Saturday, June 4, 2022

Bloody Hands, Part Four

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan

I saw this last night.

Former Trump advisor Peter Navarro got arrested for contempt of Congress and lying to the FBI, and he's outraged, outraged I tell you! That his ass got arrested when he was given the opportunity to go and speak for himself (That's what a subpoena is) and refused it. 

He said "They could have just called me..." but they did, and he blew them off.

Action = Consequence, fuck you.

Could have gone like he was supposed to and invoked his Fifth Amendment  right against self-incrimination as much as he wanted and faced no perp walk, no reprisals, indeed such would have been Constitutionally prohibited.

But these fuckers don't want rights.

Because rights are something that everybody has, or is supposed to have, not just them.

Up to and including, yes, a right to not get shot. They don't think anybody but them should have that one.

 They want privileges...and for the rest of us not to have any rights, either. And as Gomer Gohmert here demonstrates, These Fucking People have nothing but contempt for you, for me, for America, for its legal system and the rights it affords both us and them. 

They think they should be able to just lie...up to and including to Congress, their own colleagues in Louie's case...and Law Enforcement with no consequences. 

Seriously, how and why do these fuckers even trust each other??

While they think they should be able to threaten you with assault, with death, with jail, even for defending yourself or your own kids, even against a literal terrorist that they've decided to do nothing about for no better reason than that they are cowards and incompetent.

Doesn't the God these motherfuckers blather on about constantly command that lying and murder are Sins?

Meanwhile anything and everything that they don't like is somehow something something Gazpacho some kind of world-spanning evil conspiracy against them. 

Because argle bargle woo woo oh woe is me a thermostat that's programmed to give a shit about the environment (and oh, by the way, save them money) is somehow a threat to their egos.

Is it just me, or have we reached the point where "Conservative" ideology makes no sense? Note I ask this as a former Republican.

At some point, we're all going to have to wake up and realize that these racist assholes are simply an existential threat to our country, our freedom, and the only ways of living all of us (including them) have ever known. 

And the sick thing is I think a lot of these sons of bitches would be perfectly happy themselves living in a dirt-poor Third World dystopian banana republic that's walled off from the rest of the world.

The kind of place where you have to call the cops and ask for permission to walk down the street so you don't get shot in the face. 

The sort of "People's Republic" where only the 1% get to have anything. 

And the kind of religious "freedom" that means some random priest gets to determine where and how you take a shit in the morning.

Just so long as they could be induced to believe it would somehow spite liberals if they did that.

And yes, that is exactly what this "Own The Libs" garbage will come to if nobody reigns this puerile bullshit in. 

These fucking white idiots will end up being the slaves their own damn selves, and still say "It's better here" because they don't have to look at Black people or LGBT folk or liberals or Mexicans. 

They'd rather be able to imagine they're the only people in the world than be free in a diverse, multicultural, pluralistic society. 

Meanwhile, they hate anybody that stands up for actual democracy and freedom, and these fuckers all but openly romance the Viktor Orbans and Vladimir Putins of the world...and these homophobic morons don't care how gay that sounds.

Don't think they won't try and break off some piece of guess is they'll start with part of Florida...'cause they won't get even the whole state...for their shitty little Absurdistan. 

But ya know, the way these people talk about their ideal vision of sounds to me like what they want is to be in a prison. Except they want to be the gang leaders and the shot-callers who get to butt-rape and murder the rest of us while fascist guards who ain't no more than a gang themselves stand by and do nothing.

Just so they don't get blood on their lily-white hands, or at least nobody tells anybody else if they do and they get a chance to wash up before people see them and they can wash their backstabbing knives clean in the Blood of the Lamb.

And the worst part is, these motherfuckers are too chickenshit to own up to any of this stuff themselves, so lacking in mental fortitude or physical courage that they talk as if one of their own simply getting arrested is the worst thing in the a country where all you have to say is "I want my lawyer" and...especially if you're old, rich and white like Peter have Constitutionally-guaranteed levels of defense against the powers of the State that half the world would kill for.

And the son of a bitch spurned those rights, blew off that system until the State forced the issue and came and got him...and then he proceeded to act as if the State was the one in the wrong for doing what it has to, to preserve its own existence.

Bitch, I've been arrested, by dint of education, inclination and military training (including in law enforcement) I knew damned well what the law and my rights were at the time. It wasn't really that big of a deal, except that I'd already fucked up my life by driving drunk. For all that, I got off pretty damned lightly and I knew it.

But Peter Navarro and those like him? They think laws are for the little people...unless they can just lock us up and throw away the key and get away with it and make a profit off us being there. People like me? We're a threat to people like him just because we believe in something other than his own entitlement.

So, you can imagine just what the hell kind of murderous bullshit he intends for even most of his own supposed friends, much less you or me. These people know each other's sins. Give them their own banana republic where they'd turn schools into prisons and prisons into slave plantations, and I think their politics among themselves could be summed up with: "Insert Knife Here." Except nobody else gets to least not in the power or the profits...only to suffer at the hands of people who think government should only be a malevolent presence in the lives of the common people.

As if we're the evil Galactic Empire from Star Wars, or something.

Fuck these motherfuckers. They are a threat to our country and civilization, and they ought to be treated accordingly.

Either we're a free people or we're not. There's going to be a test on this shit eventually.

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Two there should be. No more, no less. One to embody power, the other to crave it. ~Darth Bane

Part Three

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