Friday, April 21, 2023

The Killing Fields (Left Behind Is A Lie III, Seven.)

I put no stock in religion. By the word religion, I've seen the lunacy of fanatics of every denomination be called the "Will of God". I've seen too much religion in the eyes of too many murderers. Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. And goodness - what God desires - [pointing at his head, then heart] is here and here. And what you decide to do every day, you will be a good man...or not. ~The Hospitaler, Kingdom Of Heaven.


We need to expand the civil-rights struggle to a higher level—to the level of human rights. Whenever you are in a civil-rights struggle, whether you know it or not, you are confining yourself to the jurisdiction of Uncle Sam. No one from the outside world can speak out in your behalf as long as your struggle is a civil-rights struggle. Civil rights comes within the domestic affairs of this country. All of our African brothers and our Asian brothers and our Latin-American brothers cannot open their mouths and interfere in the domestic affairs of the United States. And as long as it's civil rights, this comes under the jurisdiction of Uncle Sam. But the United Nations has what's known as the charter of human rights; it has a committee that deals in human rights. You may wonder why all of the atrocities that have been committed in Africa and in Hungary and in Asia, and in Latin America are brought before the UN, and the Negro problem is never brought before the UN. This is part of the conspiracy. This old, tricky blue eyed liberal who is supposed to be your and my friend, supposed to be in our corner, supposed to be subsidizing our struggle, and supposed to be acting in the capacity of an adviser, never tells you anything about human rights. They keep you wrapped up in civil rights. And you spend so much time barking up the civil-rights tree, you don't even know there's a human-rights tree on the same floor. ~Malcolm X.

I saw this the other night.

I've spent the last few days watching people come out the woodwork to defend some pinch-faced old guy who shot an innocent black kid because it was too hard to just answer the door like a normal person.

Tell me something, "Conservatives."

When did it become some kind of a "Special Right" not to get shot?

When was being able to murder any random Black kid...or any stranger who shows up at one's door, come to think of it...ever a right?

Neither the Castle Doctrine nor the Second Amendment were ever fucking open licenses to commit murder.

Killing people has been wrong at least since God handed the tablets to Moses on the mountain, for fuck's sake, if you want to believe in nothing else, why is that so hard?!

Whatever happened to "Thou Shalt Not Kill?"

Or, for that matter, when did it become a "right" for certain they Black or LGBT or have a right to exist without fear of their own local governments, or their own neighbors? 

I used to be a Republican and I thought things like that just got filed under "Living in a society." That people should not have to live in fear is something most of us just take for granted.

Yet some of us seem to want to go about constantly terrified, of our government, of our neighbors, of any thing that happens to go bump in the night...all too often, for the simple expedient of justifying their fearful childish desire, their lust for that instant of what they think to be ultimate power...of shooting something, of striking back at a world they've worked themselves into a tizzy of believing that it fears and hates them. 

(And the truth is, that is only so much projection.)

Hell, it seems like damn near anything will do but these fucking people damned sure have their preferences of who they'd like to shoot first or more.

The truth is, these fucking idiots collectively seem to hate the world, and everything in it...for no better reason, it seems, than that the world did not stop changing or progressing in, like, 1952 or something.

"Other people exist and have rights to not be bothered, just like you do" seems like too much of a lift for some of us.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

No, don't look away; Answer the question!

It's like these fucking people's real core belief system is nothing but patriarchal white male supremacy enforced by cruelty and murder. Like that's the only "Truth" they ever cared about and all the "Christian" or "Conservative" stuff was just trying to put a passable face on all that murderous bullshit all along.

Like, bro, I'm here to tell you I was raised Christian and conservative and nobody, ever...abided by any laws saying unmarried couples couldn't have sex, live together or what have you. And in my experience it legit does not matter how conservative or religious the people in question happen to be. Pretty much everybody does it.

Nor has anyone to my knowledge, in my life, ever seriously tried to enforce anything of the sort...or even really cared.

