going to be honest here. I like seeing these fucking people sweat whenever somebody mentions Alexandria Ocasio Cortez or Beto O'Rourke or Ilhan Omar or any of the various people rising to the occasion in the face of our current stupidity. I'm not sure why Barack Obama or even Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton doesn't elicit the same reaction...or maybe they do, but for whatever reason the last tranche of liberals in power or who were choices the Democratic Party or some of its adherents settled on were apparently less threatening somehow or at least (particularly as regards Clinton or Obama) they could work up the guts for a "Best defense is a good offense" strategy.

Honestly I'm beginning to suspect that the reason they're so afraid of these new people is nothing less than the supreme gutlessness of Donald Trump.

If this constant hypocrisy and moral relativism is the net result of conservative Baby Boomers, well I'm sure glad I came of age and learned conservative philosophy when the older generation was still in power. I'll take George H.W. Bush and the issues he had over Trump any day.

Fuck these motherfuckers, and fuck their sticking future generations with the bill for their bullshit, too. I find it very ironic that it's ultimately the Christians and the conservatives who are acting the most like they think their God doesn't exist.

I think it's hilarious that, at the end, the only defense Republicans can think up is that they hope they die before they have to face the consequences for their actions.

I can think of a lot better things to have engraved on one's tombstone, personally.

I can think of a lot better things to have to explain to whatever higher power they'll have to face in the afterlife.

But apparently they can't, and it's for that lack of imagination alone that this generational hubris and right-wing bullshit belongs in the dustbin of history.

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