Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Vileness And Consequences (On The Firing Of Tucker Carlson.)

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan

I saw this crap over the weekend.

There's a certain percentage of White "Conservatives" who are perpetually walking around with a giant hard-on at the idea of a second US Civil War, because "The Left" or something. 

Or, because there's cultural and social change going on that they disapprove of, or because their shitty beliefs and ideas are unpopular, or because nobody but them likes Donald Fucking Trump.

Because honestly, the entire basis for their beliefs is nothing but hate and petty resentments, and I don't know how these ass clowns think they'd have the philosophy for any kind of coherent polity based on that.

But mostly because these motherfucking bullies, clowns and morons haven't the slightest idea what a war entails. I don't think they'd be so keen on it once the "Left" shot back, Much less once the cops, the military and various government agencies started returning fire.

Which is exactly what will happen, and very quickly, because the rest of the world is a lot more than the little right-wing bubbles these fuckers encase themselves in. Not to mention, it isn't enough for these people if one is merely conservative. If you're not a fascist...and increasingly even if you're "Fascist but not insane" they'll just shoot you too.

I'm sorry, but for all their talk about "Manichean battles between good and evil" and all their lust for petty cruelties, I do not think the vast majority of these fucking people are prepared for coping with the fact that the people right next to them got blown into so much chunky spaghetti and they only lived by some random chance.  

Seriously though, if I had to guess I'd say a majority of these dudes would surrender like five minutes after their cable and internet gets knocked out by some explosion at some IT node in another state. 


Because they'd be instantly lost and wouldn't have the slightest idea what to do without the constant Fox News stream-of-hate and they'd already miss their access to Pornhub and the knockoff Viagra they order online from Mexico. 

Fuckers are losing their shit because Tucker Carlson got fired yesterday, for fuck's sake. I'm sure Tucker is Okay and will land on his feet somewhere. 

Even if he isn't he can go home and console himself by rolling around in his giant piles of money while weeping...but that's not what any of this is about.

Bye, whore. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Full disclosure, I hate Tucker Carlson. 

Not because he's a Republican or even far-right, but because his smarmy, smirking, snidely-whiplash affect makes me want to punch people. I've been a lot of places where somebody who acted like that would get beat up. Hell, I was taught not to tolerate people who had that kind of attitude, and had the beginnings of it beat right out of me. 

Tucker is basically that 13-year-old boy who never got his ass whupped, and who was allowed to dry-hump the neighbor girl until he developed a real high opinion of himself  and his own manhood way too young, without doing anything to deserve it and then nobody ever told him he wasn't all that.

Why else would he be obsessed with dicks?

I didn't like him when he was on CNN or MSNBC either. It's always blown my mind that "Conservatives" fell so hard for his shit. I never understood it before.

Let alone why they all upset now.

Somebody took away they dealer for they hate fix. That's all. 

So they mad.

That's all I can figure.

These idiots don't understand that elites (be they conservative, liberal or otherwise) will continue to be elites no matter what happens, it's the rest of us who'll bear the cost of all this bullshit.

They think the people they hate will be worse off...but a majority of the people they hate already are used to some level of adverse circumstances. Who's going to adapt better, do ya think?

I'm going to guess the White Conservatives won't like what they think they're unleashing, but they'll only realize that once they've done it.

Because they're stupid.

The only reason they get all hopped up on this gun bullshit, is that they think they'll get out their guns and everybody else will instantly surrender or some stupid horseshit. 

Like Elon thinking his changing around who the "Blue Checks" were was going to somehow instantly change the world into his image or some shit. Nope.

Kinda like all the old racist Tories in the UK thinking the world somehow missed British colonialism or...whatever...and then being surprised when they got fucked over harder than anybody else by reality.

Or like the Russians thinking they'd conquer Ukraine in three days and the world would just stand by and ignore that, or what they were planning on doing after, and just let them march into the next country, too.

I swear these fucking idiots think somebody somewhere, besides them, misses the Segregated South (or insert other period of injustice at the hands of White colonialist or imperialist haters here) or some shit.

(They cite the occasional chucklefuck right-wing Black person or closeted far-right LGBT person-who's usually either not all there, just grifting off them in the first place, or both-as "evidence" of this theory, apparently.)

