Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Angry old man shouts at clouds.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. ~Albert Einstein (Disputed.)

Serious question(s)

(Also, whoever wrote the post that Will snipped clearly has no concept of how military flag protocol OR even draping/folding any kind of cloth over a large object actually works.)

I've been noticing a pattern on social media, especially Twitter.

Every time one of these older high profile Republicans dies, the current one is more hated than the last one was, mostly by their own fucking people. i.e. Daddy Bush is somehow even more hated than McCain was, and so on.

And for what? No, really. What? No hand-waving, no vague excuses, WHAT?

For not being racist enough? For not being shitty enough? 

For not murdering all the people some willfully ignorant goon in Mississippi doesn't like?

For not somehow managing to undo progress all the way back to say, 1947 or so even though that would be a Constitutional and legal and social impossibility? Not to mention it'd take out no small number of the very people who claim to want this.


I didn't vote for either Bush or McCain, finding in both cases that their opponents made their respective cases better. But prior to that, I often supported both. Used to be you could disagree with somebody and even find fault with their performance without lighting your hair on fire and pulling wild accusations out your ass.

And where does THAT madness end?

With that in mind, a question...

Did these fucking people really expect George H.W. Fucking Bush to somehow prevent cultural and social change...even though that was never his...or Reagan's, or Ford's or even Nixon's stated goal?

And why the fuck do these jack-offs ALWAYS expect somebody else to lay down in the middle of the road and let the truck run them over...on behalf of their stupid ideology.

Hell, the last Republican who ran on stopping cultural and social change was Goldwater, and even he abandoned that effort once it cost him the Presidency...after he won like five states.

(In your guts you know he's nuts...but I digress.)

In 1996 Barry Goldwater and Bob Dole famously opined that they had become the "Liberals" of the Republican Party.

And while we're at it, even Bob showed up to render honors to Bush 41.

Democrats and what few sane Republicans are left had mostly respect for John McCain and G.H.W. Bush.

Republicans? (Aside from Never-Trumpers that is) mostly nothing but contempt and scorn...for their own damn people!

What the fucking what? What in the hell is going on here aside from the fact that current R's are a bunch of cretins and ingrates?

In Wisconsin today, and presumably in Michigan soon, Republicans are setting up budget-draining, time-consuming legal fights by passing laws limiting the power of non-legistlative government branches that (especially in the case of Wisconsin's) may be outright unconstitutional per the various state constitutions. Nobody has the money or the time for this bullshit, we've got real problems that need dealt with.

But more to the point, these people stomp all over the entire "Things as they are" basis of conservatism and set their own (previously) claimed values on fire and put huge targets on each of their own individual backs just to hang on to power for a few more minutes.
Is it just me or did these motherfuckers not think this trade through?

Look, I understand resenting some aspects of a changing world. Oh yes, I do. Anybody who knows me well or works with me will tell you I can rage for hours about certain subjects.

But there comes a point where you have to roll with things, YOU have to adjust, YOU have to change, YOU have to accept that what x and y (or xx and yy) were defined as 20 years ago may not be the way things are now, or history, the world, whatever you wanna call it is just gonna roll right over you and no one will care...and before you realize it you're just an angry old person shouting at the TV while Fox News fills your brain with poison....and yet somehow this may have nothing to do with chronological age.

Conservatives have, over the course of my lifetime, at least, repeatedly traded their own values for expediency, out of hate, or trying to get votes until now they have nothing left, not even the basis for their philosophy. All they have left is being angry shitheads and internet trolling, and slowly morphing into Nazis in an environment where that's not going to do much more than get people (including, but unfortunately not limited to themselves) beat up or killed for no reason, and all they'll get is being unemployable, prison, and maybe a shitty apartment in Moscow for the lucky few who make it out.

Republicans traded greatness for...Donald Trump...and in recent months have spit on actual greatness (or even just moderate milquetoast sanity) as it expired.

Oh, and while I'm at it here's the ultimate in smug "Get off my lawn" from Ross Douthat.

Funny thing, he can't even seem to get George H.W. Bush right. 

What in the fuck are these people thinking? They're going to go down like Pierre Laval or Vidkun Quisling and in 20 years Republican will be little more than a pejorative term, and no one will care.

What the fuck is even wrong with these people?

This shit makes me embarrassed that I used to be a Republican.

Fuck you, Republicans.

If this is what you've become I'm glad I'm a Democrat at this point.

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