Most of us have neither the energy nor the money or the time for totalitarianism...even if we did have the ideological inclination.

Let me tell you what's going on here:

Here's a quote of mine from awhile back.

Whether one draws one's certainties from religion or science, in order for one to push back against Power one must have one's feet set on a hard floor of Truth, and one must have the freedom to build and to have and to maintain that foundation. This can only exist in the context of a democratic, pluralistic society. 

Now I don't give a damn if the truth one uses for this is Darwin's theory of Evolution or that God created the Earth in six days and rested on the seventh. People have to have this, and conspiracy theories, false doctrines, junk science, quack medicine and religious extremism are nothing more than shades of the same effort by forces of Greed and Power to undermine Truth on a conceptual level.

The snipped comments are from the comments under the post above; I looked, per her own Twitter bio this Diana Henry person supposedly has a job at a bank and was a J6 insurrectionist.

In other words she's a "Traditional Family" person about like I'm a Cylon from Battlestar Galactica.

These fucking people are just mad that their alleged "Truth" that they can't/won't/don't even want to live up to their own damn selves isn't considered the ONLY Truth and then forced on the rest of us by Something Something Gazpacho (Like, I swear at least some of these fucking people think Donald Trump could somehow magically make some kind of a deal to this effect, seriously) while they're allowed to basically every last one of them be the rulers of the world and do whatever the hell they damn well please.

It's really that simple, and it's just that goddamned childish

As if this country or the world could survive being "ruled" by 70 million of these spoiled brats and wannabe petty tyrants who cannot even rule over their own debased urges nor get their heads out of their own asses.

They've been so busy trying to immanentize some kind of shitty right-wing eschaton that they stopped paying attention and the outside world just kind of moved on, as it basically just does.

Modern "Conservatism" is a movement of people who never got over the level of maturity or the mentality of a 13-year-old boy or middle school Mean Girl, and it shows.

More to the point they think they're too good to have to persuade anybody of their point of view, and they think the Russians or the State or somebody else should just come along and force it.

And because they absolutely deserve it, their level of social capital has been in free fall for like a couple decades now.

They're finally starting to realize nobody cares what they think (or ever really did, in point of fact.)

And I'm going to warn you right now: They're getting pretty damned omnicidal about it. Their feeling (and yes, it is that) is that if they can't be in charge of everything, then everything must die.

And the funny part is that somebody like Ben Shapiro thinks the people like Diana Henry and Thomas Albert, the rest of the people driving the Republican Party off this cliff...would let him live in their magical little world with its seventy-million little golden emperors and do so without giving up everything that makes him himself.

Republicans have basically become like Ned Flanders from The Simpsons, but only if Ned converted to Radical Islam, joined the Taliban and shot up a bunch of innocent civilians with an AK-47.

And somehow they don't think the rest of us are noticing their "Kill 'em all and let Tailgunner Joe (and/or Old Joe Stalin) sort 'em out" ethic.

Too late, Republicans, we see you.

And there's a lot more of us than there are of them, and this is America.

They're mad that in Ukraine and Georgia and Israel and other places around the world, people fight and march and protest and resist instead of simply submitting to slavery like good little "Conservatives" just so they get to be a better class of slave than some of the other slaves.

These fucking people don't seem to realize that getting to be a better slave than some other slave ain't the same as being free.

In the end, the only people what get to keep living in the Killing Fields on a permanent basis are ever and always the Killers.

Everybody else goes there to die, sooner or later. Maybe that's not a good ideal for a society?

We don't have to put up with this bullshit. So don't. 

It's really that simple.

You either believe in freedom or you don't.


Слава Україна!

And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body.

And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it;

For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.

But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom.

And when they had sung an hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives.

Then saith Jesus unto them, All ye shall be offended because of me this night: for it is written, I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad.

But after I am risen again, I will go before you into Galilee. ~Matthew 26:26-32

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