And somehow the American version of this crap never, ever, considers the fact that the rest of us have guns, lives, and rights too...nor that we'll prove as willing to defend our stuff as anybody else would. 

They sure don't think about the fact that a hell of a lot of them can't keep a cool head in a situation but a lot of other people can. There's a hell of a lot of veterans out there who ain't MAGA, or who are Black or Brown or LGBT or liberal or women, etc. 

Just sayin, this isn't gonna go how you fuckers think it is. But then nothing ever does, does it? And somehow, they never think about this beforehand.

I maintain that a lot of these fucking people are simply bored and debased and they think kicking over the societal apple-cart will be funny, somehow.

The cruelty is more important. The venting of rage and resentment even more so.

The most important thing to them is showing the world that giant middle finger, and it's very important to them that they be seen showing it.

I suppose that it's a lot more fun for these motherfuckers, especially people like Ben Shapiro who'll be the next ones up against the wall if they ever manage to kill off the rest of us...to cosplay as White Nazis and talk about other people being a "Social Contagion" than it is to face the facts that if you idiots get your wish, the vast majority of you are just as dead as the rest of us, and probably faster because you'll be in the reach of the killers a lot more easily than the rest of us will.

Bitch, you're Jewish, they don't want you either. The sad part here is that Shapiro and his family members have been harassed and threatened by Alt-right Nazis, already

But motherfuckers wanna believe, or something.

They never even consider the ongoing example of the world they think they want to live in. 

They don't think about how Ukrainians who speak Russian or are culturally Russian got bombed just as much and had to fight back just as hard to survive as Ukrainians who spoke Ukrainian and rejected Russia and mainlined Taras Shevchenko instead of Aleksander Pushkin.

These fools think if you've ended up on the wrong end of Power and Violence, it's your fault. How, or what or who, doesn't matter.

They all think when the shit hits the fan, they'll be the Power.

And if not, that they can "Do You Know Who I Am?" or Karen their way out of it, or be like it and they'll be Okay.

They don't consider the possibility that they might get screwed over by their own, or that anybody else on their own side might consider them a threat, too.

Or that somebody else might have greater power than them and use it.

These are, for the most part, the same Vichy Humans who thought COVID-19 cared about their political beliefs or social status or who they were.

How'd that work out, "Conservatives?"

I'd consider my next move real careful if I was you, "Conservatives."

There's no Rapture, no Right-wing Jesus coming to save you if you fuck it up or if the other side proves more organized or stronger. Left Behind is a lie. You're not going to start the fire and then get whisked away to Heaven so's you can watch the rest of us burn.

It doesn't work that way. You will face the consequences of your own actions, in this life or the next.

And don't you forget it.

Given the vileness coming out of these people's mouths, this shit makes me wonder just what the fuck these fucking people think they've been praying to all this time.

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Last Post

I don't usually deal with those big words because I don't usually deal with big people. I deal with small people. I find you can get a whole lot of small people and whip hell out of a whole lot of big people. They haven't got anything to lose, and they've got every thing to gain. And they'll let you know in a minute: "It takes two to tango; when I go, you go." ~Malcolm X.


  1. these clowns for one all think the Military, LE and every gun owner will be on their side. UH NO. brag about 75M gun owners, of those how many of them are MAGA and how many are "mission capable"? You think some E-6 with a Dependa and 3 kids is going to give up that paycheck for MAGALAND?

  2. also a Civil War 2.0 will likely be a digital war, one side we get teh MAGAs with their AR15s, other side is the WOKE they/them in some secure facility over the horizon controlling drones that can turn them into was/were beyond visual range.

    1. MAGA is going to fight, and die, like the Russians do. Their goal since COVID-19 apparently is to try to bury civilization under a big enough pile of corpses so that if they succeed, their rich masters can have feudalism back somewhere. I don't think they understand just who the serfs in the fields would be in such a scenario. 'Cause it sure ain't going to be us.

    2. MAGA sees the 21st century coming into focus and it is a world they just have no place in it.

  3. These people who are prepping for doomsday lost their shit two weeks into a pandemic over no live TV sports. Kiddy a
    Sports were worse because now their 6 yr old will drift off into Xbox LA LA land, it was sports that taught them to values and discipline essential for their dead end jobs.
