Thursday, December 6, 2018

Guys, come on. Get a fucking grip.

Per Ardua Ad Astra ("Through adversity to the stars")
~Latin Motto used by the Royal Air Force, among others.

So, I saw this last night.

And my brain said "Dafuq?"

I mean, seriously? It's not just that I know a lot of LGBT people (and have, in point of fact, previously had a lesbian roommate and a couple of bisexual girlfriends/partners in the past) but...

I don't know. We apparently have some science or tech writer (or god forbid some nerd who works at NASA) who is dumb enough to think that women somehow don't have sex unless men are present?

It's the arrogant presumption that boggles my mind here. It's like whoever wrote this article has never interacted with actual women before, or been in any kind of situation where they were deprived of contact with the opposite sex for a year and a half to three years (I'm not sure if 1.5 years is one way or round-trip) or ya know, done much but sit in their chair and stare at a computer screen all day.

I mean, fucking seriously? People are going to have sex. This should damned well be obvious.

Twitter, as usual, got right to the point. Actually, this second post is the one I saw first.

That said, it was not hard for me, as a guy, to imagine that if you put four women (or four men, for that matter) on a space ship for up to four years of some long-ass mission to're going to end up with at least one gay hookup, hell, possibly an enduring relationship that started with mutual membership in the ultimate "Mile high club." The same would hold for a mixed-gender crew, all day. Likely, if the ship has a large enough crew, there's better than even chances it'd start out as a mixed-orientation crew whether single- or mixed-gender. AND what about trans people in space? Logic dictates this will eventually come up. If I were that sort of guy that thinks about stuff (and mind you, I am) I might be slowly working on some kind of science-fiction short story or possibly a couple of role-playing game characters or non-player characters based on this idea already.

I mean, I'm sure it's been done already and it's probably not that original of an idea, but I'm kind of just for the hell of it gaming the political and social implications of it all out in my head. The LGBT community obviously would be over the moon at such a happening, the American religious right would probably be extremely pissed. Most people, obviously, will react in a vaguely positive fashion but probably move on unless they're invested one way or another in the issues involved. What about the logistics of a possible wedding in space, or something as simple as a pulled muscle from a Zero-G booty call?

I clearly put more thought into this in a couple minutes after I read the post than the author of the article put into it at all.

I just don't fucking get people...increasingly especially white men...even though I am one. It's like some of these motherfuckers somehow think it's still the 19th century and because academia was almost exclusively white men (and they were, thus, over-studied) that they are somehow either the default for humanity (leaving aside how ridiculous that is) or nobody else really exists or that basic, well, somehow theirs to grant to basically all other human beings.

Listen, guys, apparently statistically half of us can't imagine a fairly basic-probably kinda boring- science fiction plot, and an awful lot of ya'll couldn't find a woman's clitoris if your lives depended on it. So sit down and shut the fuck up. We don't deserve to be the default of anything. In fact, judging from the events of the last couple of years if white conservative American men are somehow the default status of humanity, sit down and I'm a tell you exactly why the aliens won't talk to us...

It's like...Ross Douche-hat's article that I saw yesterday wherein he basically made every shitty argument for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant aristocracy (and somehow people supposedly MISS this, according to him?) and thus white supremacy that I've ever heard, all while trying and failing to cloak this in some kind of retroactive Bush-era moderate conservatism, even though that whole bit is, well, deader than Bush 41 is at this point. I think Ross Douthat gets Bush 41 pretty damned wrong, also.

Guys, we're a soup sandwich. Listen to me, fellow white men. We are the fucking ridiculous stupid motherfuckers we like to accuse other people of being.

I'm from an area that had a lot of them, and trust me, old Wasp-y motherfuckers were seen as a joke 30 years ago, especially the stereotypical ones that Ross seems to pine for (and Ross is a Catholic?)

As a case in point:

An awful lot of men, these days, damned near worship some dumb motherfucker who doesn't know or can't be bothered to learn or whose ego is too damned big to recite the Apostles Creed.

You know, the theological basis of Christianity:

I believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;
he descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again;
he ascended into heaven,
he is seated at the right hand of the Father,
and he will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen. 

It's funny, these days, how Christianity only does seem important to certain people when it can be used to oppress others. Read the above text, and you tell me where that kind of crap is even mentioned.

It ain't.

The short version is, if that's what you think it's about, I don't think the afterlife is going to end up the way you think it will.

So, unless ya'll really want to live in some kind of dystopian future where the only thing we're kept around for is our dicks and for when some woman needs to get pregnant, I'd highly suggest ya'll stop thinking with your dicks (or worse, thinking with your dick-anxiety) and stop acting so fucking stupid.

Get a fucking grip and stop acting like fucking morons. That is all.

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