Wednesday, November 9, 2022

The Scorpion and The Frog. (Election Day 2022 +1)

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.  We didn't pass it on to our children in the bloodstream.  The only way they can inherit the freedom we have known is if we fight for it, protect it, defend it, and then hand it to them with the well fought lessons of how they in their lifetime must do the same.  And if you and I don't do this, then you and I may well spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it once was like in America when men were free. ~Ronald Reagan


Of course I hit him with the car, he might've been the Buddha. Wait, he's still moving? (shifts into Reverse) ~Malkavian Sensei character archetype, from Clanbook: Malkavian

(If You Meet The Buddha On The Road, Kill Him! ~Zen Buddhist Proverb.)

Oh, right, not that kind of Vampire.

Tudor Dixon lost her run for governor.

L...and I cannot stress this enough...OL

Bye, Hoe.

Apparently I was right that a lot of Republicans weren't going to be impressed by Vampire Porn Lady. 

I personally didn't find Tudor pretending to be some kind of Christian Conservative the least bit convincing. 

Nor did I think for a second that anybody whose parents were space cadets enough to name them "Tudor" was going to give a shit about regular people's problems.

More to the point, as far as I'm concerned, Dixon ran a shit campaign and seemed to me to have a stank-ass attitude. Her views on abortion and saying that it was Okay for a 14-year-old to get pregnant pissed me off even more. Kids having kids used to be regarded as a tragedy, even (if not especially) by conservatives.

Gretchen Whitmer, Jocelyn Benson and Dana Nessel all got reelected. More importantly the Michigan legislature flipped Democratic for the first time since 1983.


Dr. Ooze got his ass handed to him by Fetterman in PA, Warnock vs. Walker in GA is going to be a runoff in December, and thus far of all the nutty election deniers, all but one so far have so far lost decisively.

The exception, Hobbs vs. Lake for Governor is still up in the air, but last I knew Hobbs was still ahead. 

Hell, Lauren Boebert appears to still be losing in CO. I don't think anybody expected that.

Republicans had a good night last night in Florida and Texas, and that's about it. Even there, they had some high-profile losses and Democrats had some high-profile wins. Georgia got its first Muslim legislator, the list goes on...

In a good way, for a change.

Overall, it was a good night, I think. While control of Congress is still up in the air, even if Republicans win it's gonna be by a razor-thin margin and they'll be quite unlikely to make too much trouble.

And if they don't get their kooks under control they'll get their ass handed to them in 2024.

And if they do win the House...Elise Stefanik and Marjorie Taylor Greene are probably going to have to fight over which one of them gets to stab Kevin McCarthy in the back.

This isn't going to turn out well...for Republicans.

And as far as I'm concerned they fucking deserve every bit of this shit.

Likewise, I've been seeing that, since MAGA candidates didn't do so well but DeSantis won in Florida and so did his party, lots of the standard Republicans are already trying to canonize Tater as the 2024 nominee.

Good, 'cause Trump is absolutely gonna lose his shit. I've seen more than one person just tonight say that Trump is going to try to burn down the Republican Party if he's not the one getting all the attention, much less the Party's nominee.

Well, as I've said before, Republicans, you fucking asked for it.

I know from bitter personal experience you don't give anybody that has a personality disorder the goddamn time of day.

Yet somehow Republicans not only thought they were going to profit from petting the goddamn scorpion, they thought they would do so infinitely, forever.

Trump told you who he was, even using the parable of the scorpion and the frog as an example.

And you fuckers went for it anyway.

Republicans are nothing but shit, and I say that as a former Republican.

Here's Brigette Gabriel, Arab Christian war-refugee turned pro-Israel far-right war-hawk, saying she thinks the voting age should be raised to 21.

Bitch, the voting age was lowered to 18 because a generation of young American men fought and bled and died in the jungles of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

Not only am I a veteran myself, and knowing of this history from that side...but a hell of a lot of my elders were guys that were scarred, both mentally and physically by that war and I have an uncle I never met who died there.

The voting age was lowered from 21 to 18 by a Constitutional Amendment because of all that and more. All this happened under *Checks Notes* a Republican administration.

And you wanna try and move the goalposts because young people showed up and told your crazy-ass extreme political party to go fuck was their right and as they goddamned well should have??


Whatever else Brigette happens to be, she's a classic modern Republican. She's got hers, so fuck everybody else. She got her nice little slice of America, so fuck all those people trying to get away from the Taliban and Vladimir Putin and every other goddamn thing out there...

And ya know, Republicans, maybe that's why you keep losing.

I mean, what the fuck's in it for the rest of us, anyway??

I'm tired of the Republicans being a party of bitter old white men who literally don't give a shit about the future...or even about honoring commitments made in the past.

So much for "Revealed Truth and the wisdom of our ancestors" Huh?

I'll tell you what, Republicans. If Trump burns down the Republican Party next week or next year because Ron DeSantis is getting some of the attention or Marge slaps some cement shoes on Kevin McCarthy and takes him for a swim in the Potomac and/or y'all keep wrecking yourselves so there's nothing left of the Party Of Lincoln Ayn Rand by 2024 it can't come soon enough for me and I say that as somebody that used to be a Republican

There ain't nothing in modern Republicanism for a working guy like me. I did my part, there's going to come a time I'll need society to make good on its part of the deal.

And Republicans don't want to do that. They want to take that money and those resources...and give them to rich people who don't need them?

For what?

It's like my Grandpa used to say "Remember, brothers, there are others."

The fact that y'all forgot that or decided you didn't want to live in civilization? 

That's on you.

Have fun when civilization punches back.

Слава Україна!

Smug, greedy, well-fed white people have invented a language to conceal their sins. It's as simple as that. The CIA doesn't kill anybody anymore, they neutralize people, or they depopulate the area. The government doesn't lie, it engages in disinformation. The Pentagon actually measures nuclear radiation in something they call sunshine units. Israeli murderers are called commandos, Arab commandos are called terrorists. Contra killers are called freedom fighters. Well, if crime fighters fight crime, and firefighters fight fires, what do freedom fighters fight? ~George Carlin


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