God: Ah, how can I permit the suffering?
Jerry Landers: Yeah!
God: I don't permit the suffering, you do. Free will. All the choices are yours.
~From the film Oh God.
I saw this yesterday. Some idiot conservative baseball (and politics) commentator literally joking about the fact that one of President Biden's two rescue dogs has died. As if the death of an innocent animal is funny.
When the inevitable social media backlash happened, he doubled down. It's still ongoing. I had to block and report the fucking asshole, because my own dog passed away a month ago and I'm still dealing with that.
By the way, this chucklefuck writes for the National Review, in case you thought that shit was even worth using to line a ferret cage.
In any case, it's proof of the theory that the cruelty is the goddamned point, in miniature.
This dude thinks other creatures and people's suffering is funny. Of course, people like him anymore tend to think everything is funny, or some strange coincidence or weird conspiracy, because then they don't have to take responsibility for anything in life, not least of all their own shitty behavior. And when they get called out on it, they either blame everybody else but themselves, or double down infinitely in the hope that they can just shout louder than everybody else and their critics will go away.
This is modern conservatism, yo. This is what they've become. It's genuinely hard to say whether the evil or the performative moronism is more of a driving force, as they seem so closely intertwined.
This weekend, Mike Pence got booed and called a traitor at the "Faith and Freedom coalition."So far the "Faith and Freedom coalition" has featured such hits as Dr. Ronny "Candy Man" Jackson, former US Navy doctor and fucking drug dealer who should be in prison instead of Congress, opining that cheating in elections and rigging district maps is fine and the only valid politics is Republican politics, and Rick Scott still bitching about football players "Kneeling for the pledge of Allegiance." Because evidently conservative politics these days not only destroys people's morality, it also eats their brains right out of their damn heads.
You know, just in case you thought faith or freedom mattered worth a shit to these motherfuckers, who have also been quite busy all weekend opining that Juneteenth should not have been made a holiday, even as Rick Scott and Ronny Jackson (among others) were perfectly happy to take the day off themselves.
Of course, last week these same fucking people were all rooting for Vladimir Putin. As if we needed anymore proof that the conservative movement in general and the Republican Party in particular is morphing into an Anti-American and yes, anti-Christian terrorist group and it's not even doing it slowly anymore.
And when I say both Anti-American and Anti-Christian, yes, I mean exactly that.And here's the thing, he thinks you're the stupid one, if you accept modern American society.
Even though he's never lived under anything else, either, even though in the world he wanted, he'd likely end up being the catamite tied to the back of the truck until the local warlord got horny, if he didn't just plain end up dead.
These people somehow end up with massively overinflated views of their own competence and toughness because they watch movies like Die Hard and think they're going to be John McClane.
And the bitter old manipulators who hang back in the shadows are only too happy to whisper in their ears and send them against the rest of us, knowing they'll likely lose, but not caring just the same.
Because the cruelty, the damage done to society, and the death is the fucking point.
And they'll hold up some bloated demented bozo who looks like death warmed over with a coat of orange paint to these illiterate barbarians as their "reward" if they succeed. Worse, the idiots will go for it because the idea of some fool like Donald Trump being in power entertains them or tickles their ears or they want the racism and the stupidity.
And when this horrific bullshit ultimately kills a few thousand US military personnel, tens of thousands of insurgents and hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians regardless of their political persuasion, and inflicts endless horrors on our divided country, people like that Baseball Crank motherfucker and the Bishops will laugh about it if they think no one is listening, because the cruelty and destruction is all they really care about.
This is American Revelation, and cometh hell's legions.
Now what are you going to do about it?
That's not just the real question, it's the only question that even matters.
The martyrs of history were not fools, and our honored dead who gave their lives to stop the advance of the Nazis didn't die in vain. Where, then, is the road to peace? Well, it's a simple answer after all. You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, "There is a price we will not pay." There is a point beyond which they must not advance. This is the meaning in the phrase of Barry Goldwater's "peace through strength." Winston Churchill said that "the destiny of man is not measured by material computation. When great forces are on the move in the world, we learn we are spirits — not animals." And he said, "There is something going on in time and space, and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty." ~Ronald Reagan
You're doing some great writing here. Keep it up